Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Daniel Shawul at 04 February 2004 05:22:03:
Hi All
This is an email approval from Dann Corbit.
DanChess is not a clone. It is crystal clear to me that Daniel Shawul
has read the crafty code. For instance, DanChess and Crafty are the
only programs that I know of that go out of the way to detect stonewall
/////////// code of the two programs is cut
However, all the implementations of crafty ideas that I saw were
symbolic in nature (that is, a transplant of ideas and never a
transplant of code).
The sudden jump in code size is due to the addition of Eugene Nalimov's
EGTB code.
The engine itself is an interesting one, with a hybrid of mailbox and
bitboard for the engine (I have never seen that combination before,
though bitboard+0x88 is not unheard of).
The data structures are always different (in some areas extremely
different). For instance, Dan does have a tree (like crafty) but it
holds much less and very different data.
My conclusion:
DanChess is not a clone.
You will benefit greatly from a few profiler runs.
Feel free to pass my conclusions on to anyone you like. You may quote
this email in full or in part as you like.
I have informed some others who had questions about the nature of your
program of my findings.
Thanks Dann for your fair decision!!!!!!!
Enjoy DanChess everybody!!
Daniel Shawul