AC1 Winboard KO Tournament by Alexandre Côme
15min+3sec on Winboard 4.0.2, AMD K6 II 350 Mhz, 16MB for Hash Table, Ponder Off
Final Turn in 20 games:
Comet B05 - Phalanx 21 = 11-9
Comet B05 win AC1 Winboard KO Tournament
For Frank Quisinsky: Where can I send you games in pgn?
Best Regards,
Alexandre Côme
Hello Alexandre and Carlos,
Alexandre, please send me the games in PGN to my eMail adress.
Thanks for this, I make then an HTML site from your tournament.
Carlos, I become your eMails but not the attach file. I hope this is not a problem from my provider.
I see that you will send the attach file but I have not an idea why I become not this data
Kind regards