RWBC new results

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RWBC new results

Postby Günther Simon » 28 Sep 2004, 07:17

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Günther Simon at 28 September 2004 08:17:47:

RWBC Class A 4th Edition - Round 9
177.Bringer_19                  -  Amyan_1594                   [ 81] 0-1 D30 (rbn4:rbn4)
178.Movei_008251s               -  Terra_33b11                  [108] =-= D85 (b2:b2)
179.Gromit_382                  -  LittleGoliathRevival_311r14  [ 56] 1-0 B14 (b1:n)
180.Zappa_070b                  -  Nejmet_307                   [176] =-= D44 (b:b1)
181.Abrok_50                    -  KingOfKings_256              [ 43] 0-1 D97 (rn3:R3)
182.Leila_053h                  -  Pepito_159IP(Conservador)    [ 65] 0-1 D20 (:q1)
183.GreenLightChess_3034        -  Gandalf_432h                 [ 65] 1-0 B85 (rb2:r2)
184.Yace_09987                  -  FrancescaMAD_009             [ 65] =-= E15 (qr3:qr4)
185.Delfi_45                    -  ZChess_222                   [ 65] 1-0 D95 (rb1:r)
186.AnMon_540                   -  Quark_235Paderborn           [ 73] 1-0 C91 (qB1:b)
187.Amy_087NetDC                -  Gothmog_10b10                [ 70] 0-1 D53 (r2:r1)*T Amy lost on time in drawish position
188.WBNimzo2000b                -  Baron_141b1                  [ 63] 1-0 A52 (qr2:q3)
189.Tao_56                      -  Comet_B68                    [ 47] 1-0 B83 (qrn4:qrb4)
190.WildCat_40                  -  SlowChess_294                [ 38] 1-0 B12 (qrn5:Rb4)
191.Patriot_130                 -  List_512                     [110] =-= C11 (:)
192.Crafty_1917PS               -  Pharaon_300b                 [ 76] 1-0 D46 (B1:n1)
193.DeepSjeng_16                -  Rebel_1201B9                 [ 61] 1-0 D20 (Q2:3)
194.TheKing_323SKR              -  Thinker_46c                  [ 75] =-= D85 (q2:q2)
195.Ktulu_51                    -  SmarThink_017a               [ 67] =-= A52 (4:4)
196.Ruffian_210                 -  Aristarch_450                [173] =-= A07 (b:)
197.SOS_4                       -  ProDeo_10                    [ 87] 1-0 D27 (q1:1)
198.LambChop_1099               -  Shredder_6Paderborn          [ 72] 0-1 D34 (qrb2:qr2)
RWBC Class A 4th Edition - Round 10
 1 Lambchop_1099,              NZ    [6.5]     :     SOS_4,                 DE    [7.5]
 2 Ruffian_210,                SE    [6]       :     Shredder_6Paderborn,   DE    [7.5]
 3 Aristarch_450,              DE    [6]       :     Ktulu_51,              IR    [6]  
 4 SmarThink_017a,             RU    [6]       :     DeepSjeng_16,          BE    [5.5]
 5 ProDeo_10,                  NL    [5.5]     :     TheKing_323SKR,        NL    [5.5]
 6 Thinker_46c,                CA    [5.5]     :     Crafty_1917PS,         US    [5.5]
 7 WBNimzo2000b,               AT    [5]       :     Wildcat_40,            BL    [5.5]
 8 Gothmog_10b10,              NO    [5]       :     Patriot_130,           RU    [5]  
 9 List_512,                   DE    [5]       :     Tao_56,                NL    [5]  
10 Rebel_1201B9,               NL    [4.5]     :     GreenLightChess_3034,  UK    [4.5]
11 SlowChess_294,              US    [4.5]     :     Delfi_45,              IT    [4.5]
12 Pepito_159IP(Conservador),  ES    [4.5]     :     Pharaon_300b,          FR    [4.5]
13 Baron_141b1,                NL    [4]       :     AnMon_540,             FR    [4.5]
14 Comet_B68,                  DE    [4]       :     Yace_9987,             DE    [4]  
15 FrancescaMad_009,           UK    [4]       :     Amy_087NetDC,          DE    [4]  
16 Gandalf_432h,               DK    [3.5]     :     KingOfKings_256,       CA    [4]  
17 Quark_235Paderborn,         DE    [3.5]     :     Nejmet_307,            FR    [3.5]
18 ZChess_222,                 FR    [3.5]     :     Gromit_382,            DE    [3.5]
19 Bringer_19,                 DE    [2.5]     :     Abrok_50,              DE    [3]  
20 Terra_33b11,                SE    [3]       :     Amyan_1594,            CL    [2.5]
21 Zappa_070b,                 US    [3]       :     Movei_008251s,         IS    [2.5]
22 LittleGoliathRevival_311r,  DE    [2]       :     Leila_053h,            IT    [3]  
Place Name                        Feder Author                    Score   M-Buch. Buch.
  1   Shredder_6Paderborn,        DE    Stefan Meyer-Kahlen        7.5      41.0  52.0
  2   SOS_4,                      DE    Rudolf Huber               7.5      38.5  49.5
  3   Lambchop_1099,              NZ    Peter McKenzie             6.5      41.5  52.0
  4   SmarThink_017a,             RU    Sergei Markov              6.0      42.5  52.5
  5   Ruffian_210,                SE    Per-Ola Valfridsson        6.0      40.5  50.0
      Ktulu_51,                   IR    Rahman Paidar              6.0      40.5  50.0
  7   Aristarch_450,              DE    Stefan Zipproth            6.0      39.5  50.0
  8   ProDeo_10,                  NL    Ed Schroeder               5.5      44.5  56.0
  9   Thinker_46c,                CA    Lance Perkins              5.5      42.5  52.0
 10   TheKing_323SKR,             NL    Johan de Koning            5.5      38.5  47.5
 11   Wildcat_40,                 BL    Igor Korshunov             5.5      37.5  47.0
 12   DeepSjeng_16,               BE    Gian-Carlo Pascutto        5.5      33.5  42.0
 13   Crafty_1917PS,              US    Robert Hyatt               5.5      32.0  40.5
 14   List_512,                   DE    Fritz Reul                 5.0      41.0  52.0
 15   Patriot_130,                RU    Vladimir Yelin             5.0      40.0  49.0
 16   WBNimzo2000b,               AT    Christian Donninger        5.0      39.0  49.5
 17   Gothmog_10b10,              NO    Tord Romstad               5.0      34.5  43.5
 18   Tao_56,                     NL    Bas Hamstra                5.0      31.5  39.5
 19   Rebel_1201B9,               NL    Ed Schroeder               4.5      44.5  55.5
 20   Pharaon_300b,               FR    Franck Zibi                4.5      43.0  55.0
 21   SlowChess_294,              US    Jonathan Kreuzer           4.5      42.5  52.5
 22   Pepito_159IP(Conservador),  ES    Carlos del Cacho           4.5      36.5  45.5
 23   Delfi_45,                   IT    Fabio Cavicchio            4.5      33.5  42.0
 24   AnMon_540,                  FR    Christian Barreteau        4.5      33.0  41.5
 25   GreenLightChess_3034,       UK    Tim Foden                  4.5      31.0  39.0
 26   FrancescaMad_009,           UK    Tom King                   4.0      41.0  52.5
 27   Amy_087NetDC,               DE    Thorsten Greiner           4.0      39.5  48.0
 28   Baron_141b1,                NL    Richard Pijl               4.0      36.0  44.0
 29   Comet_B68,                  DE    Uli Tuerke                 4.0      33.5  43.5
 30   KingOfKings_256,            CA    Veluri Kundinya            4.0      33.0  43.0
 31   Yace_9987,                  DE    Dieter Buerssner           4.0      31.0  39.5
 32   Gandalf_432h,               DK    Steen Surballe             3.5      42.0  52.5
 33   Nejmet_307,                 FR    Jean-Christophe Gabillard  3.5      33.5  42.0
 34  &#32
Günther Simon

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