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Re: Wb2Uci and King

Postby Thomas Lagershausen » 24 Sep 2002, 17:39

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Thomas Lagershausen at 24 September 2002 18:39:19:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: Wb2Uci and King geschrieben von: / posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 24 September 2002 09:25:08:
First thanks a lot for this amazing tool.
It makes that i can analyze with this fantastic king-engine under Fritz and the shredder-gui.
Now for my problem.
With all versions of your adapter the king-engine stops always(!) thinking in analyze-mode after between about 44 and 72 minutes(hardware:Athlon 1,5 Ghz).
I am a tournament player and love it to let two programs run the whole night on a position.
It would be a dream if you can find the problem.
With the inbetween ini it works, but the WB2Uci tool is off course better.
Thomas Lagershausen
I use the analyze function of the engine for 'go infinity' that is the analysis in Fritz.
I will check it up.
There is a switch for it but it is on as default.
To simulate the analyze function for engines without this build in you have to set it to false. Then I have seen that it could stop.
I guess I have never had time to test it for so long time :)
I set it on tonigh so I can read the log-file tomorrow.
Wich version? I test the newest (The King 3.23 or CM9000).
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar
It´s fantastic that you notice my problem.
The case is with both versions of king (3.12 and 3.23)
Here is my eng:
Name=The King 3.23
Author=Johan de Koning, NED
InitString=/xboard := xboard\npost\nnew\ncm_parm default\ncm_parm opk=421666 tts=33554432
HashCommand=hash %iM
Thanks for all.
Thomas L.
It did not stop during the night here. I used a bit easier eng file but only yuor initstring and hashcommand is somewhat wrong but it should not result in
this stop.
Name=The King 3.23
Author=Johan de Koning
InitString=cm_parm default\ncm_parm opk=xxx
HashCommand=cm_parm tts=%i004096
Then I set it up inside Fritz to use 16MB hashtable size.
I will see when I get home if it still running.
I checked the logfile ind it use the right 'analyze' function.
Odd Gunnar
Oh boy.
Analyze=true solved all my problems.
I am so glad you can´t imagine.
So sorry that i have made you so much work.
But one little thing i have noticed:
The betaversion of september didn´t show the move from the start in the display.
Please notice i don´t mean the variationdisplay.This changes immedialtly by playing forward one move.This is the case in the shredder-classic gui,but i pressume it should be the same under the fritz-gui.
Have a good time.
Thomas Lagershausen

Re: Wb2Uci and King

Postby Odd Gunnar Malin » 24 Sep 2002, 17:59

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 24 September 2002 18:59:26:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: Wb2Uci and King geschrieben von: / posted by: Thomas Lagershausen at 24 September 2002 18:39:19:
First thanks a lot for this amazing tool.
It makes that i can analyze with this fantastic king-engine under Fritz and the shredder-gui.
Now for my problem.
With all versions of your adapter the king-engine stops always(!) thinking in analyze-mode after between about 44 and 72 minutes(hardware:Athlon 1,5 Ghz).
I am a tournament player and love it to let two programs run the whole night on a position.
It would be a dream if you can find the problem.
With the inbetween ini it works, but the WB2Uci tool is off course better.
Thomas Lagershausen
I use the analyze function of the engine for 'go infinity' that is the analysis in Fritz.
I will check it up.
There is a switch for it but it is on as default.
To simulate the analyze function for engines without this build in you have to set it to false. Then I have seen that it could stop.
I guess I have never had time to test it for so long time :)
I set it on tonigh so I can read the log-file tomorrow.
Wich version? I test the newest (The King 3.23 or CM9000).
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar
It´s fantastic that you notice my problem.
The case is with both versions of king (3.12 and 3.23)
Here is my eng:
Name=The King 3.23
Author=Johan de Koning, NED
InitString=/xboard := xboard\npost\nnew\ncm_parm default\ncm_parm opk=421666 tts=33554432
HashCommand=hash %iM
Thanks for all.
Thomas L.
It did not stop during the night here. I used a bit easier eng file but only yuor initstring and hashcommand is somewhat wrong but it should not result in
this stop.
Name=The King 3.23
Author=Johan de Koning
InitString=cm_parm default\ncm_parm opk=xxx
HashCommand=cm_parm tts=%i004096
Then I set it up inside Fritz to use 16MB hashtable size.
I will see when I get home if it still running.
I checked the logfile ind it use the right 'analyze' function.
Odd Gunnar
Oh boy.
Analyze=true solved all my problems.
I am so glad you can´t imagine.
So sorry that i have made you so much work.
But one little thing i have noticed:
The betaversion of september didn´t show the move from the start in the display.
Please notice i don´t mean the variationdisplay.This changes immedialtly by playing forward one move.This is the case in the shredder-classic gui,but i pressume it should be the same under the fritz-gui.
Have a good time.
Nice, then I stop my test.
It was running for 16 hour without ShowThinkingMove
And now two hour with this enabled.
No stop in any of these test.
I will test a bit in Shredder to see if find something there.
Odd Gunnar
(The long run didn't bother me at all, it's only the machine that work. I',m only take a snap on the logfile inbetween.)
Odd Gunnar Malin

Re: Wb2Uci and King

Postby Odd Gunnar Malin » 24 Sep 2002, 18:49

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 24 September 2002 19:49:58:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: Wb2Uci and King geschrieben von: / posted by: Thomas Lagershausen at 24 September 2002 18:39:19:
First thanks a lot for this amazing tool.
It makes that i can analyze with this fantastic king-engine under Fritz and the shredder-gui.
Now for my problem.
With all versions of your adapter the king-engine stops always(!) thinking in analyze-mode after between about 44 and 72 minutes(hardware:Athlon 1,5 Ghz).
I am a tournament player and love it to let two programs run the whole night on a position.
It would be a dream if you can find the problem.
With the inbetween ini it works, but the WB2Uci tool is off course better.
Thomas Lagershausen
I use the analyze function of the engine for 'go infinity' that is the analysis in Fritz.
I will check it up.
There is a switch for it but it is on as default.
To simulate the analyze function for engines without this build in you have to set it to false. Then I have seen that it could stop.
I guess I have never had time to test it for so long time :)
I set it on tonigh so I can read the log-file tomorrow.
Wich version? I test the newest (The King 3.23 or CM9000).
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar
It´s fantastic that you notice my problem.
The case is with both versions of king (3.12 and 3.23)
Here is my eng:
Name=The King 3.23
Author=Johan de Koning, NED
InitString=/xboard := xboard\npost\nnew\ncm_parm default\ncm_parm opk=421666 tts=33554432
HashCommand=hash %iM
Thanks for all.
Thomas L.
It did not stop during the night here. I used a bit easier eng file but only yuor initstring and hashcommand is somewhat wrong but it should not result in
this stop.
Name=The King 3.23
Author=Johan de Koning
InitString=cm_parm default\ncm_parm opk=xxx
HashCommand=cm_parm tts=%i004096
Then I set it up inside Fritz to use 16MB hashtable size.
I will see when I get home if it still running.
I checked the logfile ind it use the right 'analyze' function.
Odd Gunnar
Oh boy.
Analyze=true solved all my problems.
I am so glad you can´t imagine.
So sorry that i have made you so much work.
But one little thing i have noticed:
The betaversion of september didn´t show the move from the start in the display.
Please notice i don´t mean the variationdisplay.This changes immedialtly by playing forward one move.This is the case in the shredder-classic gui,but i pressume it should be the same under the fritz-gui.
Have a good time.
Thanks for the error report.
It's found and fixed.
Link to latest beta: Wb2UciBeta.zip
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar Malin


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