Chispa 2.0 needs 2-3 betatesters

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Chispa 2.0 needs 2-3 betatesters

Postby Federico Corigliano » 03 Mar 2003, 05:30

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Federico Corigliano at 03 March 2003 05:30:13:

Hi to all
I'm ready to release Chispa 2.0. But before to do that I need to play a lot of test games to find bugs o blunders made by the engine.
For that I need the help of 2 or 3 persons that can play some games at different time controls against different opponents. The only that interest me is to make Chispa a stable engine and for that I need your help.
If you can help me, send me an e-mail: or, or post a reply to this message.

Chispa Webpage
Federico Corigliano

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