Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Dann Corbit at 06 June 2000 23:49:31:
I seem to see the latest version of Crux occasionally emit a quit message before the game is completed. Has anyone else seen this?
My FTP site
Hi, Dann!I seem to see the latest version of Crux occasionally emit a quit message before the game is completed. Has anyone else seen this?
Here is a game that shows the problem:I seem to see the latest version of Crux occasionally emit a quit message before the game is completed. Has anyone else seen this?
Here is a game that shows the problem:I seem to see the latest version of Crux occasionally emit a quit message before the game is completed. Has anyone else seen this?
[Event "Computer chess game"]
[Site "DCORBIT"]
[Date "2000.06.06"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Crafty"]
[Black "Crux"]
[Result "*"]
[TimeControl "300"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Bd3 Qc7 6. O-O Bc5 7. Nb3 Bd6
8. f4 Qb6+ 9. Rf2 a5 10. e5 a4 11. exd6 axb3 12. cxb3 Nf6 13. Nc3 Qxd6 14.
Nb5 Qc6 15. Be3 O-O 16. Rc2 Qa6 17. Nc7 Qa5 18. b4 Qa4 19. Bc5 d6 20. Bxd6
Qa7+ 21. Bc5 b6 22. Bxf8 Ba6 23. Nxa8 Qxa8 24. Rac1 Bxd3 25. Qxd3 Ne8 26.
Rc8 Qa4 27. Bd6
And here is the tail end of the Winboard.debug log:
otim 17299
1573304 >second: f8d6
1573474 1573494 1573494 1573494 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573514 1573604 1573604 1573624 1573634 1573644 1573644 1573664 1573774 1574185 1575847 1577379 Fatal Error: Error: second chess program (Crux -xboard -hash32) exited unexpectedly
1577410 >first : force
Interrupting second
1577410 >second: force
1577410 >first : quit
1577410 >second: quit
I will forward relevant data to S. L.
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