Test tourney.

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Test tourney.

Postby Leo Dijksman » 26 Sep 2004, 11:55

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Leo Dijksman at 26 September 2004 12:55:31:

Test on Opteron 244, 40/5 and ponder=on.
OPTERON_244B, 2004.09.25 - 2004.09.26
Score Ty Pe To Gh Cy Ki na
1: Tytan 3.93 11.5 / 12 XX 11 =1 11 11 11 11
2: Petir 1.0.1 7.5 / 12 00 XX 10 == =1 11 11
3: Tornado 0.80.17b 6.5 / 12 =0 01 XX 00 1= 1= 11
4: Ghost 0.14 6.5 / 12 00 == 11 XX =0 10 11
5: CyberPagno 2.1 5.0 / 12 00 =0 0= =1 XX 0= 11
6: Kiwi 0.1b 5.0 / 12 00 00 0= 01 1= XX 11
7: nanoSzachy 1.0 0.0 / 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX
42 games: +19 =8 -15
Problems found:
Gost v0.14 lost one game on time!
Chispa 4.0 Pr.1 was taken out (send "feature done=0" to late?).
File: testOpt2.pgn
Level of warnings: 0
Game 3: Ghost 0.14-Petir 1.0.1
1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. Qxd4 Nc6 4. Qe3 Nf6 5. Bd3 Be7 6. c4 Ng4 7. Qe2 Nge5
8. Nf3 d6 9. O-O Bg4 10. Qd1 Nd4 11. Be2 Nxe2+ 12. Qxe2 O-O 13. Nbd2 Bg5
14. h3 Bxd2 15. hxg4 Bxc1 16. Nxe5 Bxb2 17. Qxb2 dxe5 18. Qxe5 Re8 19. Qd5
Qc8 20. Rfe1 Rd8 21. Qf5 Rd4 22. Rac1 Qe8 23. e5 Rad8 24. e6 fxe6 25. Rxe6
Qd7 26. Rce1 Rxc4 27. Qf3 Qb5 28. Re7 Rf8 29. Qe3 Qb6 30. Rd1 Qg6 31. Rdd7
Rxg4 32. Qb3+ Kh8 33. Qf3 Rg8 34. Qxb7 c6 35. g3 Qc2 36. Qb3 Qxb3 37. axb3
a5 38. Rb7 h6 39. Kg2 Rd8 40. Ra7 Rg5 41. f4 Rd2+ 42. Kh3 Rg6 43. Ra8+ Kh7
44. Ree8 Rf6 45. Rh8+ Kg6 46. Rxa5 Rd7 47. b4 Rb7 48. Rd8 Rxb4 49. Ra7 Kh7
50. Rdd7 Rg6 51. f5 Rg5 52. f6 Rh5+ 53. Kg2 Rb2+ 54. Kf3 Rf5+ 55. Ke4 Rxf6
56. Rxg7+ Kh8 57. Ke5 Rbf2 58. g4 Rf1 59. Rgc7 Rg6 60. Ra8+ Rg8 61. Rxg8+
Kxg8 62. Rxc6 Kg7 63. Ra6 Re1+ 64. Kf4 Rf1+ 65. Kg3 Rg1+ 66. Kh3 Rf1 67.
Kg3 Rg1+ 68. Kh3 Rf1 69. Kg2 Rf6 70. Ra5 Kg6 71. Rb5 Rf4 72. Kh3 Rf1 73.
Rd5 Rg1 74. Rd7 Kg5 75. Rg7+ Kf4 76. Rf7+ Ke4 77. Rf6 Ke5 78. Rf5+ Ke4 79.
Rf7 Rd1 80. Rf2 Re1 81. Kh2 Rd1 82. Rf6 Rc1 83. Kg3 Rg1+ 84. Kh3 Ke3 85.
Rf8 Ke4 86. Rf7 Rd1 87. Kh2 Rd2+ 88. Kg3 Rd3+ 89. Kh4 Rd6 90. Kh5 Ke5 91.
Rf2 Ke4 92. Rf5 Re6 93. Rf7 Ke5 94. Rf1 Rc6 95. Rf2 Ke4 96. Rd2 Kf3 97.
Rd3+ Kf4 98. Rd4+ Ke3 99. Rd7 Rc4 100. Rd6 Kf3 101. Rd3+ Ke4 102. Rb3 Rc6
103. Rb1 Rd6 104. Rf1 Ke5 105. Rf3 Ke4 106. Rf2 Ke3 107. Rf8 Ke4 108. Rh8
Kf4 109. Rxh6 Rxh6+ 110. Kxh6
Result :1/2-1/2
Warning level :3
Final position: 8/8/7K/8/5kP1/8/8/8 b - - 0 110
Analyze result:* {no draw found}
Game 50: Petir 1.0.1-CyberPagno 2.1
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. d4 e6 6. dxc5 Bxc5 7. e4 Nxc3
8. Qxd8+ Kxd8 9. bxc3 b6 10. Bd3 Ba6 11. Bxa6 Nxa6 12. O-O Ke7 13. Rd1 f6
14. Nd4 Rac8 15. Nb5 Rhd8 16. Bf4 e5 17. Bg3 Rxd1+ 18. Rxd1 Nc7 19. Nxa7
Ra8 20. Nc6+ Kf8 21. Rd8+ Rxd8 22. Nxd8 Nb5 23. Ne6+ Kf7 24. Nxc5 bxc5 25.
a4 Nxc3 26. a5 c4 27. a6 Nb5 28. Kf1 Ke6 29. f3 Kd6 30. f4 exf4 31. Bxf4+
Kc6 32. Be3 Nc3 33. g4 Nxe4 34. Ke2 Nc3+ 35. Kd2 Nb5 36. Bf2 g6 37. h3 f5
38. gxf5 gxf5 39. h4 f4 40. Ke2 Nc7 41. a7 Kb7 42. h5 Nb5 43. Kf3 c3 44.
Kxf4 c2 45. Be3 Nd4 46. Kg5 Ka8 47. Kf6 Kb7 48. h6 Ka8 49. Kf7 Nf5 50. Bc1
Kxa7 51. Kf6 Nxh6 52. Bxh6 Kb6 53. Be3+ Kb5 54. Ke5 Kc4 55. Ke4 h5 56. Bc1
Kb3 57. Kf5 Ka2 58. Be3 Kb1 59. Kg5 c1=Q 60. Bxc1 Kxc1
Result :1/2-1/2
Warning level :3
Final position: 8/8/8/6Kp/8/8/8/2k5 w - - 0 61
Analyze result:* {no draw found}
2 warnings/errors found
In both cases Petir claims the draw, seems ok because he want to take the last pawn with his next move!?
Best wishes,

WBEC Ridderkerk homepage.
Leo Dijksman

Re: Test tourney.

Postby Peter Aloysius » 26 Sep 2004, 12:35

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Peter Aloysius at 26 September 2004 13:35:54:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Test tourney. geschrieben von:/posted by: Leo Dijksman at 26 September 2004 12:55:31:
In both cases Petir claims the draw, seems ok because he want to take the last pawn with his next move!?
that problem has been fixed in Petir 1.0.2
Peter Aloysius

Re: Test tourney.

Postby Leo Dijksman » 26 Sep 2004, 13:14

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Leo Dijksman at 26 September 2004 14:14:05:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Test tourney. geschrieben von:/posted by: Peter Aloysius at 26 September 2004 13:35:54:
In both cases Petir claims the draw, seems ok because he want to take the last pawn with his next move!?
that problem has been fixed in Petir 1.0.2
Thanks Peter!
v1.0.2 will play next time :)
btw. You forgot to change the "my name" feature, it still says its Petir 1.0!
Best wishes,

WBEC Ridderkerk homepage.
Leo Dijksman

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