King of Kings 1.96 Released

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King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Koundinya Veluri » 31 Jul 2001, 21:18

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 31 July 2001 22:18:37:
Hi all, I uploaded King of Kings 1.96 to my web site,
It now uses an opening book and supports Nalimov endgame tablebases.
It also has a book creating utility to create books from PGN files.
Additionally, I added some more knowledge and fixed a couple of bugs in detection of insufficient mating material.
Koundinya Veluri

King of Kings Homepage
Koundinya Veluri

Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Dann Corbit » 01 Aug 2001, 03:32

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Dann Corbit at 01 August 2001 04:32:00:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: King of Kings 1.96 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 31 July 2001 22:18:37:
Hi all, I uploaded King of Kings 1.96 to my web site,
It now uses an opening book and supports Nalimov endgame tablebases.
It also has a book creating utility to create books from PGN files.
Additionally, I added some more knowledge and fixed a couple of bugs in detection of insufficient mating material.
When I start the GUI, it seems to read the ini file and locate the tablebase files, etc.
I don't think the winboard engine finds them. No idea why.

My Ftp Site
Dann Corbit

Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Koundinya Veluri » 01 Aug 2001, 04:26

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 01 August 2001 05:26:20:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Dann Corbit at 01 August 2001 04:32:00:
Hi all, I uploaded King of Kings 1.96 to my web site,
It now uses an opening book and supports Nalimov endgame tablebases.
It also has a book creating utility to create books from PGN files.
Additionally, I added some more knowledge and fixed a couple of bugs in detection of insufficient mating material.
When I start the GUI, it seems to read the ini file and locate the tablebase files, etc.
I don't think the winboard engine finds them. No idea why.
It is loading them on my computer so I'm assuming this might be the problem:
At first, I made the console version load the egtb's on startup as well, but while it was loading, winboard would send the protover command and the engine would not be able to reply with a feature command soon enough, so instead I made it load the egtb's after sending the feature command.
When you type:
protover 2
It should start loading the egtb's. Does this solve the problem?

My Homepage
Koundinya Veluri

Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Dann Corbit » 01 Aug 2001, 04:46

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Dann Corbit at 01 August 2001 05:46:11:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 01 August 2001 05:26:20:
Hi all, I uploaded King of Kings 1.96 to my web site,
It now uses an opening book and supports Nalimov endgame tablebases.
It also has a book creating utility to create books from PGN files.
Additionally, I added some more knowledge and fixed a couple of bugs in detection of insufficient mating material.
When I start the GUI, it seems to read the ini file and locate the tablebase files, etc.
I don't think the winboard engine finds them. No idea why.
It is loading them on my computer so I'm assuming this might be the problem:
At first, I made the console version load the egtb's on startup as well, but while it was loading, winboard would send the protover command and the engine would not be able to reply with a feature command soon enough, so instead I made it load the egtb's after sending the feature command.
When you type:
protover 2
It should start loading the egtb's. Does this solve the problem?
That's got it. I suspect loading late might cause problems, but maybe not. At any rate, I just guessed wrong that I would hear some grinding when I started KOK-e up.

My Ftp Site
Dann Corbit

Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Koundinya Veluri » 01 Aug 2001, 06:04

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 01 August 2001 07:04:21:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Dann Corbit at 01 August 2001 05:46:11:
That's got it. I suspect loading late might cause problems, but maybe not. At any rate, I just guessed wrong that I would hear some grinding when I started KOK-e up.
Actually all the other programs load them early and somehow they don't have problems. When I load early in mine, first, it doesn't send the feature command soon enough so winboard assumes protocol version 1 (which mine does not support), and second, when my program loads the settings, it displays "OK" messages if the settings loaded properly. But by the time the egtb's finish loading, winboard is already expecting a move and since it assumed protocol version 1, it assumes the "OK" is a move and trys to interpret it, causing error messages to display. It was all ugly and loading the egtb's late was one way to fix it, but now the only problem is that it loses some time before making its first move.
Anyway, if it causes problems, let me know, I'll try to find another solution.

My Homepage
Koundinya Veluri

Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Miguel A. Ballicora » 01 Aug 2001, 06:15

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Miguel A. Ballicora at 01 August 2001 07:15:00:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 01 August 2001 07:04:21:
That's got it. I suspect loading late might cause problems, but maybe not. At any rate, I just guessed wrong that I would hear some grinding when I started KOK-e up.
Actually all the other programs load them early and somehow they don't have problems. When I load early in mine, first, it doesn't send the feature command soon enough so winboard assumes protocol version 1 (which mine does not support), and second, when my program loads the settings, it displays "OK" messages if the settings loaded properly. But by the time the egtb's finish loading, winboard is already expecting a move and since it assumed protocol version 1, it assumes the "OK" is a move and trys to interpret it, causing error messages to display. It was all ugly and loading the egtb's late was one way to fix it, but now the only problem is that it loses some time before making its first move.
Anyway, if it causes problems, let me know, I'll try to find another solution.
What if you use feature done=0 and feature done=1?
Miguel A. Ballicora

Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released

Postby Koundinya Veluri » 01 Aug 2001, 09:01

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Koundinya Veluri at 01 August 2001 10:01:52:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: King of Kings 1.96 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Miguel A. Ballicora at 01 August 2001 07:15:00:
What if you use feature done=0 and feature done=1?
Good point! Thanks a lot!

My Homepage
Koundinya Veluri

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