- Swiss system tournaments: 11 rounds (Group A: 15 rounds)
- Tie-breaks: Buchholz, Progressive, Performance
- Time controls:
Group A: 40 moves in 40 minutes
Group B: 40 moves in 30 minutes
Group C: 40 moves in 20 minutes
Group D: 40 moves in 20 minutes
Group E: 40 moves in 20 minutes
Group F: 40 moves in 20 minutes
Group G: 40 moves in 20 minutes
Group H: 40 moves in 20 minutes
Promotion: 40 moves in 20 minutes - Main hashtables size: 256Mb
- Nalimov tablebases (all 3, 4 and 5 men, some 6 men), cache set to 32Mb
- Scorpio egbb by Daniel Shawul (all 3, 4 and 5 men), cache set to 32Mb
- Gaviota tablebaese by Miguel Ballicora (all 3, 4 and 5 men), cache set to 32Mb
- Learning on, ponder on, resign set to -9 (3 fold)
- Engines are allowed to use only 1 CPU
- Engines use their own book, if any
- UCI engines with no book will use my custom tournament Polyglot book, or a Polyglot book provided by the author
- WB engines with no book may use my custom tournament BookThinker book by request from the author
- Promotion tournament: Polyglot and BookThinker opening books are not allowed
- French rules are used for ELO calculation (ELO ratings are not rounded)
- All winboard debug are saved and available upon request
- Engine upgrades are allowed at any time
- Private engines can register, but I will take them in only if I feel they are an original work. Please don't send me clones!
- Please note : I have decided not to spend money on commercial engines any longer. If your engine is commercial and you want to update it, you'll need to send me a free version