Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Claude Dubois at 06 February 2004 17:22:26:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: New version of DrunkenMaster geschrieben von: / posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 06 February 2004 15:45:18:
A new version DrunkenMaster 0.9 is available at the usual place. I think it is a little better than the previous version. There is also a linux version available for download, one or two people might be interested in that.
Changes include:
- now comes with an init file, hash size can be configured there.
- max hash size raised to 64 Mbytes
- Opening book is a little larger but still quite small at less than 6000 positions.
Let me know if anyone has problems with it.
Hello Marcus,
Thanks for your new version.
To have a look if all is ok, I make first a little test with the tempo 1'/40 moves. It's not important but I can have a little control if the engine is working, how is the evaluation and so on.
Ruffian 2.0.0 is my stallion to have a control and he is very strong. He win almost all the games and when he loses, it's not frequent.
1'/40 moves is not very important but DrunkenMaster 0.9 has made a good performance. It's only for your eyes Marcus. After the win against AnMon 5.07, DrunkenMaster is making another surprise.
I have used DrunkenMaster 0.9 with dm.ini to have the right size to 64 Mb hash.
[Event "Essai SB-8"]
[Site "Le Locle"]
[Date "2004.02.06"]
[Round "2.1"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 0.9 W2U"]
[Black "Ruffian 2.0.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B90"]
[PlyCount "101"]
[EventDate "2004.02.06"]
[Source "Dubois"]
[TimeControl "40/60:0/0:0/0"]
1. e4 {0.01/1 0} c5 {0.01/0 0} 2. Nf3 {0.01/1 0} d6 {0.01/0 0} 3. d4 {0.01/1 0}
Nf6 {0.01/0 0} 4. Nc3 {0.00/1 0} cxd4 {0.01/0 0} 5. Nxd4 {0.01/1 0} a6 {
0.01/0 0} 6. Be3 {0.01/1 0} e5 {0.01/0 0} 7. Nb3 {0.00/1 0} Be6 {0.01/0 0} 8.
f3 {0.00/1 0} Nbd7 {0.01/0 0} 9. g4 {0.01/1 0} h6 {0.01/0 0} 10. Qd2 {0.01/1 0}
Be7 {0.01/0 0} 11. Nd5 {0.00/6 2} Bxd5 {-0.05/8 1} 12. exd5 {-0.03/6 2} e4 {
(a5) -0.15/8 2} 13. fxe4 {-0.06/7 2} Nxg4 {-0.12/9 2} 14. Bd4 {-0.08/6 2} Bg5 {
(Nde5) -0.15/8 1} 15. Qb4 {(Qg2) 0.54/6 2} O-O {(Bh4+) -0.21/7 0} 16. Qxd6 {
1.28/6 2} Re8 {(Bh4+) -0.06/8 2} 17. Bd3 {1.18/6 2} Nge5 {(Nde5) -0.07/8 2} 18.
Qb4 {(Bxe5) 1.00/6 2} Qf6 {(Nf3+) -0.28/8 5} 19. Rf1 {1.11/6 2} Bh4+ {-0.72/8 1
} 20. Ke2 {0.75/7 2} Nxd3 {(Qg5) -0.40/9 2} 21. Kxd3 {1.21/6 2} Qg6 {-0.13/11 8
} 22. Nd2 {1.38/6 2} Bg5 {(b6) -0.13/8 2} 23. Rae1 {(c4) 1.22/7 2} b5 {
-0.40/8 3} 24. Nf3 {(Rg1) 1.27/6 2} Rac8 {(Be7) -0.68/8 1} 25. Nxg5 {1.60/7 2}
Rc4 {(hxg5) -0.04/11 11} 26. Qd2 {(Qa5) 0.93/8 2} hxg5 {(Ne5+) -0.71/8 1} 27.
Qe3 {(c3) 1.16/6 2} Ne5+ {-0.74/8 1} 28. Kd2 {(Bxe5) 0.96/8 2} Ng4 {-1.35/8 0}
29. Qd3 {0.75/8 2} Nxh2 {0.09/12 8} 30. Rf2 {0.85/7 2} Qh6 {(g4) 0.23/9 1} 31.
Ree2 {(b3) 0.98/7 3} Ng4 {0.00/8 0} 32. Rf5 {(Rf1) 0.63/7 3} Ra4 {-0.04/7 0}
33. a3 {(Kc3) 0.62/7 3} g6 {(Nf6) 0.00/7 0} 34. Rf1) 0.71/7 2} Qh1 {
0.39/8 1} 35. c3 {(Rh3) 0.57/7 2} Ne5 {0.68/8 1} 36. Bxe5 {0.10/8 2} Rxe5 {
0.75/8 1} 37. d6 {0.09/7 2} Re8 {(Qa1) 1.03/8 0} 38. e5 {(Kc2) 0.87/7 2} g4 {
0.60/7 0} 39. Rf6 {(Rg3) 0.98/7 2} Kg7 {(Qh6+) 1.55/6 0} 40. d7 {(Kc2) 1.62/7 2
} Rd8 {3.57/8 1} 41. Ref2 {1.81/8 4} Re4 {3.58/9 1} 42. Rxf7+ {2.24/7 1} Kh6 {
11.03/12 2} 43. Kc2 {1.95/7 1} Rxe5 {(Qe1) 13.93/11 3} 44. Qd2+ {8.50/8 1} Rg5
{#11/10 0} 45. Rh2+ {9.76/9 1} Qxh2 {#10/2 0} 46. Qxh2+ {10.30/10 1} Rh5 {
#9/2 0} 47. Qf4+ {10.38/9 1} Rg5 {#8/2 0} 48. Qf6 {13.13/9 1} g3 {(Rf5) #7/7 0}
49. Qe7 {(Qxd8) #2/6 0} Rh8 {#2/4 0} 50. d8=Q {#3/2 0} Rxd8 {#1/2 0} 51. Rh7# {
#0/2 0} 1-0
Best wishes
Le Système du Suisse