Hello Dann, Hello Pete !
I working 2 hours with the configuration from GNUChess 5.0.
My problem is the adjustable hashtables !
OK, when I start Gnuchess in the text mode I can adjustable the hashtables with the command hashsize !
1.500.000 = 32 MB 1.045.676 slots, transposition table 32.768k and 2.041k pawn hash table !
When I startet without the parameter hashsize = x (n) Gnuchess use ...
2.048k transpostion table and 2.041k pawn hash table !
This is good !
But we can I adjustable the hashtables under WinBoard ?
Here I see the parameter xboard for play under WinBoard !
And when I startet with ...
\"GnuChess5 xboard hashsize 1500000\" /sd=d:\\WinBoard\\GnuChess
Gnuchess play with 2.048k transpostion table and 2.041k pawn hash table (
I make this with ...
-hashsize 1500000
/hashsize 1500000
/please running 1500000
and and and, not better result
I have not more further ideas, I mean the readme text and I
Dann, Pete can you help me ?
Kind regards