Bullet masters. Jonny - 2483

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Bullet masters. Jonny - 2483

Postby Igor Korshunov » 19 Sep 2004, 20:25

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Igor Korshunov at 19. September 2004 21:25:

Hi All!
Jonny scored 2483!
Jonny has bugs in WB2 support:
- feature myname doesn't contain version info
- doesn't send feature done=1

Opponents 5 times lost on time.

Green Light Chess v3.00        (+ 12,- 39,=  9), 27.5 %
Nejmet 3.07                    (+ 24,- 25,= 11), 49.1 %
Phalanx XXII                   (+ 24,- 27,=  9), 47.5 %
Pepito v1.59 (Conservador)     (+ 19,- 30,= 11), 40.8 %
Gromit 3.8.2                   (+ 31,- 28,=  1), 52.5 %
Pharaon 2.62                   (+ 26,- 23,= 11), 52.5 %
Ruffian 1.0.1                  (+ 18,- 35,=  7), 35.8 %
SmarThink 0.17a                (+ 19,- 33,=  8), 38.3 %
Quark v2.35Paderborn           (+ 31,- 21,=  8), 58.3 %
Tao 5.6                        (+ 24,- 23,= 13), 50.8 %
Delfi 4.5                      (+ 13,- 33,= 14), 33.3 %
WildCat 4                      (+ 20,- 30,= 10), 41.6 %
Yace Paderborn                 (+ 17,- 34,=  9), 35.8 %
Aristarch 4.50 (c) 2004 Stefan Zipproth (+ 13,- 36,= 11), 30.8 %
Abrok 5.0                      (+ 24,- 23,= 13), 50.8 %
Movei 0.08.178                 (+ 31,- 19,= 10), 60 %
Little Goliath 3.9             (+ 31,- 24,=  5), 55.8 %
Pro Deo 1.0                    (+ 23,- 26,= 11), 47.5 %
Ktulu 4.2                      (+ 15,- 33,= 12), 35 %
Thinker 4.6c                   (+ 15,- 38,=  7), 30.8 %
Gothmog 1.0 beta 10            (+ 28,- 23,=  9), 54.1 %

All ratings here: http://www.igorkorshunov.narod.ru/Ratings.html

Next is WBPatriot 0.1.7 light

Best wishes,
Igor Korshunov

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