...Crux Chess for Windows 1.3 is available...

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...Crux Chess for Windows 1.3 is available...

Postby the novelty : WYx » 04 Dec 2000, 10:26

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: the novelty : WYx at 04 December 2000 10:26:02:
new GUI, improvements:
-"multilanguage" support (6 language modul!)
-"keyfile generation" support
-"hotkey" support
-show chess clocks
-game per minutes mode
-new 4.4b engine

and new Tournament book !
I hope, usable for you!
the novelty : WYx

Re: ...Crux Chess for Windows 1.3 is available...

Postby Martin G » 05 Dec 2000, 03:23

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Martin G at 05 December 2000 03:23:09:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: ...Crux Chess for Windows 1.3 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: the novelty : WYx at 04 December 2000 10:26:02:
Congrats, on a new and improved version.
(1) Crux (playing black) tends to move away its Knight from f6 after castling kingside. A Knight at f6 near the castled King is in a good position, but Crux tends to move it away once out of opening phase.
(2) If you want to take back a move using the backward key on the keyboard, Crux will bring you all the way to board starting position instead of just 1 move back.
(3) Some spelling errors in the license agreement are spotted:


new GUI, improvements:
-"multilanguage" support (6 language modul!)
-"keyfile generation" support
-"hotkey" support
-show chess clocks
-game per minutes mode
-new 4.4b engine

and new Tournament book !
I hope, usable for you!
Martin G

Re: ...Crux Chess for Windows 1.3 is available...

Postby WYx » 06 Dec 2000, 09:06

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 06 December 2000 09:06:50:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: ...Crux Chess for Windows 1.3 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: Martin G at 05 December 2000 03:23:09:
Congrats, on a new and improved version.
(1) Crux (playing black) tends to move away its Knight from f6 after castling kingside. A Knight at f6 near the castled King is in a good position, but Crux tends to move it away once out of opening phase.
(2) If you want to take back a move using the backward key on the keyboard, Crux will bring you all the way to board starting position instead of just 1 move back.
(3) Some spelling errors in the license agreement are spotted:
what is a time control?
and please FEN position sending...
if you uses cursors and END, HOME PUP, PDN keys, Crux take back a move normal.
The starting position coming not back.
thanx, i'm fixing...


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