Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

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Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Patrick Buchmann » 15 Apr 2004, 10:25

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 15 April 2004 11:25:04:

There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337

UCI Engines Ligue - Accession
Patrick Buchmann

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Heinz van Kempen » 15 Apr 2004, 10:31

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Heinz van Kempen at 15 April 2004 11:31:11:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 15 April 2004 11:25:04:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
fine initial rating for DrunkenMaster. So probably even a bit more than 30 or 40 points mentioned by Marcus, what anyway would be a big improvement in my point of view.
Best Regards
Heinz van Kempen

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Tord Romstad » 15 Apr 2004, 13:23

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Tord Romstad at 15 April 2004 14:23:44:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 15 April 2004 11:25:04:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
These are great results. 1-1 against Amyan, Dragon, Ktulu and Yace is quite
impressive. Congratulations, Marcus!
But what happened in the two games against Terra? In both cases, Arena seems
to have adjudicated the game in favor of DM shortly after the opening, in
positions which appeared roughy equal. An Arena bug?
Tord Romstad

Nunn Test "2x10"

Postby Matthias Gemuh » 15 Apr 2004, 14:45

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 15 April 2004 15:45:32:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 15 April 2004 11:25:04:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337

"BigLion 2.00" is BigLion 2.23k
Pentium 2.6 GHz, 64 MB Hash, 5min/game + 5sec/move
Fritz8 GUI UCI versions, no 1-MB-Bug seen
Result: 11.0 - 9.0 for the famous Drunkard .

[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "1"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B33"]
[Annotator "-0.52;-0.55"]
[PlyCount "224"]
{W=11.0 ply; 149kN/s; 512.974 TBAs
B=11.4 ply; 181kN/s
} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6
3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nb5 Nf6 6. N1c3 d6 7. Bf4 e5 8. Bg5 a6 9. Na3 b5 10.
Bxf6 gxf6 11. Nd5 f5 12. c3 Bg7 13. exf5 Bxf5 {Both last book move} 14. Nc2 {
0.01/0 0} 14... O-O {-0.55/8 9} 15. Be2 {(Nce3) -0.52/8 16} 15... Ne7 {
(Be4) -0.37/8 9} 16. Nde3 {(Nce3) -0.22/8 13} 16... Be6 {-0.59/9 9} 17. O-O {
-0.20/7 4} 17... d5 {(Kh8) -0.56/8 9} 18. Bf3 {(Bd3) -0.28/8 16} 18... a5 {
(Kh8) -0.66/8 9} 19. Qe2 {(Qd2) 0.01/7 9} 19... Qd6 {(b4) -0.75/8 9} 20. Rad1 {
(Qxb5) -0.08/7 15} 20... Qc5 {-0.70/8 9} 21. Na1 {(Qd2) -0.14/7 14} 21... e4 {
-0.81/9 12} 22. Bg4 {(Bh5) -0.07/6 2} 22... f5 {(b4) -0.81/9 12} 23. Nb3 {
0.05/8 12} 23... Qd6 {(Qc6) -0.78/9 12} 24. Bh5 {0.02/7 9} 24... b4 {-0.91/9 11
} 25. Nd4 {-0.01/6 4} 25... Bd7 {(bxc3) -0.91/8 11} 26. c4 {(Qd2) -0.14/6 8}
26... Be5 {(f4) -0.83/7 11} 27. h3 {(cxd5) -0.12/7 14} 27... Qb6 {
(f4) -0.82/7 11} 28. Qd2 {0.42/7 14} 28... f4 {(Kh8) -0.59/7 11} 29. Nxd5 {
0.86/6 2} 29... Nxd5 {0.03/8 10} 30. cxd5 {0.86/5 0} 30... Rad8 {
(Rac8) 0.14/8 10} 31. Rfe1 {0.84/7 9} 31... Ba4 {0.22/8 12} 32. Ne6 {1.14/7 9}
32... e3 {0.50/9 12} 33. fxe3 {1.25/8 13} 33... Bxd1 {0.51/9 12} 34. Qxd1 {
1.23/8 9} 34... fxe3 {0.57/8 11} 35. Qe2 {1.08/7 6} 35... Rb8 {(Kh8) 0.70/8 11}
36. Nxf8 {1.07/7 5} 36... Rxf8 {0.68/8 11} 37. Bg4 {0.91/7 13} 37... Qc5 {
(Qd4) 0.50/8 11} 38. Be6+ {(Bf3) 0.83/7 13} 38... Kh8 {0.27/10 10} 39. b3 {
0.79/8 13} 39... Qc3 {(Qd4) 0.15/9 10} 40. g4 {(Rf1) 0.85/7 8} 40... Rf3 {
(Qd4) 0.00/9 10} 41. g5 {(Qxf3) 0.10/7 6} 41... Rg3+ {(Bf4) -0.37/9 12} 42. Kh1
{0.12/8 6} 42... Rxg5 {(Qd4) -0.31/9 12} 43. Qxe3 {(Rf1) 1.12/5 1} 43... Bd4 {
(Qb2) -0.46/8 12} 44. Qxc3 {(Qxg5) 1.28/8 12} 44... bxc3 {-0.39/11 11} 45. d6 {
1.24/9 22} 45... Re5 {-0.22/10 11} 46. Rxe5 {1.44/8 3} 46... Bxe5 {-0.16/11 10}
47. d7 {1.12/10 24} 47... Bc7 {(Bf6) -0.40/11 10} 48. Bf5 {0.93/10 7} 48... Kg7
{-0.31/11 10} 49. Kg2 {(a3) 0.97/10 20} 49... Kf6 {(h6) -0.35/9 10} 50. Bxh7 {
0.95/9 5} 50... Ke6 {0.12/10 9} 51. Kf3 {(a3) 1.00/9 6} 51... Kxd7 {-0.20/10 9}
52. Ke3 {(Bc2) 1.22/11 16} 52... Be5 {(Bd6) 0.47/11 9} 53. Kd3 {1.27/10 4}
53... Ke6 {(Ke7) 0.56/10 9} 54. Kc4 {1.41/10 6} 54... Kf6 {0.75/10 8} 55. Kc5 {
(Kb5) 1.43/9 3} 55... Kg5 {(Bc7) 0.66/10 8} 56. a4 {(Kb6) 1.14/10 13} 56... Bf6
{(Kf4) 0.69/11 8} 57. Kb5 {1.27/11 15} 57... Bd8 {(Kf4) 1.08/12 8} 58. b4 {
1.45/10 4} 58... axb4 {1.30/12 8} 59. Kxb4 {1.45/5 0} 59... Bf6 {1.29/11 8} 60.
a5 {1.84/9 5} 60... Bd4 {1.69/10 7} 61. a6 {(Kc4) 1.87/8 2} 61... Kh4 {
1.44/11 7} 62. Kc4 {(Bf5) 1.87/8 2} 62... Ba7 {(Be3) 1.36/11 7} 63. Be4 {
(Bf5) 1.86/11 7} 63... Kxh3 {(c2) 1.30/12 7} 64. Kxc3 {1.89/5 0} 64... Kg4 {
(Kg3) 1.69/13 7} 65. Kc4 {1.85/14 10} 65... Kf4 {2.11/13 7} 66. Kd5 {1.81/13 4}
66... Ke3 {3.11/12 7} 67. Bh7 {(Bg6) 1.79/13 8} 67... Kd2 {3.13/13 7} 68. Kc4 {
(Kc6) 1.79/13 3} 68... Be3 {3.11/13 7} 69. Bg6 {(Kb5) 1.79/14 10} 69... Ba7 {
(Ke2) 3.11/12 6} 70. Be4 {(Kb5) 1.79/15 10} 70... Bf2 {(Ke2) 3.11/12 6} 71. Bg2
{(Kb5) 1.79/16 11} 71... Ke2 {3.11/13 6} 72. Ba8 {(Kb5) 1.79/16 9} 72... Ke3 {
(Kd2) 1.89/11 6} 73. Bb7 {(Kb5) 1.79/15 7} 73... Kf4 {(Ke2) 1.93/12 6} 74. Kd5
{(Kb5) 1.79/12 16} 74... Kg5 {(Kf3) 3.08/12 8} 75. Bc6 {(Kc6) 1.81/12 9} 75...
Kf6 {(Kf4) 3.11/12 6} 76. Bb5 {1.81/12 2} 76... Kf5 {3.11/13 6} 77. Be2 {
(Kc6) 1.81/12 3} 77... Ba7 {(Kf6) 3.14/12 6} 78. Bf1 {(Kc6) 1.80/14 14} 78...
Kf4 {3.14/12 6} 79. Bd3 {(Kc6) 1.79/14 8} 79... Ke3 {3.12/13 6} 80. Bc4 {
(Bb5) 1.79/14 5} 80... Kd2 {3.12/12 6} 81. Kc6 {1.79/13 3} 81... Kc3 {
(Bd4) 3.14/13 6} 82. Kb5 {(Kb7) 1.79/14 7} 82... Kd4 {(Bd4) 3.12/12 6} 83. Ba2
{1.79/14 6} 83... Ke5 {3.16/14 6} 84. Kc6 {1.79/13 4} 84... Bd4 {
(Kd4) 3.16/14 6} 85. Bc4 {(Kb7) 1.80/13 4} 85... Bf2 {(Ba7) 3.16/13 6} 86. Kc7
{(Kb7) 1.80/14 11} 86... Bd4 {3.16/13 6} 87. Kd7 {(Kb7) 1.79/13 11} 87... Bc5 {
(Ba7) 3.15/11 5} 88. Bd3 {(Kc8) 1.80/14 13} 88... Kd5 {(Bd4) 3.13/11 5} 89. Kc7
{1.79/13 5} 89... Ke5 {(Ba7) 3.16/12 5} 90. Kb7 {1.79/13 4} 90... Kd4 {
3.16/12 5} 91. Bb5 {1.79/13 2} 91... Kd5 {(Ke3) 3.20/13 5} 92. Kc7 {
(a7) 1.79/14 8} 92... Ba7 {(Bd4) 3.14/11 5} 93. Be2 {1.79/14 8} 93... Bd4 {
3.16/12 5} 94. Bf1 {(Kb7) 1.79/12 3} 94... Ba7 {(Be3) 3.18/12 5} 95. Kb7 {
1.79/13 4} 95... Bg1 {(Bc5) 3.20/13 5} 96. Bg2+ {(a7) 1.79/12 4} 96... Kd6 {
(Kc4) 3.22/13 5} 97. Be4 {(a7) 1.80/13 3} 97... Ke5 {(Bc5) 3.22/13 5} 98. Bc2 {
(Bh1) 1.79/12 4} 98... Kd6 {(Kd5) 3.22/13 5} 99. Bb3 {(a7) 1.79/13 7} 99... Be3
{(Ke5) 3.24/15 5} 100. Ba2 {(a7) 1.80/12 4} 100... Bd4 {(Bc5) 3.21/12 5} 101.
Bg8 {(Kb8) 1.80/13 5} 101... Bf2 {(Be3) 3.25/14 5} 102. Bf7 {(a7) 1.79/14 16}
102... Bd4 {(Bc5) 3.24/13 5} 103. Ba2 {(a7) 1.80/13 8} 103... Be3 {
(Bc5) 3.23/12 5} 104. Bb3 {1.79/13 5} 104... Bd4 {(Bg1) 3.25/14 5} 105. Bd1 {
(a7) 1.80/12 8} 105... Be3 {(Bc5) 3.23/12 5} 106. Bf3 {(a7) 1.80/12 3} 106...
Bd4 {3.25/14 5} 107. Be4 {(a7) 1.79/12 7} 107... Ke5 {(Be3) 3.23/12 5} 108. Bc2
{1.79/13 5} 108... Kd5 {(Kf4) 3.23/12 5} 109. Bd3 {(a7) 1.79/12 7} 109... Bf2 {
(Kd6) 3.22/12 5} 110. Be2 {(a7) 1.59/11 3} 110... Ke5 {(Bc5) 3.21/11 5} 111.
Bf1 {(Bb5) 0.00/13 3} 111... Bc5 {(Kf6) 3.22/12 5} 112. Kc7 {(a7) 0.00/15 3}
112... Ba7 {Draw accepted 3.16/11 5} 1/2-1/2
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "2"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B33"]
[Annotator "-0.37;-0.55"]
[PlyCount "137"]
{W=10.1 ply; 137kN/s
B=9.1 ply; 118kN/s; 331.033 TBAs
} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3.
d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nb5 Nf6 6. N1c3 d6 7. Bf4 e5 8. Bg5 a6 9. Na3 b5 10.
Bxf6 gxf6 11. Nd5 f5 12. c3 Bg7 13. exf5 Bxf5 {Both last book move} 14. Nc2 {
0.01/0 0} 14... O-O {-0.55/7 6} 15. Be2 {(Nce3) -0.37/9 9} 15... Ne7 {
(e4) -0.33/7 11} 16. Nce3 {(Nde3) -0.30/9 9} 16... Be6 {-0.21/8 15} 17. Bf3 {
(Nxe7+) -0.34/8 9} 17... Rc8 {-0.17/8 15} 18. Nxe7+ {(0-0) -0.21/8 9} 18...
Qxe7 {-0.21/5 0} 19. Bd5 {(0-0) -0.24/8 9} 19... Bh6 {(Rc5) -0.22/7 10} 20. O-O
{-0.05/8 9} 20... Bf4 {(Rc5) -0.09/7 15} 21. Qd3 {(Qf3) 0.05/8 13} 21... Qd7 {
(Bxe3) -0.06/7 15} 22. Rfd1 {(Rad1) 0.21/8 12} 22... Rcd8 {0.00/7 11} 23. a4 {
0.15/8 12} 23... Bxe3 {0.00/7 5} 24. Qxe3 {0.12/9 12} 24... Bxd5 {
(bxa4) 0.00/5 0} 25. Rxd5 {0.48/9 12} 25... Qe6 {(bxa4) 1.02/8 14} 26. Qd2 {
1.20/9 11} 26... bxa4 {(Qd7) 0.82/9 14} 27. Rxa4 {0.94/9 11} 27... Rb8 {
0.61/9 14} 28. Rda5 {0.91/8 11} 28... Qf5 {0.99/8 14} 29. Qc1 {0.91/8 11} 29...
Kh8 {0.90/8 13} 30. Rxa6 {0.99/8 10} 30... Qd3 {0.88/8 13} 31. b4 {
(g3) 0.81/8 12} 31... Rfc8 {(Rg8) -0.04/8 12} 32. Ra1 {(Ra7) -0.04/9 12} 32...
Rxb4 {(Rxc3) -0.13/8 13} 33. Qd1 {-0.05/9 12} 33... Qxd1+ {(Qxc3) -0.26/7 10}
34. Rxd1 {-0.19/12 12} 34... Rxc3 {-0.53/8 4} 35. Raxd6 {-0.25/11 11} 35... Rb2
{-0.40/8 2} 36. h4 {(Rf1) -0.24/10 11} 36... Kg7 {(Rcc2) -0.17/9 12} 37. h5 {
(R6d2) -0.12/10 11} 37... f6 {(h6) -0.17/8 6} 38. Ra6 {(Ra1) -0.08/10 10} 38...
Rc7 {-0.04/8 6} 39. g3 {-0.02/10 10} 39... Rbc2 {(Rf7) -0.01/8 7} 40. Rdd6 {
0.00/10 10} 40... Rf7 {0.02/8 3} 41. Re6 {(Kg2) 0.01/11 13} 41... h6 {0.03/9 8}
42. Ra8 {(Rad6) 0.26/11 12} 42... Rd7 {0.02/9 7} 43. Ree8 {(Kg2) 0.49/11 12}
43... Rd1+ {0.09/8 5} 44. Kg2 {0.59/12 11} 44... Kf7 {0.00/9 24} 45. Rf8+ {
0.83/11 11} 45... Ke7 {0.93/10 11} 46. Rg8 {0.89/11 11} 46... Rcc1 {1.04/9 11}
47. Rg6 {0.93/10 10} 47... Rh1 {(Rg1+) 1.25/9 11} 48. Ra7+ {1.27/10 10} 48...
Ke6 {1.35/9 11} 49. Ra6+ {1.26/10 10} 49... Kd5 {1.52/10 11} 50. Rgxf6 {
1.24/10 10} 50... Rcg1+ {(Rce1) 1.53/9 10} 51. Kf3 {1.32/11 9} 51... Rxh5 {
1.53/9 10} 52. Rac6 {1.33/10 9} 52... e4+ {1.51/9 10} 53. Kf4 {1.34/10 9} 53...
Kd4 {(Rhh1) 1.58/10 10} 54. Rxh6 {(Rfd6+) 1.12/11 9} 54... Rxh6 {
(Rd5) 1.58/10 10} 55. Rxh6 {1.16/11 8} 55... Rf1 {1.58/11 10} 56. Rd6+ {
1.26/10 8} 56... Kc3 {1.64/11 9} 57. Kxe4 {(g4) 1.22/10 8} 57... Rxf2 {
1.60/10 9} 58. g4 {1.29/10 8} 58... Rg2 {1.67/12 9} 59. Kf4 {(Kf5) 1.37/10 8}
59... Rf2+ {1.67/11 9} 60. Kg3 {(Kg5) 1.37/11 8} 60... Rf1 {(Rf7) 1.72/11 9}
61. g5 {1.41/10 7} 61... Kb3 {(Re1) 1.74/9 9} 62. g6 {1.54/9 7} 62... Kc4 {
1.77/10 9} 63. Kg4 {1.63/10 7} 63... Kc5 {(Rg1+) 1.85/10 9} 64. Rd7 {
(Rd3) 1.63/9 7} 64... Kc6 {(Re1) 1.87/10 8} 65. Rf7 {(Rd3) 1.79/10 7} 65...
Rg1+ {2.09/11 8} 66. Kf5 {1.82/10 7} 66... Rg2 {2.09/10 8} 67. g7 {
(Kf6) 1.83/9 7} 67... Kd5 {5.04/9 8} 68. Kf6 {5.09/9 7} 68... Kd6 {5.21/11 8}
69. Ra7 {(Rb7) 5.12/10 7} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "3"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B89"]
[Annotator "0.07;0.34"]
[PlyCount "100"]
{W=8.2 ply; 105kN/s
B=9.4 ply; 120kN/s
} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4.
Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bc4 e6 7. Be3 a6 8. Qe2 Qc7 9. O-O-O Be7 10. Bb3 O-O {
Both last book move} 11. Nxc6 {0.07/6 6} 11... Qxc6 {(bxc6) 0.34/8 9} 12. f3 {
0.26/7 8} 12... Nd7 {(b5) 0.25/9 9} 13. a3 {(Kb1) 0.20/8 15} 13... Nc5 {
0.02/8 9} 14. Bc4 {(Ba2) 0.21/8 15} 14... Bd7 {(b5) 0.03/8 9} 15. b4 {
(Nd5) 0.10/7 13} 15... Na4 {-0.30/9 9} 16. Nxa4 {-0.11/7 5} 16... Qxa4 {
-0.39/9 8} 17. Kb2 {(Qd3) -0.33/8 15} 17... Bb5 {-0.39/8 8} 18. Bd4 {
(Bxb5) -0.37/8 14} 18... Bxc4 {(Rfc8) -0.49/9 8} 19. Qxc4 {-0.39/7 14} 19...
Rfc8 {(e5) -0.49/9 8} 20. Qb3 {-0.25/8 14} 20... Qb5 {-0.45/9 8} 21. Qd3 {
(Kb1) -0.31/7 13} 21... Rc4 {(Rc6) -0.60/9 11} 22. Ka2 {(c3) -0.66/7 13} 22...
a5 {(Rac8) -0.70/8 11} 23. bxa5 {-0.82/7 13} 23... Rxa5 {-0.76/8 11} 24. Bb2 {
-0.83/7 13} 24... Qc5 {(Qa4) -0.89/8 11} 25. c3 {(Rd2) -0.76/7 12} 25... Rca4 {
(d5) -1.06/8 11} 26. Kb1 {(g3) -1.23/8 12} 26... Rb5 {-1.64/9 10} 27. Rd2 {
(c4) -1.89/7 12} 27... Bg5 {(Rxa3) -2.09/8 10} 28. Qxd6 {-1.81/8 12} 28... Bxd2
{-1.92/9 10} 29. Qxd2 {-1.67/9 12} 29... Qxa3 {(Rxa3) -1.96/8 10} 30. Qd8+ {
-1.56/8 11} 30... Qf8 {-1.99/10 10} 31. Qd7 {(Rd1) -1.63/8 11} 31... Raa5 {
-2.03/10 12} 32. Rd1 {-1.54/9 11} 32... Rb3 {(Rb6) -2.00/10 11} 33. Kc2 {
(Rd2) -1.20/9 11} 33... Rab5 {-1.68/9 11} 34. Bc1 {-1.26/8 11} 34... h6 {
(Rb6) -1.73/9 11} 35. h4 {(Qc7) -1.46/7 10} 35... Qc5 {-2.34/8 10} 36. Qd8+ {
(Bd2) -1.59/7 10} 36... Kh7 {-2.65/9 10} 37. Qd4 {-1.77/8 10} 37... Qc7 {
-2.81/9 10} 38. Rd2 {(e5) -1.94/8 10} 38... f6 {(Rxc3+) -2.80/8 10} 39. Rd3 {
(Rd1) -1.92/8 10} 39... Qa5 {(Qg3) -2.90/8 10} 40. Kd1 {-2.21/8 10} 40... Rb1 {
-3.33/9 9} 41. c4 {-2.54/8 9} 41... Qa4+ {-3.55/9 12} 42. Ke2 {-2.92/9 9} 42...
e5 {(Qc2+) -3.46/9 11} 43. Qc3 {(Bd2) -3.28/8 9} 43... R5b4 {-3.95/10 11} 44.
Qd2 {-3.40/9 9} 44... Rxc4 {-4.32/9 11} 45. Rc3 {-3.40/8 9} 45... Qc6 {
-4.71/9 10} 46. Rxc4 {-4.20/9 9} 46... Qxc4+ {-4.44/11 10} 47. Kd1 {-4.73/10 9}
47... b5 {(Qc5) -5.49/10 10} 48. g4 {(f4) -4.30/8 9} 48... Qb3+ {
(Rb3) -6.46/10 10} 49. Ke2 {-6.67/9 8} 49... Ra1 {-6.58/10 9} 50. Kf2 {
(Qd3) -7.69/9 8} 50... Ra2 {-7.68/12 9} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "4"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B89"]
[Annotator "0.34;0.19"]
[PlyCount "131"]
{W=10.4 ply; 114kN/s
B=8.9 ply; 103kN/s; 104 TBAs
} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4
cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bc4 e6 7. Be3 a6 8. Qe2 Qc7 9. O-O-O Be7 10. Bb3
O-O {Both last book move} 11. Nxc6 {0.34/8 9} 11... bxc6 {(Qxc6) 0.19/6 5} 12.
Kb1 {(Bf4) 0.36/7 9} 12... d5 {0.04/6 7} 13. Bg5 {(Qf3) 0.33/7 9} 13... h6 {
-0.08/7 12} 14. Bd2 {(Be3) 0.05/8 9} 14... Bb7 {-0.20/7 11} 15. f3 {
(exd5) 0.04/8 9} 15... Bd6 {(d4) -0.20/7 13} 16. h3 {(g3) 0.02/7 8} 16... d4 {
(c5) -0.27/7 9} 17. Na4 {-0.14/9 8} 17... c5 {-0.29/6 2} 18. Qc4 {-0.14/7 8}
18... Bc6 {(Nd7) -0.32/7 15} 19. Nxc5 {0.74/8 8} 19... Bb5 {-0.08/6 2} 20. Nxe6
{0.67/9 8} 20... Qxc4 {-0.08/5 1} 21. Bxc4 {0.66/10 11} 21... Bxc4 {
(fxe6) -0.06/7 3} 22. Nxf8 {0.99/10 11} 22... Bxf8 {0.13/7 4} 23. Be1 {
(Bf4) 0.98/9 11} 23... Rd8 {0.18/8 10} 24. Ba5 {0.99/9 11} 24... Rd7 {0.24/7 3}
25. b3 {0.66/9 11} 25... Be2 {0.17/9 14} 26. Rd2 {0.62/10 10} 26... d3 {
0.19/8 3} 27. cxd3 {0.63/10 10} 27... Bxd3+ {0.19/5 0} 28. Kb2 {0.59/10 10}
28... Bb5 {(Bc5) 0.22/8 14} 29. Rc2 {0.78/9 10} 29... Bd6 {0.30/9 29} 30. Rc8+
{(a4) 0.78/9 10} 30... Kh7 {0.17/9 14} 31. a4 {(Bc3) 0.82/9 12} 31... Bd3 {
0.28/8 13} 32. Rd1 {(Bc3) 0.89/9 11} 32... Be2 {(Be5+) 0.26/8 13} 33. Re1 {
1.14/10 11} 33... Be5+ {0.28/9 13} 34. Bc3 {(Ka2) 1.30/11 11} 34... Rd2+ {
0.35/9 13} 35. Kc1 {1.45/12 10} 35... Bxc3 {0.23/9 4} 36. Rxc3 {1.60/12 10}
36... Ra2 {0.45/10 12} 37. Kb1 {(Rc2) 1.76/11 10} 37... Rd2 {1.92/11 12} 38.
Re3 {1.75/11 10} 38... Bd3+ {2.06/11 12} 39. Kc1 {1.86/12 10} 39... Rc2+ {
1.98/11 12} 40. Kd1 {1.79/12 9} 40... Bxe4 {(Re2) 2.03/11 12} 41. fxe4 {
2.05/12 12} 41... Rxg2 {2.05/11 11} 42. Rd3 {(e5) 2.13/11 11} 42... Nh5 {
(Kg8) 2.20/9 11} 43. Rd7 {(Rd6) 2.17/10 11} 43... Rg3 {(Kg8) 2.05/10 11} 44.
Kc2 {(Rxf7) 2.21/10 11} 44... Rg2+ {(Rf3) 2.13/8 11} 45. Kc3 {2.40/10 10} 45...
Rf2 {2.27/8 11} 46. Kb4 {(Rd6) 2.47/10 10} 46... Rf3 {2.50/9 10} 47. Ra7 {
(Ka5) 2.47/9 10} 47... Nf4 {2.22/9 10} 48. Kc4 {(Ka5) 2.36/10 10} 48... Nd3 {
2.38/9 10} 49. Rb1 {2.70/11 9} 49... Ne5+ {2.19/8 10} 50. Kd5 {(Kc5) 2.82/12 9}
50... Nd3 {2.05/8 10} 51. Kd4 {(e5) 2.81/11 9} 51... Nb4 {2.65/9 10} 52. Kc4 {
3.14/11 9} 52... Nc2 {2.53/9 9} 53. Rc1 {3.26/10 8} 53... Ne3+ {2.98/8 9} 54.
Kd4 {3.05/11 8} 54... Ng2 {3.16/9 9} 55. Rc3 {3.56/11 8} 55... Rxc3 {
(Rf6) 3.55/10 9} 56. Kxc3 {4.02/13 8} 56... Nf4 {(f6) 3.76/11 9} 57. Rxf7 {
4.39/13 8} 57... Nxh3 {3.76/10 9} 58. Ra7 {4.26/12 8} 58... Ng5 {3.76/11 9} 59.
Kd3 {4.27/11 7} 59... h5 {3.63/11 9} 60. Rxa6 {4.35/11 7} 60... h4 {3.65/10 8}
61. Rc6 {(Rd6) 4.24/10 7} 61... h3 {3.77/10 8} 62. Rc1 {(Ke3) 4.85/9 7} 62...
Ne6 {3.76/9 8} 63. a5 {(b4) 4.92/9 7} 63... h2 {(Nf4+) 4.35/8 8} 64. b4 {
(Rh1) 5.52/8 7} 64... Kg6 {(Nd8) 5.32/9 8} 65. Rh1 {6.23/9 7} 65... Kf6 {
5.46/10 8} 66. Rxh2 {6.43/9 7} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "5"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C19"]
[Annotator "0.29;0.07"]
[PlyCount "63"]
{W=8.0 ply; 103kN/s
B=9.3 ply; 95kN/s
} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5
5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Qc7 7. Nf3 Ne7 8. a4 b6 9. Bb5+ Bd7 10. Bd3 Nbc6 11. O-O {
Both last book move} 11... O-O {0.07/8 9} 12. Ba3 {0.29/7 10} 12... c4 {
(Na5) 0.06/7 9} 13. Bd6 {(Be2) 0.20/9 12} 13... Qb7 {(Qd8) 0.06/10 9} 14. Be2 {
0.34/8 9} 14... Rfe8 {0.06/9 9} 15. Nh4 {0.14/7 2} 15... Nc8 {0.08/9 9} 16. Ba3
{0.15/7 2} 16... N6e7 {(Na5) 0.15/8 8} 17. Nf3 {(Bh5) 0.26/8 15} 17... Nf5 {
-0.18/9 8} 18. Bc1 {(Qd2) 0.17/7 4} 18... Qa6 {(a5) -0.15/9 8} 19. a5 {
(Bf4) 0.03/9 14} 19... bxa5 {-0.51/9 8} 20. Bg5 {(Qd2) 0.07/8 8} 20... Nb6 {
-0.37/8 8} 21. Bf4 {(Qc1) -0.01/8 12} 21... h6 {(Ba4) -0.57/9 11} 22. Kh1 {
(Qc1) -0.07/8 14} 22... g5 {(Na4) -0.68/9 11} 23. Bd2 {0.08/9 14} 23... a4 {
(Na4) -0.50/9 11} 24. g4 {(Kg1) 0.23/9 8} 24... Ne7 {-0.57/10 11} 25. h4 {
(Rg1) 0.56/8 3} 25... gxh4 {-0.13/10 11} 26. Bxh6 {0.56/5 0} 26... Ng6 {
0.07/9 10} 27. Bg5 {(Qd2) 0.72/7 2} 27... h3 {-0.06/9 10} 28. Qd2 {
(Ng1) 0.75/8 6} 28... Bc6 {(a3) 0.65/8 15} 29. Bf6 {0.89/8 12} 29... Kh7 {
0.64/8 10} 30. Qg5 {(Ng5+) 0.96/7 9} 30... Rh8 {5.11/9 9} 31. Qh5+ {6.05/6 2}
31... Kg8 {5.22/10 11} 32. Bxh8 {6.25/7 3} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "6"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C19"]
[Annotator "0.06;0.31"]
[PlyCount "170"]
{W=10.4 ply; 136kN/s
B=8.5 ply; 128kN/s; 1.567 TBAs
} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3.
Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Qc7 7. Nf3 Ne7 8. a4 b6 9. Bb5+ Bd7 10.
Bd3 Nbc6 11. O-O {Both last book move} 11... O-O {0.31/8 16} 12. Ba3 {
(Be3) 0.06/8 9} 12... Na5 {(Rfe8) 0.22/7 9} 13. Ng5 {(Qd2) 0.18/8 9} 13... h6 {
(g6) 0.04/7 8} 14. Nh7 {(Nf3) 0.35/8 9} 14... Rfe8 {(Rfd8) 0.15/8 15} 15. Qg4 {
0.05/8 9} 15... Kh8 {-0.13/7 8} 16. Qh5 {-0.23/7 9} 16... c4 {(Kg8) 0.13/7 4}
17. Nf6 {0.15/9 9} 17... cxd3 {0.00/7 7} 18. Nxe8 {(Qxf7) 0.13/8 8} 18... Bxe8
{-0.63/7 6} 19. cxd3 {0.01/8 8} 19... Ng6 {(Nf5) -0.63/8 14} 20. Bb2 {0.13/9 8}
20... Kg8 {(Bd7) -0.74/8 6} 21. Ra3 {(Qg4) 0.05/9 12} 21... Rc8 {
(Nb7) -0.90/8 12} 22. Ra2 {(Raa1) 0.00/9 11} 22... Qd8 {(Qe7) -1.04/8 13} 23.
f4 {(Raa1) -0.07/9 11} 23... Nh4 {(Qh4) -1.09/8 14} 24. Re1 {-0.13/9 11} 24...
Bd7 {-1.09/8 7} 25. g3 {(Raa1) -0.19/9 11} 25... Nf5 {-1.02/8 7} 26. Ra3 {
(Raa1) -0.33/8 11} 26... Qf8 {(Nb7) -1.09/7 8} 27. Qe2 {(Kh1) -0.27/9 10} 27...
Qe7 {-1.09/7 6} 28. Rf1 {(Kh1) -0.26/9 10} 28... Qe8 {(g6) -1.24/8 9} 29. g4 {
-0.30/10 10} 29... Nh4 {(Ne7) -1.10/9 13} 30. Qf2 {(Qd1) -0.19/10 10} 30... Qe7
{-0.99/8 5} 31. Raa1 {-0.17/10 12} 31... Qd8 {(f5) -0.90/8 13} 32. Qe3 {
(Kh1) -0.16/9 11} 32... Rc7 {(f5) -0.97/8 13} 33. Qf2 {-0.15/9 11} 33... a6 {
(Ng6) -0.90/8 8} 34. Qe3 {(Kh1) -0.06/9 11} 34... Rc6 {(Nb7) -0.97/7 8} 35. Kh1
{(Qg3) -0.10/9 11} 35... Rc8 {(Nb7) -0.90/7 2} 36. Kg1 {(Qe2) -0.14/9 10} 36...
Be8 {(Nb7) -0.94/7 5} 37. Ra3 {(f5) -0.11/9 10} 37... f5 {(Nb7) -1.06/7 4} 38.
exf6 {-0.16/9 10} 38... Qxf6 {-1.06/5 0} 39. Qg3 {(Raa1) -0.07/9 10} 39... Qe7
{-0.94/7 6} 40. f5 {(Re1) -0.16/9 10} 40... exf5 {-1.30/7 4} 41. gxf5 {
-0.35/9 12} 41... Qf6 {(Rc6) -1.22/7 5} 42. Qe5 {-0.44/9 12} 42... Qg5+ {
-1.12/6 3} 43. Qg3 {-0.46/10 11} 43... Bh5 {-1.26/7 7} 44. Bc1 {-0.63/9 11}
44... Qf6 {-1.51/8 9} 45. Bxh6 {-0.57/8 11} 45... Qxh6 {-1.51/5 0} 46. Qxh4 {
-0.83/9 10} 46... Qe3+ {-1.21/7 5} 47. Qf2 {-1.00/10 10} 47... Qxd3 {-1.07/7 2}
48. f6 {(Qg2) -1.00/8 10} 48... Qg6+ {(Nc4) -1.27/7 14} 49. Kh1 {
(Qg3) -1.02/8 9} 49... Rf8 {(Nc4) -2.28/8 16} 50. f7+ {(Raa1) -1.58/9 9} 50...
Rxf7 {-2.39/10 11} 51. Qxf7+ {-1.63/11 9} 51... Qxf7 {-2.39/5 0} 52. Rxf7 {
-1.67/13 9} 52... Kxf7 {-2.41/11 9} 53. Kg2 {(Kg1) -1.67/12 9} 53... Nc4 {
(Bg6) -2.45/10 9} 54. Ra2 {(Ra1) -1.67/12 8} 54... Bd1 {(Bg4) -2.46/9 9} 55.
Kh3 {(Ra1) -1.67/11 8} 55... g5 {(a5) -2.49/9 9} 56. Kg3 {(Ra1) -1.61/11 8}
56... Ke6 {(Kf6) -2.50/9 5} 57. h4 {(Ra1) -1.56/12 8} 57... gxh4+ {
(Bc2) -2.56/9 9} 58. Kf4 {(Kxh4) -2.32/12 8} 58... Nd6 {(Bb3) -3.32/9 12} 59.
Rb2 {-2.31/12 7} 59... Bxa4 {(h3) -3.38/9 17} 60. Rxb6 {-2.38/12 7} 60... Bb5 {
-3.47/9 3} 61. Rb8 {(Kg4) -2.46/12 7} 61... h3 {-3.75/10 21} 62. Rh8 {
-2.45/11 7} 62... Bf1 {-3.83/10 16} 63. Rh6+ {-2.55/11 7} 63... Ke7 {-3.82/10 6
} 64. Rh7+ {-2.43/11 7} 64... Nf7 {(Kf8) -3.89/10 6} 65. Kg3 {(Ke3) -2.37/12 7}
65... Bg2 {(a5) -3.93/10 7} 66. Rg7 {(Rh5) -2.39/13 7} 66... a5 {
(Kf6) -4.04/10 5} 67. Kh2 {(Rg6) -2.46/13 7} 67... Kf6 {-4.10/11 19} 68. Rg8 {
-2.70/13 6} 68... Nd6 {-4.17/11 18} 69. Rf8+ {(Ra8) -2.70/12 6} 69... Kg5 {
(Ke6) -4.22/11 6} 70. Ra8 {(Rd8) -2.82/12 6} 70... Nc4 {-4.25/11 9} 71. Rf8 {
(Kg3) -2.84/12 6} 71... Kg4 {-4.49/10 9} 72. Rf2 {-3.15/12 6} 72... a4 {
(Ne3) -4.60/10 7} 73. Re2 {(Rf7) -3.17/11 6} 73... Kf3 {(a3) -4.71/10 5} 74.
Re7 {-4.16/12 6} 74... Nd2 {-5.56/9 7} 75. Rf7+ {-4.42/11 6} 75... Ke2 {
(Ke3) -5.59/9 6} 76. Rb7 {-9.54/11 8} 76... Nf1+ {-8.59/8 1} 77. Kg1 {#0/12 7}
77... a3 {-8.59/9 5} 78. Rh7 {#0/12 7} 78... Be4 {-11.49/5 0} 79. Rxh3 {#0/11 7
} 79... a2 {-15.86/6 2} 80. c4 {(Rh2+) -#7/9 5} 80... a1=Q {-18.15/4 1} 81.
Rh2+ {-#7/8 5} 81... Nxh2+ {(Qe1) -#5/6 1} 82. Kxh2 {-#4/9 5} 82... Qxd4 {
-#4/1 0} 83. Kg3 {-#3/8 5} 83... Bf5 {-#3/1 0} 84. Kg2 {(Kh2) -#4/8 5} 84...
Qf2+ {-#2/1 0} 85. Kh1 {-#1/9 5} 85... Be4# {-#1/1 0} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "7"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C99"]
[Annotator "-0.55;-0.42"]
[PlyCount "178"]
{W=8.5 ply; 126kN/s; 93.630 TBAs
B=9.9 ply; 138kN/s
} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.
Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Be7 7. Re1 O-O 8. c3 d6 9. h3 Na5 10. Bc2 c5
11. d4 Qc7 12. Nbd2 {Both last book move} 12... cxd4 {-0.42/9 9} 13. cxd4 {
-0.55/7 12} 13... Bb7 {-0.37/8 9} 14. a4 {(Re3) -0.43/8 15} 14... Nd7 {
(b4) -0.48/7 9} 15. axb5 {(Nb3) -0.10/7 11} 15... axb5 {-0.49/8 9} 16. Bd3 {
(b3) -0.14/7 8} 16... Qb6 {(b4) -0.44/8 9} 17. dxe5 {(d5) 0.15/7 12} 17... dxe5
{(Nxe5) -0.35/8 9} 18. Nb3 {0.19/7 7} 18... Nxb3 {(Bb4) -0.32/8 8} 19. Rxa8 {
0.29/5 0} 19... Rxa8 {-0.54/9 8} 20. Qxb3 {0.21/7 3} 20... Bc5 {-0.54/7 8} 21.
Be3 {(Rf1) 0.17/6 2} 21... Bxe3 {-0.57/9 12} 22. fxe3 {(Rxe3) 0.14/5 1} 22...
Bc6 {-0.71/8 11} 23. Qc3 {(Qb4) 0.00/8 15} 23... b4 {-0.75/9 11} 24. Qc4 {
-0.08/8 12} 24... h6 {(Re8) -0.76/8 11} 25. Bc2 {(g3) 0.05/8 10} 25... Bb7 {
-0.79/8 11} 26. Bb3 {0.00/8 15} 26... Rf8 {-0.61/8 11} 27. Ba2 {
(Kh1) -0.06/8 14} 27... Bc6 {(Qd6) -0.56/8 10} 28. h4 {(Kh2) 0.03/7 7} 28...
Ba8 {(Bb7) -0.71/8 10} 29. Bb1 {(Kh1) -0.02/8 14} 29... Bb7 {(Qc5) -0.79/9 10}
30. Ba2 {-0.09/7 6} 30... Qd6 {-0.67/8 10} 31. Rc1 {(Bb3) -0.11/7 6} 31... g6 {
(Qg6) -0.48/8 12} 32. Qc7 {(Kh1) 0.47/8 12} 32... Qd3 {-0.38/9 11} 33. Re1 {
0.47/8 13} 33... b3 {(Qb5) -0.24/9 11} 34. Bb1 {0.24/8 11} 34... Qb5 {
-0.12/10 11} 35. Rd1 {0.32/7 2} 35... Nf6 {-0.17/9 11} 36. Bd3 {0.40/7 7} 36...
Qd7 {(Qc6) -0.20/9 10} 37. Qxe5 {0.27/8 13} 37... Nxe4 {-0.15/9 10} 38. Qf4 {
0.31/8 8} 38... h5 {(Kg7) -0.02/8 10} 39. Be2 {(Nd4) 0.45/7 5} 39... Qc8 {
(Qf5) -0.23/8 10} 40. Nd4 {0.59/7 8} 40... Bd5 {(Ba8) 0.05/8 10} 41. Bxh5 {
(Nf5) 1.18/8 24} 41... Qc5 {(Qb8) 0.67/8 12} 42. Bf3 {1.31/7 5} 42... Re8 {
0.67/8 12} 43. Kh2 {(Be2) 1.38/6 6} 43... Qa5 {(Kh8) 0.63/8 11} 44. Ne2 {
(Be2) 1.31/7 12} 44... Bc6 {0.62/8 11} 45. Rd4 {(Ng3) 1.37/7 12} 45... Qa6 {
(Qa8) 0.69/8 11} 46. Qc7 {(Bxe4) 1.48/7 9} 46... Qb7 {(Bb5) 0.81/8 10} 47. Qxb7
{(Rd7) 2.04/9 12} 47... Bxb7 {0.98/11 10} 48. Nc1 {(Rb4) 1.64/9 13} 48... Nc5 {
0.89/10 10} 49. Rc4 {1.80/9 9} 49... Re5 {1.08/11 9} 50. Kg3 {(Rc3) 1.76/8 4}
50... Kg7 {(Be4) 0.90/10 9} 51. Nxb3 {(Rc3) 1.36/8 8} 51... Nxb3 {0.71/10 9}
52. Bxb7 {1.36/5 0} 52... Rxe3+ {0.85/10 9} 53. Kf2 {(Kf4) 1.34/9 17} 53... Rd3
{(Re7) 0.74/9 8} 54. Rb4 {(Rc7) 1.39/9 21} 54... f5 {0.79/9 8} 55. Rb6 {
1.40/8 5} 55... Nd4 {(Na5) 0.86/9 8} 56. Ba6 {(b4) 1.46/8 6} 56... Rd1 {
(Rb3) 0.95/10 8} 57. g3 {1.54/8 5} 57... Nc2 {0.98/10 8} 58. Bc4 {1.51/8 6}
58... Rd2+ {1.00/10 8} 59. Kf3 {1.53/8 3} 59... Rd7 {1.02/10 7} 60. Ke2 {
(b3) 1.47/8 14} 60... Re7+ {0.94/10 7} 61. Kd3 {(Kd2) 1.55/9 12} 61... Ne1+ {
(Ne3) 0.83/10 7} 62. Kc3 {1.54/8 3} 62... Re3+ {(Ng2) 0.75/11 7} 63. Kd2 {
1.60/8 2} 63... Ng2 {0.40/11 7} 64. Rb3 {(Rb7+) 1.50/9 9} 64... Rxb3 {0.38/11 7
} 65. Bxb3 {1.50/5 0} 65... f4 {0.68/12 7} 66. gxf4 {1.64/11 12} 66... Nxf4 {
0.80/12 7} 67. Bd1 {1.62/11 6} 67... Ng2 {(Kf6) 0.65/12 7} 68. h5 {1.72/12 11}
68... g5 {(gxh5) 0.88/12 6} 69. b4 {1.92/11 12} 69... Nf4 {0.70/12 6} 70. b5 {
(Bf3) 1.99/10 6} 70... Nd5 {1.05/11 6} 71. Bf3 {(Kd3) 1.88/9 4} 71... Nb6 {
0.83/11 6} 72. Kd3 {2.06/10 9} 72... Kh7 {(Kf6) 1.07/12 6} 73. Ke4 {
(Bg4) 2.26/12 18} 73... Kh6 {(Kg7) 1.07/11 6} 74. Kf5 {(Be2) 2.26/11 5} 74...
Nc4 {1.15/11 6} 75. Kf6 {2.26/10 4} 75... Nb6 {1.26/12 6} 76. Bg4 {
(Ke5) 2.26/10 2} 76... Nc4 {(Nd5+) 1.16/12 6} 77. Ke6 {2.57/11 7} 77... Kg7 {
1.60/11 6} 78. Kd7 {(Kd5) 2.74/10 2} 78... Kf6 {(Kh6) 2.56/11 8} 79. Kc7 {
3.75/9 2} 79... Kg7 {(Ke5) 2.63/10 6} 80. Be6 {4.47/10 11} 80... Nb2 {3.62/11 7
} 81. Kc6 {6.80/9 5} 81... Na4 {(Nd3) 3.29/11 6} 82. Bb3 {6.18/7 0} 82... g4 {
(Kh6) 3.38/11 6} 83. Bxa4 {3.88/9 17} 83... g3 {3.37/11 5} 84. b6 {3.88/8 8}
84... g2 {3.37/10 6} 85. b7 {(Bd1) 3.81/7 5} 85... g1=Q {3.37/9 5} 86. b8=Q {
3.81/8 8} 86... Qh1+ {(Qc1+) 3.37/9 5} 87. Kb6 {(Kc7) 3.93/8 6} 87... Qxh5 {
3.37/8 5} 88. Bc6 {3.93/7 3} 88... Qf5 {(Qg6) 3.35/9 5} 89. Qc7+ {3.93/7 4}
89... Kf6 {adjud. Draw accepted 3.35/9 5} 1/2-1/2
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "8"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C99"]
[Annotator "-0.34;-0.56"]
[PlyCount "72"]
{W=10.2 ply; 119kN/s
B=7.8 ply; 105kN/s
} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.
Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Be7 7. Re1 O-O 8. c3 d6 9. h3 Na5 10. Bc2 c5 11. d4
Qc7 12. Nbd2 {Both last book move} 12... cxd4 {-0.56/8 10} 13. cxd4 {0.01/0 0}
13... Be6 {-0.41/7 10} 14. Nb3 {(Bd3) -0.34/8 10} 14... Rac8 {(Nc4) -0.43/7 15}
15. Nxa5 {(Bd3) -0.38/8 9} 15... Qxc2 {-0.59/5 0} 16. Qxc2 {-0.39/9 9} 16...
Rxc2 {-0.59/5 0} 17. Nb3 {-0.65/9 9} 17... Rfc8 {(Rd8) -0.92/7 9} 18. Nbd2 {
-0.68/9 9} 18... a5 {(Bxa2) -0.81/7 15} 19. dxe5 {(a3) -0.32/9 9} 19... dxe5 {
-1.41/5 0} 20. a4 {(a3) -1.26/8 9} 20... bxa4 {(Bb4) -1.92/8 15} 21. Nxe5 {
(Nf1) -2.11/8 12} 21... Bb4 {-1.96/8 5} 22. Nef3 {-2.11/10 12} 22... Nxe4 {
-2.04/8 7} 23. Rxe4 {-2.36/11 12} 23... Rxc1+ {-2.04/5 0} 24. Rxc1 {-2.40/11 11
} 24... Rxc1+ {-2.04/5 0} 25. Nf1 {-2.76/12 11} 25... Rb1 {-2.12/8 12} 26. Re2
{-2.76/10 11} 26... Kf8 {(g6) -2.27/8 11} 27. Ne5 {(N3h2) -2.93/11 11} 27... f6
{-3.18/10 15} 28. Ng6+ {-3.73/11 11} 28... hxg6 {(Kf7) -3.23/10 10} 29. Rxe6 {
-2.93/11 10} 29... Rxb2 {-3.23/10 10} 30. Rc6 {-3.29/10 10} 30... a3 {
-3.27/9 11} 31. Rc8+ {-3.70/10 12} 31... Ke7 {(Kf7) -3.27/9 10} 32. Rc7+ {
-3.81/9 12} 32... Ke6 {-3.47/9 5} 33. Rc6+ {(Rc1) -4.47/10 16} 33... Ke5 {
(Kd7) -4.20/8 7} 34. Rc1 {-4.57/10 11} 34... a2 {-4.20/7 4} 35. Ra1 {
-6.69/10 15} 35... Re2 {(Bc3) -5.24/8 2} 36. Ne3 {(Kh2) -6.58/11 14} 36... Bc3
{-6.56/6 1} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "9"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D36"]
[Annotator "0.27;0.31"]
[PlyCount "87"]
{W=7.3 ply; 126kN/s; 1 TBAs
B=9.1 ply; 95kN/s
} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 e6
4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Bg5 Be7 7. Qc2 Nbd7 8. e3 O-O 9. Bd3 Re8 10. O-O Nf8
{Both last book move} 11. Na4 {0.27/6 10} 11... Bd6 {(Bg4) 0.31/7 9} 12. Nc5 {
0.32/6 4} 12... b6 {0.29/8 9} 13. Na6 {(Nb3) 0.09/7 15} 13... Bd7 {0.25/8 9}
14. a3 {(Rac1) 0.04/7 15} 14... Qe7 {(Rc8) 0.04/8 9} 15. Ne5 {(Rac1) 0.21/7 11}
15... Qe6 {0.88/8 9} 16. Bxf6 {(Nxd7) 1.58/8 15} 16... gxf6 {1.38/8 8} 17. Nxd7
{1.58/5 0} 17... Qxd7 {0.69/9 8} 18. Rac1 {1.53/7 6} 18... c5 {(Rad8) 1.24/8 8}
19. dxc5 {1.51/6 2} 19... bxc5 {1.31/8 8} 20. Nxc5 {1.51/5 0} 20... Qe7 {
(Qc7) 1.32/7 8} 21. b4 {(Nb3) 1.62/7 15} 21... Qe5 {(a5) 1.30/8 11} 22. g3 {
1.47/7 9} 22... a5 {1.34/8 11} 23. Qb3 {(Bf5) 1.51/7 14} 23... axb4 {1.41/8 11}
24. axb4 {1.51/5 0} 24... Rab8 {1.35/7 11} 25. Rfd1 {(b5) 1.49/7 14} 25... Rec8
{1.36/8 11} 26. Na6 {1.54/7 10} 26... Rxc1 {1.26/9 10} 27. Rxc1 {1.54/5 0}
27... Rb6 {(Rd8) 1.41/8 10} 28. b5 {(Nc5) 1.72/7 14} 28... d4 {1.20/9 10} 29.
exd4 {1.84/7 8} 29... Qxd4 {1.40/9 10} 30. Bc4 {1.94/7 3} 30... Rb7 {1.44/9 10}
31. Rd1 {1.79/7 4} 31... Qb6 {1.49/9 12} 32. Qf3 {(Nb4) 1.92/8 14} 32... Be5 {
1.50/8 11} 33. Qg4+ {1.92/7 8} 33... Kh8 {(Ng6) 1.72/9 11} 34. Qc8 {4.63/7 5}
34... Kg7 {#0/10 15} 35. Rd8 {5.02/7 6} 35... Bd6 {(f5) 4.44/8 10} 36. Rxd6 {
5.41/9 16} 36... Qxd6 {4.56/10 10} 37. Qxb7 {5.41/5 0} 37... Qd1+ {
(Ne6) 4.64/9 10} 38. Kg2 {5.53/9 7} 38... Nd7 {4.76/9 10} 39. Qd5 {
(Bd5) 5.57/9 26} 39... Qxd5+ {4.64/11 9} 40. Bxd5 {5.57/5 0} 40... f5 {
4.61/11 9} 41. Nc7 {5.65/9 16} 41... Nb6 {4.78/11 12} 42. Bb3 {5.67/9 12} 42...
Nc8 {(Kg6) 5.00/11 11} 43. Bc2 {(Kf3) 6.35/8 4} 43... Kf6 {(f4) 5.13/10 11} 44.
Ne8+ {6.38/8 8} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "10"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D36"]
[Annotator "0.51;0.22"]
[PlyCount "141"]
{W=10.1 ply; 112kN/s
B=8.3 ply; 106kN/s; 2 TBAs
} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 e6
4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Bg5 Be7 7. Qc2 Nbd7 8. e3 O-O 9. Bd3 Re8 10. O-O Nf8
{Both last book move} 11. Ne2 {0.51/7 9} 11... Ng6 {(Bd6) 0.22/7 15} 12. Nf4 {
0.58/7 9} 12... Ne4 {(Qa5) 0.15/7 5} 13. Bxe7 {0.42/8 9} 13... Qxe7 {0.15/5 0}
14. Nxg6 {0.47/9 9} 14... fxg6 {(hxg6) 0.00/5 1} 15. Ne5 {(Nd2) 0.43/9 9} 15...
Nd6 {0.16/7 11} 16. Qc5 {(Rac1) 0.30/8 10} 16... Bf5 {0.08/8 12} 17. Rac1 {
(Bxf5) 0.28/8 8} 17... Bxd3 {0.08/8 14} 18. Nxd3 {0.21/9 8} 18... a5 {
(Nc4) 0.11/8 15} 19. Ne5 {0.28/8 8} 19... Nf5 {(a4) 0.23/8 15} 20. Qxe7 {
0.31/8 8} 20... Rxe7 {0.23/5 0} 21. Rc3 {(Rfe1) 0.22/10 11} 21... Nd6 {
(a4) 0.07/8 7} 22. f3 {(Rd1) 0.18/10 11} 22... Ree8 {0.01/8 9} 23. Rfc1 {
(a4) 0.16/10 11} 23... Nf5 {(a4) 0.06/8 9} 24. Rb3 {(a4) 0.26/10 11} 24... Rab8
{(Re7) 0.11/8 8} 25. Rcc3 {0.26/10 11} 25... Nd6 {(g5) 0.09/8 6} 26. Rc2 {
(Rc5) 0.23/10 10} 26... Ra8 {(g5) 0.09/8 9} 27. Rb6 {(a4) 0.28/9 10} 27... a4 {
-0.08/8 8} 28. Rc3 {(Rc5) 0.21/9 10} 28... Re7 {(g5) -0.09/8 8} 29. Kh1 {
(Rb4) 0.18/9 10} 29... g5 {(Ree8) -0.21/7 7} 30. Kg1 {0.12/10 10} 30... h6 {
(Nb5) -0.03/7 5} 31. Ra3 {(Rb4) 0.23/9 12} 31... Nb5 {-0.11/9 13} 32. Rd3 {
0.10/11 11} 32... Kh7 {(a3) -0.12/8 4} 33. Rd1 {(a3) 0.07/10 11} 33... a3 {
-0.10/7 3} 34. b3 {0.05/10 11} 34... Kg8 {(Nd6) -0.11/8 8} 35. Rc1 {
(Rf1) 0.10/9 10} 35... Rae8 {(Nd6) -0.17/8 13} 36. Rc5 {0.11/10 10} 36... Nd6 {
-0.05/8 7} 37. Ra5 {0.19/11 10} 37... Nb5 {-0.10/10 18} 38. Kf2 {
(Raxb5) 0.10/11 10} 38... Rc7 {-0.31/8 6} 39. Ra4 {(Kg1) 0.09/11 10} 39... Kh7
{(Rce7) -0.26/9 18} 40. Kg1 {(Nd3) 0.10/11 9} 40... Rce7 {(Kg8) -0.23/9 12} 41.
Kh1 {(Ra5) 0.07/11 12} 41... Kg8 {(Rc7) -0.28/9 10} 42. Ra5 {(Kg1) 0.02/11 11}
42... h5 {(Rd8) -0.29/8 6} 43. Kg1 {0.10/11 11} 43... Rc7 {(h4) -0.26/8 12} 44.
Ra4 {0.09/11 11} 44... Rd8 {(h4) -0.29/8 6} 45. Kf2 {(Nd3) 0.11/10 10} 45...
Rf8 {-0.02/9 23} 46. Ra5 {(Nd3) 0.09/10 10} 46... h4 {(Kh7) -0.26/8 9} 47. g3 {
(Ra4) 0.20/9 10} 47... Kh7 {(Re8) -0.16/7 9} 48. Kg2 {0.41/10 10} 48... Re8 {
(Rh8) 0.06/7 8} 49. Kh3 {(gxh4) 0.75/10 9} 49... Rce7 {(hxg3) 0.53/8 11} 50.
Kg4 {(gxh4) 0.89/10 9} 50... Kg8 {(Nd6) 0.67/8 10} 51. Kxg5 {1.05/10 9} 51...
hxg3 {0.75/8 10} 52. hxg3 {1.10/10 9} 52... Rc7 {(Nd6) 1.11/10 10} 53. Kg4 {
(Rbxb5) 1.20/11 8} 53... Rd8 {(Rf8) 0.70/9 10} 54. Kh3 {(Ra4) 1.20/11 8} 54...
Kh7 {(Re8) 0.70/9 10} 55. Ra4 {(f4) 1.18/10 8} 55... Re7 {(Rf8) 0.72/8 10} 56.
Kg2 {(Rxb5) 1.25/11 8} 56... Rf8 {(Rde8) 0.69/8 9} 57. g4 {(f4) 1.26/9 8} 57...
Rh8 {(g5) 0.82/8 9} 58. Kg1 {(Rxb5) 1.26/10 8} 58... g6 {(Rhe8) 1.07/8 9} 59.
Ra5 {1.28/10 7} 59... Rc8 {(Rg8) 1.25/8 9} 60. f4 {(Nxg6) 1.36/9 7} 60... Rg7 {
(Rg8) 0.80/9 9} 61. g5 {(Rbxb5) 1.46/9 7} 61... Re7 {(Re8) 1.05/9 9} 62. Nxg6 {
1.56/9 7} 62... Rxe3 {0.77/8 9} 63. Ne5 {(f5) 1.48/9 7} 63... Rc7 {0.55/8 9}
64. g6+ {(Ra8) 1.40/9 7} 64... Kg8 {(Kg7) 1.03/8 8} 65. f5 {(Ra8+) 2.44/9 7}
65... Rc8 {1.39/7 8} 66. Rxb7 {(Kf2) 2.24/9 7} 66... Nxd4 {(Nd6) 2.26/7 8} 67.
Nd7 {3.59/8 7} 67... Re1+ {(Kh8) 3.16/8 8} 68. Kf2 {2.68/10 8} 68... Re7 {
3.85/8 8} 69. Nf6+ {3.08/9 6} 69... Kg7 {(Re2+) 4.99/10 8} 70. Rxe7+ {3.26/11 6
} 70... Kxf6 {5.27/10 8} 71. Rf7+ {4.98/10 6} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "11"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D85"]
[Annotator "0.49;0.35"]
[PlyCount "98"]
{W=9.5 ply; 89kN/s; 1.815 TBAs
B=10.6 ply; 142kN/s
} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3.
Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. Nf3 c5 8. Rb1 O-O 9. Be2 cxd4 10.
cxd4 {Both last book move} 10... Qa5+ {0.01/0 0} 11. Qd2 {0.49/8 7} 11... Qxd2+
{0.35/8 9} 12. Bxd2 {0.49/5 0} 12... Rd8 {0.40/8 9} 13. d5 {(Be3) 0.33/8 15}
13... Na6 {0.23/8 9} 14. O-O {(Bxa6) 0.32/7 5} 14... Nc5 {-0.09/9 9} 15. Rb4 {
-0.02/7 9} 15... a5 {(f5) -0.52/9 9} 16. Rb5 {-0.36/9 15} 16... b6 {
(Nxe4) -0.67/9 8} 17. Be3 {-0.78/8 15} 17... Ba6 {(Nxe4) -0.71/9 8} 18. Rxb6 {
-0.41/10 15} 18... Bxe2 {-0.76/10 8} 19. Bxc5 {-0.43/10 14} 19... Bxf1 {
-0.61/9 8} 20. Kxf1 {-0.47/9 14} 20... Rd7 {-0.83/9 8} 21. Nd4 {
(Ng5) -0.46/9 14} 21... f5 {-0.65/10 11} 22. f3 {-0.36/9 13} 22... Bxd4 {
(fxe4) -0.64/9 11} 23. Bxd4 {-0.48/9 13} 23... Rc8 {(fxe4) -0.67/9 11} 24. Be3
{-0.49/9 13} 24... Rc2 {(fxe4) -0.83/9 11} 25. a3 {(Rb8+) -0.49/9 13} 25...
fxe4 {-0.94/9 11} 26. fxe4 {-0.68/8 12} 26... e5 {-1.32/9 10} 27. Bh6 {
(Re6) -0.85/9 12} 27... Rc4 {-2.00/10 10} 28. Rb8+ {-1.79/9 12} 28... Kf7 {
-2.26/11 10} 29. Rf8+ {-1.79/9 12} 29... Ke7 {-2.24/11 10} 30. Rh8 {
(Ra8) -1.86/10 12} 30... Kf6 {(Rxe4) -2.42/11 10} 31. Rf8+ {-1.81/10 11} 31...
Rf7 {-2.56/12 12} 32. Rxf7+ {(Bg5+) -1.79/11 11} 32... Kxf7 {-2.72/13 11} 33.
Be3 {(Bd2) -1.85/11 11} 33... Rxe4 {-2.79/12 11} 34. Ke2 {-1.79/11 11} 34...
Rg4 {(Rh4) -2.77/11 11} 35. g3 {-1.81/10 11} 35... h5 {(Kf6) -2.66/11 10} 36.
Bc5 {(Kf3) -1.81/9 10} 36... Kf6 {(Rc4) -2.90/11 10} 37. Bb6 {-1.84/9 10} 37...
Ra4 {(Kf5) -3.07/12 10} 38. Bc5 {-2.07/10 10} 38... Rc4 {(Kf5) -3.04/11 10} 39.
Bb6 {-2.70/10 10} 39... Rc2+ {-3.19/11 10} 40. Kd3 {-2.87/10 10} 40... Rxh2 {
-3.14/12 9} 41. Bxa5 {-2.87/9 10} 41... Kf5 {(Rh3) -3.36/11 12} 42. Be1 {
(Ke3) -2.28/9 9} 42... e4+ {(g5) -3.38/11 11} 43. Kd4 {-2.78/10 9} 43... Rh1 {
-3.40/11 11} 44. Bd2 {-3.19/10 9} 44... Ra1 {-3.44/11 11} 45. d6 {-3.56/9 9}
45... Rxa3 {-3.14/11 10} 46. Bc3 {-3.58/9 9} 46... Ke6 {-4.43/9 10} 47. d7 {
(Be1) -4.52/9 9} 47... Kxd7 {-4.52/10 10} 48. Bb2 {-5.44/10 9} 48... Rxg3 {
-4.68/10 10} 49. Kxe4 {-5.59/9 9} 49... h4 {(Ke6) -4.42/11 9} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "12"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D85"]
[Annotator "0.26;0.27"]
[PlyCount "95"]
{W=10.1 ply; 113kN/s
B=9.1 ply; 91kN/s; 330 TBAs
} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3
d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. Nf3 c5 8. Rb1 O-O 9. Be2 cxd4 10.
cxd4 {Both last book move} 10... f5 {0.27/7 11} 11. e5 {(exf5) 0.26/7 9} 11...
Be6 {(Qd5) 0.55/8 13} 12. Rxb7 {0.59/8 9} 12... Bxa2 {(Nc6) 0.77/8 15} 13. Qa4
{1.41/8 9} 13... Bd5 {0.58/9 15} 14. Bc4 {(Rxa7) 1.58/8 9} 14... Kh8 {0.59/9 14
} 15. Bxd5 {0.99/8 9} 15... Qxd5 {0.45/8 14} 16. Rc7 {(Rxa7) 0.94/8 8} 16...
Qe4+ {(Qd8) 0.42/7 14} 17. Kf1 {0.81/8 8} 17... Qb1 {0.88/8 13} 18. Qc4 {
(Kg1) 1.08/8 8} 18... Bh6 {0.82/8 13} 19. Ke2 {1.70/9 8} 19... Qe4+ {0.96/8 13}
20. Kd1 {1.72/9 8} 20... Qb1 {(Bxc1) 1.03/8 13} 21. Rxe7 {2.07/9 11} 21... Bxc1
{1.26/8 13} 22. Qxc1 {1.96/9 11} 22... Qd3+ {0.89/8 12} 23. Qd2 {1.64/9 11}
23... Qb1+ {1.08/9 12} 24. Ke2 {1.33/10 11} 24... Qb5+ {1.08/8 12} 25. Qd3 {
1.39/10 11} 25... Qb2+ {1.23/8 12} 26. Ke3 {1.13/10 10} 26... f4+ {
(Nc6) 1.06/8 11} 27. Ke4 {1.42/10 10} 27... Nc6 {1.29/8 11} 28. Rd7 {
(Rb1) 1.40/8 10} 28... Qxf2 {(Nb4) 1.42/7 11} 29. Qd2 {(Rc1) 2.06/9 10} 29...
Qxd2 {1.47/8 11} 30. Nxd2 {2.20/9 10} 30... Rfd8 {(a5) 1.59/8 11} 31. Rxd8+ {
2.71/11 12} 31... Rxd8 {1.97/9 10} 32. Nf3 {2.74/11 11} 32... Kg8 {
(Ne7) 2.02/9 10} 33. Ra1 {(Rc1) 2.86/10 11} 33... Rd7 {(g5) 2.08/9 10} 34. d5 {
(Rc1) 3.26/11 11} 34... Nb4 {(Ne7) 2.30/9 10} 35. d6 {3.35/10 10} 35... h6 {
(Nd5) 2.51/9 10} 36. Kxf4 {3.53/9 10} 36... Nc6 {(Nc2) 2.68/8 10} 37. Ra6 {
(Ke4) 3.76/11 10} 37... Nd8 {2.79/9 10} 38. Nd4 {3.53/11 10} 38... Kf7 {
3.17/9 9} 39. Kf3 {(Nb5) 3.57/10 10} 39... Rb7 {(g5) 2.70/10 9} 40. Ke4 {
3.75/10 9} 40... Ne6 {3.12/9 9} 41. Nc6 {3.69/11 12} 41... Nc5+ {(Rb2) 3.44/9 9
} 42. Kd5 {3.80/11 11} 42... Ne6 {3.63/9 9} 43. Rxa7 {(Kc4) 4.10/11 11} 43...
Nf4+ {(Rxa7) 3.91/11 9} 44. Ke4 {4.21/12 11} 44... Rxa7 {4.09/11 9} 45. Nxa7 {
4.50/12 10} 45... Ne6 {4.64/11 8} 46. g3 {(Nc6) 4.46/11 10} 46... h5 {
(g5) 5.03/11 8} 47. Nc6 {(Kd5) 4.74/10 10} 47... Nf8 {(Nc5+) 5.37/11 8} 48. Nd4
{(Kd5) 4.74/10 10} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "13"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E15"]
[Annotator "-0.03;-0.13"]
[PlyCount "269"]
{W=10.6 ply; 132kN/s; 167.212 TBAs
B=11.1 ply; 134kN/s
} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6
3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Ba6 5. b3 Bb4+ 6. Bd2 Be7 7. Bg2 c6 8. Bc3 d5 9. Ne5 Nfd7 10.
Nxd7 Nxd7 11. Nd2 O-O 12. O-O Rc8 13. e4 {Both last book move} 13... b5 {
-0.13/8 9} 14. Re1 {-0.03/7 10} 14... bxc4 {(dxc4) -0.49/9 9} 15. bxc4 {
0.18/5 1} 15... dxc4 {(Bf6) -0.68/9 9} 16. Qa4 {0.00/9 16} 16... Bb5 {-0.56/9 9
} 17. Qxa7 {0.00/9 16} 17... Nb6 {-1.06/9 9} 18. e5 {-0.34/8 15} 18... Nd5 {
(Ra8) -1.50/9 9} 19. Ba5 {-0.23/8 11} 19... Qe8 {-1.58/9 9} 20. a4 {
(Bxd5) -0.40/9 15} 20... Ra8 {-1.93/10 8} 21. Qb7 {-0.54/9 14} 21... Rxa5 {
-1.91/9 12} 22. axb5 {-0.48/8 14} 22... Rxb5 {-1.96/9 12} 23. Qa7 {-0.53/8 14}
23... Bb4 {(c3) -2.05/9 11} 24. Red1 {(Qa2) -0.55/8 14} 24... c3 {
(Bxd2) -1.91/9 11} 25. Nc4 {-0.64/8 13} 25... Be7 {(Rb8) -1.89/8 11} 26. Rdc1 {
(Na5) -0.58/7 13} 26... Rb8 {(Qc8) -1.81/8 11} 27. Nd6 {-0.48/8 13} 27... Bxd6
{-1.43/9 11} 28. exd6 {-0.48/7 13} 28... Qd8 {(Rb2) -1.32/9 10} 29. d7 {
(Bxd5) -0.25/7 12} 29... Rb3 {(Rb2) -1.32/8 10} 30. Ra6 {(Ra5) -0.19/7 11}
30... Nb4 {-1.18/8 10} 31. Ra3 {(Raa1) 0.19/7 4} 31... Rxa3 {-0.17/10 12} 32.
Qxa3 {0.19/5 0} 32... Nd5 {-0.25/10 12} 33. Qd6 {(Bxd5) 0.21/7 5} 33... Qg5 {
(Qb8) -0.32/9 11} 34. Ra1 {(Bxd5) 0.04/7 12} 34... Rd8 {(c2) -0.24/8 11} 35.
Qxc6 {0.50/7 6} 35... Qe7 {-0.07/9 11} 36. Ra7 {0.40/6 4} 36... h6 {
(c2) 0.02/9 11} 37. h4 {0.40/6 4} 37... Kh7 {(Nf6) 0.11/9 10} 38. Bxd5 {
1.19/8 8} 38... exd5 {0.76/9 10} 39. Qxd5 {1.18/8 9} 39... Qe6 {0.93/9 10} 40.
Qxe6 {1.21/8 7} 40... fxe6 {0.86/12 10} 41. Rc7 {1.12/9 3} 41... Kg6 {
0.93/13 12} 42. Kg2 {(f3) 1.16/9 7} 42... c2 {0.84/12 12} 43. Rxc2 {1.19/10 9}
43... Rxd7 {0.89/12 11} 44. Rc4 {1.22/10 12} 44... Kf6 {0.92/12 11} 45. Kf3 {
1.20/9 3} 45... Rd6 {(Rd5) 0.92/12 11} 46. g4 {(Ke3) 1.25/9 6} 46... Ra6 {
(Rd5) 0.89/11 10} 47. Rc7 {1.29/9 12} 47... Ra2 {0.92/11 10} 48. h5 {
(Ke3) 1.29/9 11} 48... Ra1 {0.92/12 10} 49. Rb7 {(Ke2) 1.30/10 13} 49... Rd1 {
0.90/12 10} 50. Rd7 {1.29/10 7} 50... Rg1 {(Re1) 0.92/11 9} 51. Kf4 {
(d5) 1.30/11 20} 51... Rg2 {(Rd1) 0.92/13 9} 52. f3 {1.30/11 10} 52... Rb2 {
(Re2) 0.92/11 9} 53. Ra7 {(d5) 1.30/10 8} 53... Re2 {0.92/13 9} 54. Rc7 {
(Kg3) 1.30/10 3} 54... Re1 {(Rd2) 0.92/12 8} 55. Rc5 {(Rd7) 1.30/9 4} 55... Rd1
{(Rb1) 0.92/12 8} 56. Ke3 {1.30/11 20} 56... Re1+ {0.93/11 8} 57. Kd2 {
(Kf2) 1.30/11 7} 57... Ra1 {(Rf1) 0.93/11 8} 58. Ke2 {(Rc6) 1.30/10 10} 58...
Ke7 {(Ra2+) 0.93/11 8} 59. Rc7+ {(Rc6) 1.30/10 5} 59... Kf6 {0.93/13 8} 60. Kf2
{(Rc8) 1.30/10 6} 60... Rd1 {0.92/13 7} 61. Rd7 {(Ke3) 1.30/10 4} 61... Rc1 {
(Rd2+) 0.92/11 7} 62. Ke3 {(d5) 1.30/10 7} 62... Re1+ {(Rc2) 0.92/11 7} 63. Kd3
{(Kd2) 1.30/11 11} 63... Rc1 {(Rf1) 0.92/11 7} 64. Ke2 {(Kd2) 1.30/10 6} 64...
Rc2+ {0.92/13 7} 65. Ke3 {1.30/11 9} 65... Rc3+ {0.93/13 7} 66. Ke4 {
(d5) 1.30/11 8} 66... Rc1 {(Rc2) 0.93/13 7} 67. Rb7 {(f4) 1.30/10 4} 67... Re1+
{(Rc2) 0.93/13 7} 68. Kd3 {1.30/10 4} 68... Rd1+ {0.93/13 7} 69. Ke3 {
(f4) 1.30/10 3} 69... Re1+ {0.93/13 6} 70. Kd2 {1.30/11 6} 70... Rg1 {
(Rf1) 0.93/13 6} 71. Rc7 {(Ke3) 1.30/10 10} 71... Rb1 {(Rg2+) 0.93/12 6} 72.
Ra7 {(Rc6) 1.30/9 4} 72... Rb3 {(Rb2+) 0.93/12 6} 73. Ke2 {1.30/10 7} 73... Rc3
{(Rb2+) 0.93/12 6} 74. Rb7 {(Ra5) 1.30/10 7} 74... Ra3 {(Rc2+) 0.92/12 6} 75.
Rb6 {(Rd7) 1.30/10 9} 75... Ke7 {(Ra2+) 0.92/12 6} 76. Rb5 {(Rb8) 1.30/10 5}
76... Kf6 {(Rc3) 0.92/11 6} 77. Rc5 {(Rb8) 1.30/10 8} 77... Rb3 {
(Ra2+) 0.93/11 6} 78. Rc7 {(d5) 1.30/10 7} 78... Ra3 {(Rb2+) 0.92/13 6} 79. Rc6
{1.30/9 4} 79... Ke7 {0.92/12 6} 80. Rb6 {(Kf2) 1.30/10 4} 80... Kf7 {
(Rc3) 0.92/12 6} 81. Kf2 {1.28/9 5} 81... Ke7 {(Rc3) 0.92/12 6} 82. Rb7+ {
1.30/10 8} 82... Kf6 {0.93/13 6} 83. Ke2 {(Rd7) 1.29/10 8} 83... Rc3 {
(Ra5) 0.93/12 6} 84. Rb6 {1.30/10 8} 84... Ke7 {(Rc2+) 0.93/12 6} 85. Rb4 {
(Ra6) 1.28/8 3} 85... Kf6 {(Ra3) 0.92/12 6} 86. Rb8 {1.28/10 8} 86... Ke7 {
(Ra3) 0.92/11 6} 87. Rb5 {1.28/9 3} 87... Rc2+ {(Kf6) 0.93/11 6} 88. Ke3 {
(Kd3) 1.30/10 3} 88... Rc3+ {(Rg2) 0.93/12 5} 89. Ke4 {1.30/9 4} 89... Rc1 {
(Kf6) 0.93/12 5} 90. g5 {(Rb8) 1.34/9 5} 90... hxg5 {0.57/11 5} 91. Rxg5 {
1.34/5 0} 91... Re1+ {0.58/10 5} 92. Kd3 {(Kf4) 1.32/11 17} 92... Kf6 {
0.58/10 5} 93. f4 {(Rc5) 1.32/10 6} 93... Rd1+ {0.01/9 5} 94. Ke3 {
(Ke4) 1.32/10 5} 94... Re1+ {0.00/11 5} 95. Kf3 {(Kd3) 1.32/10 8} 95... Rf1+ {
(Rd1) 0.00/11 5} 96. Ke4 {0.00/11 4} 96... Re1+ {0.00/12 5} 97. Kd3 {
(Kf3) 0.00/79 0} 97... Rd1+ {0.00/12 5} 98. Kc4 {(Rg6+) 1.23/9 6} 98... Rf1 {
-0.01/10 5} 99. Rg4 {(Rg6+) 0.32/8 2} 99... Rh1 {-0.03/10 5} 100. Rg6+ {
(Rg5) 0.19/10 8} 100... Kf7 {(Kf5) -0.09/10 5} 101. Rg5 {0.24/10 7} 101... Rh4
{(Rf1) -0.11/10 5} 102. Kd3 {0.10/9 4} 102... Rxf4 {-0.15/10 5} 103. Re5 {
(d5) 0.11/9 3} 103... Kf6 {(Rf3+) -0.28/8 5} 104. Rc5 {(Re1) 0.00/10 12} 104...
Rf3+ {(Rf5) -0.29/9 5} 105. Ke4 {(Kc4) 0.00/10 5} 105... Rh3 {(Rg3) -0.29/10 5}
106. Re5 {(Rb5) 0.00/10 5} 106... Rh2 {(Rc3) -0.29/10 5} 107. Ke3 {0.00/10 8}
107... Rh4 {(Rb2) -0.29/10 5} 108. Rc5 {0.00/11 8} 108... Rh3+ {-0.29/9 5} 109.
Kd2 {(Ke4) 0.00/11 7} 109... Rg3 {(Ke7) -0.26/9 5} 110. Kc2 {(Rc8) 0.00/10 7}
110... Rg2+ {-0.29/9 5} 111. Kc3 {(Kd3) 0.00/10 4} 111... Rg5 {(Rf2) -0.29/9 5}
112. Kd3 {(Kc4) 0.00/10 3} 112... Rg1 {(Rg2) -0.29/9 5} 113. Kd2 {
(Ke3) 0.00/10 5} 113... Rg4 {(Rg2+) -0.29/9 5} 114. Kc3 {(Kd3) 0.00/11 7}
114... Rh4 {(Rg3+) -0.29/10 5} 115. Rb5 {(Kd3) 0.00/10 5} 115... Rh3+ {
(Rh2) -0.29/10 5} 116. Kd2 {(Kc4) 0.00/11 8} 116... Rh1 {(Rg3) -0.29/9 5} 117.
Re5 {(Ke3) 0.00/10 3} 117... Rb1 {(Rh2+) -0.29/9 5} 118. Kc3 {(Re3) 0.00/10 4}
118... Kf7 {(Rd1) -0.18/9 5} 119. Ra5 {(d5) 0.00/9 7} 119... Rh1 {
(Kf6) -0.23/8 5} 120. Kc4 {(Rg5) 0.00/10 7} 120... Kf6 {(Rh2) -0.29/9 5} 121.
Kb3 {(Re5) 0.00/10 4} 121... Rh4 {(Re1) -0.29/10 5} 122. Kc3 {(Kc4) 0.00/10 8}
122... Rh2 {(Re4) -0.28/9 5} 123. Kd3 {(Re5) 0.00/11 8} 123... Rh1 {
(Rh4) -0.29/9 5} 124. Rc5 {(Kc3) 0.00/10 6} 124... Rh2 {(Re1) -0.29/9 5} 125.
Rb5 {(Ra5) 0.00/11 5} 125... Rf2 {(Rh3+) -0.22/9 5} 126. Re5 {(Rb1) 0.00/10 3}
126... Rf3+ {(Rb2) -0.29/10 5} 127. Ke4 {0.00/11 6} 127... Rh3 {
(Rf2) -0.29/10 5} 128. Kf4 {(Ra5) 0.00/10 3} 128... Rd3 {-0.29/10 5} 129. Re4 {
(Ke4) 0.00/11 6} 129... Rxd4 {-0.85/10 5} 130. Rxd4 {0.00/5 0} 130... e5+ {
-1.27/14 5} 131. Ke4 {(Kf3) 0.00/14 4} 131... exd4 {-1.27/14 5} 132. h6 {
(Kf4) 0.00/17 8} 132... g5 {(gxh6) -1.60/16 5} 133. Kxd4 {0.00/25 8} 133... Kg6
{0.00/1 0} 134. Ke3 {(h7) 0.00/1 0} 134... Kxh6 {0.00/1 0} 135. Kf3 {
(Kd4) Draw accepted 0.00/1 0} 1/2-1/2
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "14"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E15"]
[Annotator "-0.47;-0.03"]
[PlyCount "89"]
{W=10.1 ply; 127kN/s
B=7.8 ply; 117kN/s
} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3
Ba6 5. b3 Bb4+ 6. Bd2 Be7 7. Bg2 c6 8. Bc3 d5 9. Ne5 Nfd7 10. Nxd7 Nxd7 11. Nd2
O-O 12. O-O Rc8 13. e4 {Both last book move} 13... b5 {-0.03/7 9} 14. exd5 {
(Re1) -0.47/8 9} 14... cxd5 {-0.42/5 1} 15. c5 {(Re1) -0.65/9 9} 15... b4 {
-0.46/8 15} 16. Bxb4 {-0.72/10 9} 16... Bxf1 {-0.46/5 0} 17. Nxf1 {-0.55/9 9}
17... Nb8 {(e5) -0.38/8 16} 18. Rc1 {(Bc3) -0.28/9 9} 18... Nc6 {-0.38/9 15}
19. Bc3 {-0.40/9 9} 19... Qc7 {(e5) -0.44/8 12} 20. Ne3 {-0.18/9 9} 20... Rb8 {
-0.36/7 8} 21. f4 {(Qd3) -0.16/9 12} 21... Rfe8 {-0.36/7 9} 22. Qe2 {
(Qg4) -0.10/9 12} 22... Bf6 {-0.31/7 14} 23. Qd3 {(Rd1) -0.05/9 12} 23... g6 {
(h5) -0.30/7 9} 24. Bxd5 {(Re1) 0.19/9 11} 24... exd5 {-0.82/5 1} 25. Nxd5 {
0.27/10 11} 25... Qd8 {-0.83/8 6} 26. Nxf6+ {0.15/10 11} 26... Qxf6 {-0.89/8 3}
27. d5 {0.52/10 11} 27... Nb4 {-1.11/8 7} 28. Qd2 {0.22/10 11} 28... Qe7 {
-1.13/7 3} 29. Qd4 {(Be5) 0.16/9 10} 29... Qe3+ {-1.50/9 14} 30. Qxe3 {
0.60/12 10} 30... Rxe3 {-1.50/5 0} 31. Bxb4 {-0.13/12 12} 31... Rxb4 {-1.50/5 0
} 32. c6 {0.72/10 12} 32... Rbe4 {-1.50/7 7} 33. Kf1 {(Kf2) 1.20/10 12} 33...
Re8 {1.20/9 29} 34. d6 {1.20/10 11} 34... Rf3+ {1.21/8 14} 35. Kg1 {1.13/11 11}
35... Rd3 {1.17/9 13} 36. d7 {1.10/10 11} 36... Rf8 {1.23/9 13} 37. b4 {
(Kf1) 1.14/9 11} 37... Kg7 {(f6) 0.93/9 13} 38. a4 {(a3) 1.15/9 10} 38... h5 {
(Rd8) 0.88/8 13} 39. b5 {(c7) 1.27/9 10} 39... Rh8 {(Rd4) 0.95/9 12} 40. Kf1 {
(c7) 1.29/9 10} 40... h4 {(Rd8) 1.09/7 12} 41. Ke2 {1.78/9 12} 41... Rd6 {
(Rd4) 1.10/8 12} 42. Rd1 {(c7) 1.87/9 12} 42... Rxd1 {-1.02/6 12} 43. Kxd1 {
3.43/10 12} 43... hxg3 {5.68/7 11} 44. hxg3 {5.09/10 11} 44... Rd8 {5.91/10 11}
45. Kc2 {5.26/11 11} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "15"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E98"]
[Annotator "0.16;0.48"]
[PlyCount "75"]
{W=6.9 ply; 112kN/s
B=9.0 ply; 127kN/s
} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4
d6 5. Be2 O-O 6. Nf3 e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. Ne1 Ne8 10. Be3 {
Both last book move} 10... f5 {0.48/9 9} 11. f3 {(Nd3) 0.16/7 8} 11... fxe4 {
(Bd7) 0.32/9 9} 12. fxe4 {(Nxe4) 0.22/5 0} 12... Rxf1+ {0.13/10 9} 13. Bxf1 {
0.22/5 0} 13... Nf6 {0.18/10 8} 14. h3 {(Be2) 0.30/8 16} 14... Bd7 {
(c5) 0.00/8 8} 15. c5 {(Nf3) 0.36/7 7} 15... a5 {-0.02/7 8} 16. Qb3 {
(Nc2) 0.58/7 7} 16... Qb8 {0.14/8 8} 17. Nf3 {0.68/7 9} 17... Be8 {
(Nh5) 0.28/7 8} 18. Re1 {0.87/7 15} 18... Nh5 {0.38/8 8} 19. Bb5 {0.96/6 2}
19... Nf6 {(Bxb5) 0.44/9 8} 20. Bxe8 {1.17/7 7} 20... Nxe8 {0.58/9 8} 21. Ng5 {
1.17/7 3} 21... Nf6 {0.65/9 11} 22. Ne6 {(Rf1) 1.42/7 6} 22... a4 {
(Qc8) 0.93/8 11} 23. Qb4 {(Qc4) 1.91/7 9} 23... a3 {(Nc8) 1.28/8 11} 24. bxa3 {
2.41/7 12} 24... Ra6 {(Ne8) 1.34/8 11} 25. c6 {(Rb1) 2.60/8 15} 25... Nxc6 {
(b6) 2.09/8 10} 26. dxc6 {3.31/5 0} 26... Rxc6 {2.14/9 10} 27. Nd5 {3.65/8 9}
27... Kh8 {2.73/9 14} 28. Rf1 {3.65/7 3} 28... Nxd5 {(Nh5) 3.13/9 10} 29. exd5
{4.50/5 0} 29... Rc2 {4.15/9 9} 30. Rf7 {6.59/7 4} 30... Re2 {4.28/8 9} 31. Qh4
{(Rxg7) 7.89/7 10} 31... h5 {4.69/7 11} 32. Rxg7 {(Qg5) 11.22/6 5} 32... Re1+ {
(Qe8) 14.14/8 15} 33. Qxe1 {(Kh2) 15.40/9 29} 33... Qf8 {(Qe8) #6/9 14} 34.
Rxg6 {(Nxf8) 22.27/6 1} 34... Qf4 {(Qf5) #3/9 14} 35. Bxf4 {(Nxf4) #5/3 0}
35... Kh7 {(b6) #3/8 10} 36. Nf8+ {(Rg7+) #3/1 0} 36... Kh8 {#2/9 9} 37. Qxe5+
{(Bxe5+) #2/1 0} 37... dxe5 {#1/13 9} 38. Bxe5# {#1/1 0} 1-0
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "16"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "E98"]
[Annotator "0.42;0.16"]
[PlyCount "206"]
{W=9.9 ply; 126kN/s
B=8.2 ply; 125kN/s; 85.934 TBAs
} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3.
Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Be2 O-O 6. Nf3 e5 7. O-O Nc6 8. d5 Ne7 9. Ne1 Ne8 10. Be3 {
Both last book move} 10... f5 {0.16/8 15} 11. f3 {(Nf3) 0.01/0 0} 11... Nf6 {
0.19/8 15} 12. Nd3 {0.42/9 9} 12... b6 {(fxe4) 0.14/7 8} 13. Qd2 {0.51/7 9}
13... Ba6 {(f4) 0.15/7 15} 14. Nb4 {(b3) 0.52/9 9} 14... Bb7 {0.05/7 9} 15. Bh6
{(Rae1) 0.32/8 9} 15... Bxh6 {(f4) 0.08/7 8} 16. Qxh6 {0.37/9 9} 16... Kh8 {
(Qd7) 0.10/7 11} 17. Nd3 {(Qh3) 0.29/8 9} 17... Qd7 {(fxe4) 0.06/6 8} 18. Bd1 {
(Qd2) 0.32/7 8} 18... fxe4 {(c6) 0.01/6 8} 19. fxe4 {(Ba4) 0.33/8 8} 19... Neg8
{(Rf7) 0.18/7 14} 20. Qg5 {(Qd2) 0.43/8 8} 20... Rad8 {(Qe7) 0.05/7 12} 21. Be2
{(Qd2) 0.49/8 12} 21... Qg7 {(Qe7) 0.09/7 13} 22. Bf3 {(Nf2) 0.39/8 11} 22...
Nh6 {(Qh6) 0.04/7 10} 23. Nb5 {(Qd2) 0.45/8 11} 23... a6 {0.00/7 5} 24. Nc3 {
0.35/9 11} 24... a5 {(Nf7) 0.03/7 6} 25. Nb5 {(Qd2) 0.49/8 11} 25... Nf7 {
(c6) 0.04/7 13} 26. Qe3 {(Qd2) 0.38/9 11} 26... Nh6 {(Rc8) 0.05/7 6} 27. Nf2 {
(a3) 0.53/8 10} 27... g5 {(Nhg8) 0.10/7 12} 28. Be2 {(Qd2) 0.43/8 10} 28... Ba6
{(Rg8) 0.08/7 12} 29. Rac1 {(Qd2) 0.53/8 10} 29... Nhg8 {(Bxb5) 0.25/7 12} 30.
Nh3 {(Ng4) 0.72/8 10} 30... h6 {0.30/8 12} 31. Nf2 {0.54/8 12} 31... Bc8 {
(Qd7) 0.33/8 12} 32. Rfd1 {(Qd2) 0.63/8 11} 32... Qf7 {(Kh7) 0.26/7 11} 33. Bd3
{(b3) 0.55/8 11} 33... Bg4 {(Qh7) 0.21/7 5} 34. Rf1 {(Re1) 0.60/9 11} 34... Bh5
{(Qd7) 0.22/7 4} 35. Bc2 {(Nh1) 0.60/8 11} 35... Qg7 {(Bg6) 0.05/6 4} 36. Rb1 {
(Nh1) 0.55/8 10} 36... Kh7 {(Bg6) 0.13/7 8} 37. Ba4 {(Qd2) 0.54/7 10} 37... Bg6
{0.00/7 8} 38. Rbd1 {(Qe2) 0.54/7 10} 38... Nh5 {(Qd7) 0.00/6 4} 39. Na7 {
(Nd3) 0.43/8 10} 39... Ngf6 {(Nhf6) -0.12/8 9} 40. Nc6 {0.36/8 10} 40... Rde8 {
(Ra8) -0.07/7 5} 41. Ra1 {(Bc2) 0.34/8 12} 41... Nf4 {(Nd7) -0.14/7 9} 42. g3 {
(Bc2) 0.32/8 12} 42... N4h5 {(Nd7) -0.03/7 11} 43. h3 {(Qe2) 0.30/8 11} 43...
Nd7 {-0.46/6 4} 44. Ng4 {0.18/8 11} 44... Nc5 {(Nhf6) -0.18/7 11} 45. Bc2 {
0.22/9 11} 45... Kh8 {(Rxf1+) -0.17/6 5} 46. Kh2 {(Kg2) 0.28/8 10} 46... Kg8 {
(Nf6) -0.20/6 11} 47. Rab1 {(Rae1) 0.32/7 10} 47... Qh7 {(Rxf1) -0.17/6 10} 48.
Rxf8+ {(b3) 0.09/7 10} 48... Rxf8 {-0.25/5 0} 49. Re1 {-0.20/8 9} 49... Qg7 {
(Nf6) -0.31/6 2} 50. Kg2 {-0.05/8 9} 50... Nf6 {-0.28/6 3} 51. Nxf6+ {-0.19/8 9
} 51... Qxf6 {-0.28/5 0} 52. Na7 {(b3) -0.25/8 9} 52... Bh5 {(h5) -0.33/7 9}
53. Nb5 {-0.35/8 8} 53... Qf3+ {-0.36/7 6} 54. Qxf3 {-0.37/11 8} 54... Bxf3+ {
-0.36/5 0} 55. Kg1 {(Kh2) -0.34/11 8} 55... Rf7 {-0.27/8 8} 56. Re3 {
(Nc3) -0.41/11 8} 56... Bh5 {(h5) -0.11/9 21} 57. Nc3 {(a3) -0.28/10 8} 57...
Kg7 {(Rf8) -0.22/9 20} 58. Na4 {(a3) -0.28/10 8} 58... Nd7 {(Nb7) -0.22/9 10}
59. Nc3 {(Kg2) -0.21/10 7} 59... Nf6 {(g4) -0.17/8 5} 60. Re1 {(Kg2) -0.22/10 7
} 60... Bg6 {(g4) -0.13/8 5} 61. Rf1 {-0.12/10 7} 61... Rf8 {(Nd7) -0.12/8 9}
62. Kg2 {-0.14/10 7} 62... Rg8 {(Kg8) -0.03/7 4} 63. Kg1 {(b3) -0.07/9 7} 63...
Nd7 {(Rc8) -0.12/9 12} 64. Nb5 {(Rf2) -0.16/10 7} 64... Rc8 {(Nc5) -0.19/8 3}
65. Re1 {-0.12/9 7} 65... Nc5 {-0.07/8 3} 66. a3 {(Kg2) -0.15/9 7} 66... Na6 {
(a4) -0.01/8 11} 67. Na7 {(Rf1) -0.13/10 7} 67... Rf8 {(a4) -0.02/9 18} 68. Nb5
{(Nc6) -0.24/9 6} 68... Rf7 {(Kg8) -0.14/9 9} 69. Nc3 {(b3) -0.25/10 6} 69...
Nc5 {-0.21/8 3} 70. Nb5 {-0.23/9 6} 70... Rf3 {(h5) -0.21/7 3} 71. Kg2 {
0.00/11 6} 71... Rf7 {0.00/9 6} 72. Kg1 {0.00/13 6} 72... h5 {-0.17/8 8} 73.
Kg2 {(Re3) -0.32/9 11} 73... h4 {(g4) -0.17/8 8} 74. gxh4 {-0.40/10 6} 74...
gxh4 {-0.17/5 0} 75. b4 {(Re3) -0.35/9 6} 75... axb4 {(Na6) -0.43/9 7} 76. axb4
{-0.26/11 6} 76... Na6 {-0.12/10 7} 77. Ra1 {-0.35/11 6} 77... Nxb4 {-0.07/9 4}
78. Bb1 {-0.26/10 6} 78... Bh5 {(Rd7) -0.05/8 4} 79. Ra4 {0.50/10 6} 79... c5 {
(Bf3+) 0.77/10 17} 80. Nxd6 {(dxc6) 0.76/9 6} 80... Rf3 {-0.15/8 7} 81. Ra7+ {
0.44/9 6} 81... Kg6 {-0.13/8 4} 82. Nc8 {0.31/9 5} 82... Rg3+ {(Rb3) -0.47/8 8}
83. Kh2 {-0.12/9 5} 83... Bf3 {-0.47/8 3} 84. Ra3 {-1.43/10 5} 84... Kg5 {
-0.52/8 7} 85. Nxb6 {-1.88/11 5} 85... Bxe4 {-0.52/5 0} 86. Rxg3+ {
(Bxe4) -1.99/11 5} 86... hxg3+ {-2.21/5 0} 87. Kxg3 {-2.01/12 5} 87... Bxb1 {
-2.43/5 0} 88. Nd7 {-2.16/10 5} 88... Nd3 {(Bd3) -2.60/9 9} 89. h4+ {
(d6) -2.18/11 5} 89... Kf5 {-2.78/9 8} 90. Nb6 {-2.42/11 5} 90... e4 {
(Ba2) -2.78/9 17} 91. d6 {-2.30/11 5} 91... Kf6 {(Ke6) -2.79/9 3} 92. h5 {
(Nd5+) -1.87/10 5} 92... Ne5 {(e3) -3.56/8 8} 93. d7 {(h6) -2.70/10 5} 93...
Ke7 {-2.69/8 3} 94. Kf4 {-2.09/10 5} 94... Nxd7 {-2.82/9 4} 95. Nxd7 {
-2.27/11 5} 95... Kxd7 {-2.82/5 0} 96. h6 {-3.26/14 5} 96... e3 {-3.85/12 10}
97. Kxe3 {-3.34/14 5} 97... Ke6 {-4.01/12 2} 98. Kd2 {(Kf4) -3.37/14 5} 98...
Ke5 {-4.35/14 6} 99. Kc3 {-3.70/14 5} 99... Bg6 {(Bh7) -4.52/14 2} 100. Kd2 {
(Kb2) -3.64/12 5} 100... Kd4 {-5.40/13 6} 101. Ke2 {-3.68/12 5} 101... Kxc4 {
-6.16/13 6} 102. Ke3 {#0/13 7} 102... Kb3 {(Kb4) -13.64/12 16} 103. Kf4 {
#0/12 7} 103... c4 {-13.64/12 3} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "17"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A25"]
[Annotator "-0.15;0.05"]
[PlyCount "150"]
{W=8.3 ply; 118kN/s
B=9.5 ply; 123kN/s
} 1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2
Bg7 5. e3 Nge7 6. Nge2 O-O 7. O-O d6 8. d3 {Both last book move} 8... Be6 {
0.05/8 9} 9. e4 {(Qb3) -0.15/8 8} 9... Nd4 {(f5) -0.15/8 8} 10. Be3 {
(Nxd4) 0.04/7 12} 10... Qd7 {-0.28/8 8} 11. f4 {(Qd2) 0.01/6 4} 11... Nec6 {
(Bg4) -0.22/7 8} 12. Qd2 {-0.02/6 5} 12... Bg4 {(Nxe2+) -0.28/7 8} 13. Rac1 {
(fxe5) -0.13/6 13} 13... Nb4 {(Rad8) -0.51/8 8} 14. b3 {-0.20/7 15} 14... c5 {
-0.48/7 8} 15. Rb1 {-0.23/6 11} 15... Nbc2 {(exf4) -0.61/7 8} 16. Bf2 {
(Bxd4) -0.24/7 12} 16... Bh3 {(Bf3) -0.44/7 8} 17. fxe5 {(Nxd4) -0.15/7 14}
17... Bxg2 {-0.44/7 8} 18. Kxg2 {-0.15/5 0} 18... dxe5 {-0.30/8 8} 19. Nxd4 {
(Rbc1) -0.04/5 0} 19... Nxd4 {-0.38/8 8} 20. Rbe1 {(b4) -0.09/7 8} 20... f5 {
-0.57/8 8} 21. Be3 {(exf5) -0.04/6 2} 21... f4 {(Rae8) -0.77/9 11} 22. Bxd4 {
-0.45/8 14} 22... cxd4 {-0.64/9 11} 23. Nd5 {-0.42/8 14} 23... fxg3 {
(Qg4) -0.62/8 10} 24. hxg3 {-0.18/5 0} 24... Qg4 {(Qd6) -0.50/8 10} 25. Qe2 {
(Qd1) -0.24/7 14} 25... Rxf1 {-0.60/10 10} 26. Qxf1 {-0.24/5 0} 26... Rf8 {
-0.59/10 10} 27. Qe2 {-0.30/10 13} 27... Qg5 {-0.57/10 10} 28. Nc7 {
(a3) -0.23/9 8} 28... Qe7 {(Rf6) -0.57/10 9} 29. Nd5 {-0.23/9 7} 29... Qa3 {
(Qe6) -0.53/10 9} 30. b4 {(Qd2) -0.19/8 7} 30... a5 {(h5) -0.51/9 9} 31. bxa5 {
0.00/9 13} 31... Qxa5 {-0.53/10 11} 32. Ne7+ {-0.03/9 11} 32... Kh8 {
-0.54/11 11} 33. Rh1 {(Rb1) -0.03/9 13} 33... Qa6 {-0.58/10 10} 34. a4 {
(Nd5) -0.06/8 8} 34... Qd6 {(Qe6) -0.62/9 10} 35. Nd5 {-0.04/8 5} 35... Qa3 {
(Qd7) -0.62/9 10} 36. Qc2 {-0.06/9 11} 36... Rf7 {(Kg8) -0.58/10 10} 37. Rh4 {
(Rb1) -0.16/8 5} 37... g5 {(Bf8) -0.63/10 10} 38. Rh5 {(Rh1) -0.15/8 5} 38...
h6 {(g4) -0.69/10 9} 39. g4 {(Rh1) -0.24/7 5} 39... Qf8 {(Bf8) -0.64/10 9} 40.
Rh1 {-0.23/8 8} 40... Qc8 {-0.61/10 9} 41. Kg3 {(Qe2) -0.22/8 7} 41... Qd7 {
(Kh7) -0.70/9 11} 42. Qc1 {(Qd1) -0.23/8 12} 42... Kg8 {-0.78/9 11} 43. a5 {
-0.23/8 7} 43... Qd8 {(Bf8) -0.69/9 11} 44. Qe1 {(Qd2) -0.23/8 9} 44... Qf8 {
(Qe8) -0.63/10 10} 45. Kg2 {-0.23/9 23} 45... Qc8 {(Qe8) -0.58/10 10} 46. Qg3 {
(Qe2) -0.25/9 11} 46... Qd8 {(Qc6) -0.62/10 10} 47. Qe1 {-0.25/9 11} 47... Qd7
{-0.58/10 9} 48. Kg3 {(Qe2) -0.26/9 11} 48... Qa4 {-0.67/10 9} 49. Qd2 {
-0.26/9 10} 49... Bf8 {-0.57/10 9} 50. Rb1 {-0.25/9 10} 50... Kg7 {
(Qa3) -0.66/9 9} 51. Rh1 {(Rb6) -0.22/8 6} 51... Bc5 {(Qa3) -0.64/10 9} 52. Qh2
{(Kg2) -0.25/9 10} 52... Qc6 {-0.60/10 8} 53. Kg2 {-0.24/9 10} 53... Qe6 {
-0.65/9 8} 54. Qh3 {(Qh5) -0.21/8 5} 54... Kh7 {(Kg8) -0.60/9 8} 55. Qh5 {
(Rb1) -0.15/8 5} 55... Kg8 {-0.55/10 8} 56. Rb1 {(Rf1) -0.10/7 2} 56... Kg7 {
(Qc6) -0.62/9 8} 57. Rb5 {(Rh1) -0.15/9 13} 57... Qc8 {(Qd6) -0.63/9 8} 58. Rb1
{(Rb2) -0.17/7 4} 58... Qf8 {(Qc6) -0.61/9 7} 59. Qh3 {(Kg1) -0.20/8 7} 59...
Qd6 {(Kh7) -0.55/9 7} 60. Qh5 {(Qg3) -0.14/9 18} 60... Qc6 {-0.61/9 7} 61. Qh2
{(Rh1) -0.14/8 3} 61... Qe6 {-0.54/9 7} 62. Qh5 {-0.12/8 5} 62... Ba7 {
-0.54/9 7} 63. Rb5 {(Kg1) -0.11/7 3} 63... Qc6 {(Kh7) -0.54/9 7} 64. Qh2 {
(Rb1) -0.11/8 8} 64... Qd6 {-0.53/8 7} 65. Kh1 {(Rb1) -0.12/8 15} 65... Kg8 {
(Qe6) -0.63/8 7} 66. Qh5 {-0.08/7 2} 66... Qf8 {(Qe6) -0.64/9 7} 67. Rb2 {
(Qg6+) -0.97/8 9} 67... Kg7 {(Rf1+) -0.80/8 6} 68. Qh3 {-1.12/9 9} 68... Qa3 {
-0.98/9 6} 69. Rb1 {-1.14/9 9} 69... Qxa5 {-1.22/9 6} 70. Rf1 {-1.07/8 9} 70...
Bc5 {-1.14/9 6} 71. Rxf7+ {-1.07/9 8} 71... Kxf7 {-0.58/10 6} 72. Qf1+ {
-1.09/10 8} 72... Kg8 {(Ke8) -0.44/10 6} 73. Nf6+ {-0.96/9 8} 73... Kh8 {
-0.44/9 6} 74. Nd5 {(Nd7) 0.00/9 6} 74... Kg8 {0.00/10 6} 75. Nf6+ {
(Qf5) 0.00/11 5} 75... Kg7 {Draw accepted 0.00/11 6} 1/2-1/2
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "18"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A25"]
[Annotator "0.05;-0.15"]
[PlyCount "120"]
{W=10.2 ply; 137kN/s
B=8.3 ply; 134kN/s; 12.680 TBAs
} 1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3.
g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. e3 Nge7 6. Nge2 O-O 7. O-O d6 8. d3 {Both last book move}
8... Bg4 {-0.15/8 10} 9. Qb3 {(Bd2) 0.05/8 9} 9... Rb8 {-0.15/7 9} 10. f3 {
(Bd2) -0.04/8 9} 10... Be6 {-0.46/8 12} 11. Nd5 {(Qc2) -0.24/8 8} 11... b5 {
-1.01/8 12} 12. Nxe7+ {-0.61/8 8} 12... Qxe7 {-1.01/5 0} 13. Qc2 {-0.57/9 8}
13... Nb4 {-1.11/8 11} 14. Qb3 {-0.62/9 8} 14... bxc4 {(d5) -1.11/7 4} 15. dxc4
{-0.53/9 8} 15... d5 {(e4) -0.99/7 4} 16. cxd5 {-0.62/9 8} 16... Nxd5 {
-0.99/5 0} 17. Qc2 {-0.57/9 8} 17... Qd6 {(Nb4) -1.05/7 13} 18. Rd1 {
(b3) -0.54/7 8} 18... Qb6 {-1.41/7 7} 19. Qe4 {(Qd2) -0.82/8 8} 19... f5 {
-1.56/7 3} 20. Qd3 {-1.02/8 8} 20... f4 {(Rbd8) -1.45/7 8} 21. gxf4 {-1.09/8 11
} 21... exf4 {-1.45/5 0} 22. Nd4 {-1.91/8 11} 22... Bf7 {-2.07/7 12} 23. a4 {
-2.11/8 11} 23... Nxe3 {(fxe3) -2.15/6 2} 24. Bxe3 {-2.34/9 10} 24... fxe3 {
-2.15/5 0} 25. Qxe3 {-2.46/9 10} 25... Rfd8 {-2.69/8 11} 26. Nc2 {-2.74/9 10}
26... Qxb2 {-2.80/7 9} 27. Rdc1 {-2.92/8 10} 27... Qb7 {(Bc3) -2.94/6 3} 28. f4
{(Rab1) -3.34/9 14} 28... Qa6 {(c6) -3.13/7 8} 29. Rab1 {(Bf1) -2.82/8 9} 29...
Qxa4 {-3.01/7 14} 30. Rxb8 {-2.89/8 9} 30... Rxb8 {-3.01/5 0} 31. Qd2 {
(Qc5) -2.96/8 11} 31... Bf6 {(Qc4) -3.43/7 14} 32. Bd5 {(Qf2) -2.83/8 11} 32...
Bxd5 {-3.34/8 18} 33. Qxd5+ {-2.96/9 10} 33... Kh8 {(Kg7) -3.45/8 8} 34. Qc5 {
(Qd2) -2.88/9 10} 34... Qxf4 {-3.72/7 4} 35. Rf1 {-3.07/9 10} 35... Qg5+ {
-3.81/7 6} 36. Qxg5 {-3.26/12 10} 36... Bxg5 {-3.81/5 0} 37. Rf7 {-3.22/11 10}
37... c5 {-3.90/9 19} 38. Rc7 {-3.23/11 9} 38... Rb5 {(Bd8) -3.86/9 14} 39. Na3
{(h3) -3.22/11 9} 39... Rb2 {(Be3+) -4.11/10 25} 40. Rxa7 {(h3) -3.17/11 9}
40... Be3+ {-4.29/9 12} 41. Kh1 {-3.31/13 11} 41... Bf4 {-4.30/9 10} 42. Ra8+ {
(Re7) -3.35/12 11} 42... Kg7 {-4.48/9 8} 43. Ra7+ {(Ra4) -3.35/11 11} 43... Kh6
{-4.49/9 7} 44. Ra4 {(h3) -3.42/11 10} 44... Rxh2+ {-4.54/9 18} 45. Kg1 {
-3.41/11 10} 45... Rh4 {-4.54/10 11} 46. Kf1 {(Kg2) -3.43/10 10} 46... Kh5 {
(g5) -4.51/8 4} 47. Nc2 {(Ra5) -3.50/10 9} 47... h6 {(g5) -4.54/9 11} 48. Rc4 {
-3.46/10 9} 48... Bd6 {-4.42/9 3} 49. Rxh4+ {-3.37/12 9} 49... Kxh4 {-4.42/5 0}
50. Kg2 {(Ke2) -3.73/12 9} 50... Kg4 {-4.65/11 9} 51. Ne3+ {-3.86/12 9} 51...
Kf4 {-4.70/11 4} 52. Kf2 {(Nd5+) -3.98/12 8} 52... Ke4 {(h5) -4.76/12 22} 53.
Ke2 {-3.98/11 8} 53... h5 {-4.76/11 4} 54. Nc4 {(Nd1) -4.07/11 8} 54... Bf4 {
-4.83/11 11} 55. Nb2 {(Na3) -4.22/11 8} 55... g5 {(h4) -4.97/11 11} 56. Nd3 {
(Na4) -4.37/11 8} 56... c4 {-5.03/11 19} 57. Nc5+ {-4.83/11 8} 57... Kd5 {
(Kf5) -5.11/11 9} 58. Nd7 {-4.70/11 7} 58... Kd4 {(h4) -5.23/10 8} 59. Nf8 {
(Kd1) -4.83/11 7} 59... c3 {(h4) -10.34/6 0} 60. Ne6+ {-10.54/11 9} 60... Kd5 {
-11.59/8 0} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "19"]
[White "BigLion 2.00"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B97"]
[Annotator "0.02;-0.61"]
[PlyCount "106"]
{W=9.2 ply; 110kN/s; 740 TBAs
B=11.1 ply; 145kN/s
} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4
cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qb6 8. Qd2 Qxb2 9. Rb1 Qa3 {
Both last book move} 10. Be2 {0.02/7 9} 10... Be7 {(e5) -0.61/7 9} 11. O-O {
(e5) -0.36/7 15} 11... h6 {-0.77/8 9} 12. Rb3 {-0.08/7 15} 12... Qa5 {
(Qc5) -1.10/8 9} 13. Bh4 {(Bxf6) -0.89/8 15} 13... Nxe4 {-1.37/8 8} 14. Nxe4 {
-0.43/8 14} 14... Qxd2 {-1.40/9 8} 15. Nxd2 {-0.44/9 14} 15... Bxh4 {-1.31/9 8}
16. Nc4 {-0.55/9 14} 16... Bf6 {-1.27/9 8} 17. Rd1 {-0.57/8 13} 17... Ke7 {
(Bxd4+) -1.22/9 8} 18. Re3 {-0.62/7 13} 18... Bxd4 {-1.22/10 8} 19. Rxd4 {
-0.80/9 13} 19... Rd8 {(Nc6) -1.45/9 8} 20. Nb6 {-0.81/9 13} 20... Ra7 {
(Nc6) -1.63/9 8} 21. Rd1 {(Rg3) -0.73/7 12} 21... Nd7 {(g5) -1.68/10 11} 22.
Nc4 {-0.92/8 12} 22... Nf6 {-1.78/9 11} 23. Nb6 {(Bf3) -0.99/8 12} 23... Bd7 {
(g5) -1.87/9 11} 24. Rg3 {(Red3) -1.21/8 12} 24... g6 {-1.87/9 11} 25. Rh3 {
-1.29/7 12} 25... g5 {(h5) -1.92/9 10} 26. f5 {-1.28/8 11} 26... e5 {
(Rh8) -1.91/9 10} 27. g4 {(Nxd7) -1.07/8 11} 27... h5 {-2.22/9 10} 28. Nxd7 {
(Rhd3) -1.24/8 11} 28... hxg4 {(Rxd7) -2.33/10 10} 29. Nxf6 {-0.43/9 11} 29...
gxh3 {-2.06/11 10} 30. Nd5+ {-0.58/9 11} 30... Kf8 {-2.05/11 9} 31. f6 {
(c4) -0.40/9 10} 31... Rc8 {(b5) -1.84/11 11} 32. Rd3 {0.17/10 8} 32... Rc4 {
(Rxc2) -1.17/11 11} 33. Rxh3 {0.93/8 1} 33... Rh4 {-0.29/13 15} 34. Rxh4 {
0.89/7 2} 34... gxh4 {-0.20/14 10} 35. Nb6 {1.28/11 6} 35... a5 {
(d5) -0.07/14 10} 36. Nc8 {1.84/12 10} 36... Ra8 {-0.06/13 10} 37. Nxd6 {
1.87/11 6} 37... a4 {(b6) -0.01/12 10} 38. Bc4 {2.03/10 9} 38... Ra7 {0.05/12 9
} 39. Kg2 {(Bd3) 2.03/10 5} 39... b6 {-0.02/12 9} 40. Bb5 {(Bd3) 2.11/10 6}
40... Ra8 {0.17/12 9} 41. Kh3 {(Bd3) 2.10/10 3} 41... Rd8 {-0.06/14 11} 42. Ne4
{2.07/10 3} 42... Rd4 {0.00/14 11} 43. Bd3 {2.22/10 2} 43... a3 {0.00/12 11}
44. Kxh4 {2.27/11 5} 44... Rb4 {(b5) 0.28/13 10} 45. Kg4 {(Kg5) 1.92/11 10}
45... Rb2 {0.00/13 10} 46. Nc3 {(Bc4) 1.96/10 8} 46... b5 {-0.26/12 10} 47. Kf5
{(h4) 1.96/9 9} 47... b4 {0.10/12 10} 48. Ne4 {1.93/8 4} 48... Rxa2 {-2.32/10 9
} 49. Nc5 {-1.87/8 10} 49... Rb2 {-2.82/10 9} 50. Bc4 {-3.15/9 10} 50... Rxc2 {
-3.57/11 9} 51. Nd7+ {-3.15/8 10} 51... Ke8 {(Kg8) -3.17/11 9} 52. Nc5 {
-5.55/8 9} 52... Rxc4 {-6.18/11 8} 53. Nb7 {(Nb3) -13.14/10 9} 53... a2 {
(Rc3) -7.69/9 8} 0-1
[Event "P26, Blitz:5'+5""]
[Site "P26"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "20"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "BigLion 2.00"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B97"]
[Annotator "-0.56;-0.02"]
[PlyCount "83"]
{W=9.9 ply; 131kN/s
B=8.3 ply; 107kN/s
} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4.
Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 e6 7. f4 Qb6 8. Qd2 Qxb2 9. Rb1 Qa3 {
Both last book move} 10. Be2 {-0.56/8 9} 10... Be7 {(e5) -0.02/7 11} 11. O-O {
(e5) -0.77/8 9} 11... h6 {-0.17/7 14} 12. Bh4 {-0.88/7 9} 12... O-O {
(Nbd7) 0.16/7 15} 13. e5 {-0.50/8 8} 13... dxe5 {-0.15/7 9} 14. fxe5 {-0.72/8 8
} 14... Nd5 {-0.37/7 9} 15. Nxd5 {(Bxe7) -0.75/8 8} 15... Bxh4 {-0.66/5 0} 16.
Nb6 {-0.66/8 8} 16... Bg5 {-0.56/8 15} 17. Qd3 {-0.77/8 8} 17... Qxd3 {
-0.64/8 3} 18. cxd3 {(Bxd3) -0.92/10 8} 18... Be3+ {-0.89/9 13} 19. Kh1 {
-0.99/11 8} 19... Ra7 {-0.82/9 5} 20. Rb4 {(Nf3) -0.99/10 8} 20... Nd7 {
(Rd8) -1.26/9 14} 21. Nxe6 {(Nxd7) -0.13/10 11} 21... Nxb6 {-1.20/6 0} 22. Nxf8
{0.20/11 11} 22... Kxf8 {-0.55/9 10} 23. Bh5 {0.26/10 11} 23... Be6 {
(Nd5) -0.36/9 7} 24. Bxf7 {0.85/11 11} 24... Ke7 {(Bxf7) -0.40/9 3} 25. Bxe6 {
0.97/11 10} 25... Kxe6 {-0.40/5 0} 26. Re4 {0.81/10 10} 26... Nd5 {
(Bd2) -0.42/10 14} 27. Rf3 {0.78/10 10} 27... Bc1 {(Bg5) -0.47/9 7} 28. d4 {
0.85/9 10} 28... Nb4 {(b6) -0.60/9 9} 29. Rc3 {0.96/9 10} 29... Bg5 {-0.58/9 12
} 30. Rg4 {(a3) 0.78/9 9} 30... Nxa2 {-1.89/9 8} 31. Rc7 {0.86/11 11} 31... Kf5
{-1.83/8 5} 32. h3 {(Rg3) 0.85/11 11} 32... h5 {-1.65/9 9} 33. Rg3 {0.65/10 11}
33... Bh6 {-1.65/8 3} 34. Rf3+ {(Rb3) 0.54/9 11} 34... Ke6 {(Ke4) -1.61/8 4}
35. Rff7 {0.80/9 10} 35... Be3 {(Nb4) -1.08/8 6} 36. Rce7+ {(Rxb7) 1.01/10 10}
36... Kd5 {(g6) 0.01/0 0} 37. Rd7+ {0.81/10 10} 37... Ke4 {-0.50/8 18} 38. e6 {
0.46/11 10} 38... Ra8 {(Bxd4) -0.50/8 26} 39. e7 {2.87/11 9} 39... Rc8 {
0.46/7 12} 40. Rf8 {(Kh2) 6.68/9 9} 40... Rc1+ {6.40/8 12} 41. Kh2 {6.28/9 12}
41... Bg1+ {7.96/7 12} 42. Kg3 {8.61/8 11} 1-0

BigLion + Taktix
Matthias Gemuh

Re: Nunn Test

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 16:13

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 17:13:53:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Nunn Test "2x10" geschrieben von:/posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 15 April 2004 15:45:32:

Hey Matthias,
These look like very good results. In my tests with your "i" version they looked pretty even, and actually in the last 10 game match Biglion finished ahead with a score of 5.5/10 . Thanks for posting the results I will have a look at the games.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 16:25

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 17:25:54:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Tord Romstad at 15 April 2004 14:23:44:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
These are great results. 1-1 against Amyan, Dragon, Ktulu and Yace is quite
impressive. Congratulations, Marcus!
But what happened in the two games against Terra? In both cases, Arena seems
to have adjudicated the game in favor of DM shortly after the opening, in
positions which appeared roughy equal. An Arena bug?
I haven't looked at the games yet but the results look suprising to me, maybe a little too good. Perhaps there was some luck involved in a small amount of games, I'm not sure. For instance in my test games Herman looked to be a stronger engine but DrunkenMaster won 2-0 in that short match. Usually after running test games against Gothmog I avoid playing other strong engines because I don't want to ruin its confidence, or maybe it is too hard to watch. But getting any points from some of those strong engines is suprising.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 17:26

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 18:26:12:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Tord Romstad at 15 April 2004 14:23:44:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
These are great results. 1-1 against Amyan, Dragon, Ktulu and Yace is quite
impressive. Congratulations, Marcus!
But what happened in the two games against Terra? In both cases, Arena seems
to have adjudicated the game in favor of DM shortly after the opening, in
positions which appeared roughy equal. An Arena bug?
Also the win against Ktulu looks like a win on time in a lost position. So perhaps Ktulu has a problem in time controls with no increment but it is hard for me to count it as a win for DrunkenMaster.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 17:43

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 18:43:48:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Heinz van Kempen at 15 April 2004 11:31:11:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
fine initial rating for DrunkenMaster. So probably even a bit more than 30 or 40 points mentioned by Marcus, what anyway would be a big improvement in my point of view.
Best Regards
Hi Heinz,
I think the initial rating might be a little misleading. I look forward to seeing more results in your Nunn tournaments but I really don't expect a large improvement.
In this latest version, very little has changed in the evaluation but the search has changed a lot. It is still somewhat simple but now I think I'm ready to start trying some interesting ideas from Tord, Ed Schroder and others so I think there is a lot of room for improvement in future versions.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Heinz van Kempen » 15 Apr 2004, 17:54

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Heinz van Kempen at 15 April 2004 18:54:05:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 18:43:48:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
fine initial rating for DrunkenMaster. So probably even a bit more than 30 or 40 points mentioned by Marcus, what anyway would be a big improvement in my point of view.
Best Regards
Hi Heinz,
I think the initial rating might be a little misleading. I look forward to seeing more results in your Nunn tournaments but I really don't expect a large improvement.
In this latest version, very little has changed in the evaluation but the search has changed a lot. It is still somewhat simple but now I think I'm ready to start trying some interesting ideas from Tord, Ed Schroder and others so I think there is a lot of room for improvement in future versions.
Hi Marcus,
yes, DrunkenMaster will surely get some more tests. First in Nunn D Active and then in one of the next Blitz tournaments together with Alarm, BigLion and some others I still do not have in.
Best Regards
Heinz van Kempen

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 18:48

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 19:48:11:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 15 April 2004 11:25:04:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for running the test games. This makes me happy I added the UCI interface, it seems like a better solution than to rely on an adapter.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 15 Apr 2004, 18:51

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Fabien Letouzey at 15 April 2004 19:51:47:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 19:48:11:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for running the test games. This makes me happy I added the UCI interface, it seems like a better solution than to rely on an adapter.
I am sure WB2UCI is doing a very good job (I am quite impressed given that each xboard engine has its own way of getting "options").
About something else, when should we expecting a Linux version of DrunkenMaster (1.0 that is)?
Fabien Letouzey

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 19:20

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 20:20:01:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Fabien Letouzey at 15 April 2004 19:51:47:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for running the test games. This makes me happy I added the UCI interface, it seems like a better solution than to rely on an adapter.
I am sure WB2UCI is doing a very good job (I am quite impressed given that each xboard engine has its own way of getting "options").
About something else, when should we expecting a Linux version of DrunkenMaster (1.0 that is)?
Hi Fabien,
I plan to have a linux version in about a week. As I said, I have recently moved and I'm still getting unpacked in my new place and hopefully I will get my linux PC up and running this weekend on the local net. It was easy for my laptop since there is a wireless network.
I think you are doing great work with polygot but it seems like a very hard problem to solve since winboard and UCI are so different. And like you said every winboard engine has a different method of configuration. I often get tired of trying to figure out how to configure different engines. One of the reasons I wanted to add UCI is it was too difficult to explain to others how to load/configure an engine under winboard. With Arena it is easier. What are your thoughts on maybe developing a newer version of winboard protocol? I think winboard might need to evolve a little.
Also I'm impressed with your engine Fruit. It inspired me to rewrite my search and focus on developing a better understanding of the basic concepts. When I wrote the initial version of DrunkenMaster I threw it together really fast and barely understood some things. At first I was just happy to have something that played chess but I'm still pulling out bugs from some early mistakes.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Nunn Test

Postby Matthias Gemuh » 15 Apr 2004, 20:00

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 15 April 2004 21:00:47:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Nunn Test geschrieben von:/posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 17:13:53:
Hey Matthias,
These look like very good results. In my tests with your "i" version they looked pretty even, and actually in the last 10 game match Biglion finished ahead with a score of 5.5/10 . Thanks for posting the results I will have a look at the games.

Hi Marcus,
how do you react to "setoption name Hash value 1" ?
I ignore it and use hash size defined in INI file.

BigLion + Taktix
Matthias Gemuh

Re: Nunn Test

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 15 Apr 2004, 22:10

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 23:10:55:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Nunn Test geschrieben von:/posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 15 April 2004 21:00:47:
Hey Matthias,
These look like very good results. In my tests with your "i" version they looked pretty even, and actually in the last 10 game match Biglion finished ahead with a score of 5.5/10 . Thanks for posting the results I will have a look at the games.

Hi Marcus,
how do you react to "setoption name Hash value 1" ?
I ignore it and use hash size defined in INI file.
Hi Matthias,
It should handle it the same way you do. However I have only played a few games with it under Fritz and have not seen the problem yet so I'm not certain it works.
This brings up a question I have for you. When running Big Lion as a UCI engine under Arena, it seems to only use 24MByte hash when I thought I specified 32Meg hash. It could be a user problem, but if I remember I will try and capture the debug output and send it to you when I get home.
Marcus Prewarski

Re: Nunn Test

Postby Matthias Gemuh » 15 Apr 2004, 23:34

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 16 April 2004 00:34:06:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Nunn Test geschrieben von:/posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 23:10:55:

It should handle it the same way you do. However I have only played a few games with it under Fritz and have not seen the problem yet so I'm not certain it works.
This brings up a question I have for you. When running Big Lion as a UCI engine under Arena, it seems to only use 24MByte hash when I thought I specified 32Meg hash. It could be a user problem, but if I remember I will try and capture the debug output and send it to you when I get home.

It works !!!!!!
So now we have 3 or 4 UCI engines with a "fix" for the bug.

Strange ! And since Arena 0.95, BigLion is often unloaded and reloaded under
Arena before game starts.


BigLion + Taktix
Matthias Gemuh

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 16 Apr 2004, 10:12

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Fabien Letouzey at 16 April 2004 11:12:59:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 15 April 2004 20:20:01:

Hi Fabien,
I plan to have a linux version in about a week. As I said, I have
recently moved and I'm still getting unpacked in my new place and
hopefully I will get my linux PC up and running this weekend on the
local net. It was easy for my laptop since there is a wireless
I think you are doing great work with polygot but it seems like a very
hard problem to solve since winboard and UCI are so different. And
like you said every winboard engine has a different method of
configuration. I often get tired of trying to figure out how to
configure different engines. One of the reasons I wanted to add UCI is
it was too difficult to explain to others how to load/configure an
engine under winboard. With Arena it is easier. What are your thoughts
on maybe developing a newer version of winboard protocol? I think
winboard might need to evolve a little.
Also I'm impressed with your engine Fruit. It inspired me to rewrite
my search and focus on developing a better understanding of the basic
concepts. When I wrote the initial version of DrunkenMaster I threw it
together really fast and barely understood some things. At first I was
just happy to have something that played chess but I'm still pulling
out bugs from some early mistakes.
I am looking forward to it. Also I believe in UCI for non-Windows
OSes in the future. So any addition is welcome.
Translating in that direction (game level for the interface and
position level for the engine) is actually very natural and easy. The
main problem is that XBoard/WinBoard knows almost nothing about chess.
E.g. the interface can't check legality for some moves and can't
detect draws either! It is a big bother to have to add that in every
single engine (not to mention lack of reliability)!!! Note that this
is not a limitation in the protocol, but in the current
Instead you should be impressed by Odd Gunnar Malin's work in WB2UCI
(I am). Now that's unnatural and difficult! For instance he must
accomodate with the non-standard option system (command-line arguments
or engine-specific commands).
I think things could be made easier without changing the xboard
protocol. Some engine authors could agree about a common way to
support wide-spread options. I am sure users wouldn't complain!
As for protocols you won't like my opinion. IMO No addition to xboard
is going to make it OK I'm afraid. Only a full re-write could fix the
numerous problems.
I had a look at past discussions on CCC, and my conclusion is that a
new protocol would not be welcome in the community. On the other
hand, working on both xboard and UCI from both sides (both interface
and engine) gave me insight about what's wrong in the current
protocols. That is necessary experience.
When PolyGlot works well, I will think about adding a new protocol to
it. Although I am about to release PolyGlot as a UCI2WB adapter, this
is not my only use for it. Rather, I consider it as a front-end for
engines. I can use it to find some bugs in engines for instance.
That's a perfectly correct way. But I also believe in re-writing from
scratch every so often, in order to try different techniques
(e.g. board representation). Usually you gain so much insight by
implementing things the first time that you can improve every single
piece by re-writing it!
Fabien Letouzey

Terra problems

Postby Patrick Buchmann » 16 Apr 2004, 12:46

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 16 April 2004 13:46:35:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Tord Romstad at 15 April 2004 14:23:44:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
These are great results. 1-1 against Amyan, Dragon, Ktulu and Yace is quite
impressive. Congratulations, Marcus!
But what happened in the two games against Terra? In both cases, Arena seems
to have adjudicated the game in favor of DM shortly after the opening, in
positions which appeared roughy equal. An Arena bug?
Hi Tord,
I'm not sure but Arena 1.08 count an illegal move for Terra 3.2 in all games.
I had now some other games in a thematic A81 tournament and ALL Terra 3.2 games lost with illegal move.
I restart the tournament but it seems the same. On the end I will use a previous version from Arena (1.6 ou 1.5) and we will see if the bug is in Arena or in Terra.
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Queen 2.43"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. c4 {
0.34/8 4} dxc4 {-0.01/9 6} 15. Nxc4 {0.31/9 7} fxg3 {-0.09/8 5} 16. fxg3 {
0.94/9 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Fruit 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "26"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 {
0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. g4 {
0.33/7 7} b6 {0.07/10 6} 15. Qb5 {
0.13/8 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Hermann 1.0.5"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Bh3 {
0.17/7 13} b6 {0.08/8 6} 15. c4 {0.15/7 8 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!
} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Hagrid 0.7.56"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "26"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 {
0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Queen 2.43"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "26"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 {
0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Fruit 1.0"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. c4 {
0.42/10 10} dxc4 {-0.01/9 6} 15. Nxc4 {0.42/10 9} fxg3 {-0.09/8 5} 16. fxg3 {
0.52/10 9 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "28"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Qb5 {
0.00/7 6} a6 {-0.11/7 7 0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Frenzee 146"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. h3 {
-0.10/9 6} b6 {0.23/9 6} 15. c4 {-0.05/10 6} Kh7 {0.08/8 8} 16. gxf4 {
0.31/9 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Hermann 1.0.5"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "28"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Qb5 {
0.00/7 6} Rb8 {-0.11/7 13 0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Hagrid 0.7.56"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Qc2 {
-0.48/10 19} b6 {0.09/8 6} 15. Nh4 {-0.35/8 5} Bd7 {0.06/8 6} 16. Nxg6 {
2.98/10 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0

Le Fou numérique
Patrick Buchmann

Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0

Postby Patrick Buchmann » 16 Apr 2004, 12:54

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 16 April 2004 13:54:20:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Some games: DrunkenMaster 1.0 geschrieben von:/posted by: Heinz van Kempen at 15 April 2004 11:31:11:
There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
Hi Patrick,
fine initial rating for DrunkenMaster. So probably even a bit more than 30 or 40 points mentioned by Marcus, what anyway would be a big improvement in my point of view.
Best Regards
Hi Heinz,
I update my homepage this evening (19-20:00 GMT+2) and I have some games those confirm the rating (Thematic A81 Dutch Defense).
Score Ch Ma Dr Bi En De Ta Ma As
1: Chispa v3.98d 12.0 / 16 XX 10 11 =1 11 10 11 10 =1
2: Matheus 2.3 12.0 / 16 01 XX 01 11 01 10 11 11 11
3: DrunkenMaster 1.0 9.5 / 16 00 10 XX 10 01 11 0= 11 11
4: BigLion 2.23i 9.0 / 16 =0 00 01 XX 11 10 1= 01 11
5: EnginMax 5.11c 9.0 / 16 00 10 10 00 XX 11 11 01 11
6: DelphiMAX 2.8 7.0 / 16 01 01 00 01 00 XX 10 01 11
7: Taktix 2.23i 7.0 / 16 00 00 1= 0= 00 01 XX 11 11
8: Madeleine 0.2 6.0 / 16 01 00 00 10 10 10 00 XX 11
9: Asterisk 0.4b 0.5 / 16 =0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 XX
72 games: +29 =4 -39
I named my rating Ruel because is a rating with only engines from my Uci Engines Ligue. So the rating is only true in this leage.

Le Fou numérique
Patrick Buchmann

Re: Terra problems

Postby Peter Fendrich » 16 Apr 2004, 14:24

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Peter Fendrich at 16 April 2004 15:24:45:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Terra problems geschrieben von:/posted by: Patrick Buchmann at 16 April 2004 13:46:35:

Thank you Patrick and Tord for pointing this out!
It is the new "ucinewgame" command, introduced by Arena 1.08, that confuses Terra 3.2 to repeat the "uci" command once again and then be completely out of sync. This new uci spec wasn't invented at that time!
The later versions of 3.3 doesn't work in the same way and isn't affected but that's by pure coincidence.
I don't think it's a good idea to use 1.08 with the new protocol for engines that are not written and tested for that protocol. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more engines with similar problems.
Of course Terra should just ignore unknown commands but in Terra 3.2 I invented "ucinewgame" as an internal command to take care of the problem not knowing when a game started so it wasn't really unknown but shown up in the wrong context!
I don't know the exact rules for your tournament but you could use later versions of Terra (then tell me) or Arean 1.07.
You could also use the WB protocol in Arena 1.08 (it's an UCI contest, I know)!

There are some games by DrunkenMaster 1.0 on my homepage.
First Ruel: 2337
These are great results. 1-1 against Amyan, Dragon, Ktulu and Yace is quite
impressive. Congratulations, Marcus!
But what happened in the two games against Terra? In both cases, Arena seems
to have adjudicated the game in favor of DM shortly after the opening, in
positions which appeared roughy equal. An Arena bug?
Hi Tord,
I'm not sure but Arena 1.08 count an illegal move for Terra 3.2 in all games.
I had now some other games in a thematic A81 tournament and ALL Terra 3.2 games lost with illegal move.
I restart the tournament but it seems the same. On the end I will use a previous version from Arena (1.6 ou 1.5) and we will see if the bug is in Arena or in Terra.
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.15"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Queen 2.43"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. c4 {
0.34/8 4} dxc4 {-0.01/9 6} 15. Nxc4 {0.31/9 7} fxg3 {-0.09/8 5} 16. fxg3 {
0.94/9 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Fruit 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "26"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 {
0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. g4 {
0.33/7 7} b6 {0.07/10 6} 15. Qb5 {
0.13/8 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Hermann 1.0.5"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "29"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Bh3 {
0.17/7 13} b6 {0.08/8 6} 15. c4 {0.15/7 8 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!
} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Hagrid 0.7.56"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "26"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 {
0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Queen 2.43"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[BlackElo "2630"]
[PlyCount "26"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 {
0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Fruit 1.0"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. c4 {
0.42/10 10} dxc4 {-0.01/9 6} 15. Nxc4 {0.42/10 9} fxg3 {-0.09/8 5} 16. fxg3 {
0.52/10 9 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "28"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Qb5 {
0.00/7 6} a6 {-0.11/7 7 0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Frenzee 146"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. h3 {
-0.10/9 6} b6 {0.23/9 6} 15. c4 {-0.05/10 6} Kh7 {0.08/8 8} 16. gxf4 {
0.31/9 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Terra 3.2"]
[Black "Hermann 1.0.5"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "28"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Qb5 {
0.00/7 6} Rb8 {-0.11/7 13 0-1 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 0-1
[Event "A81 Junior"]
[Site "PIII800"]
[Date "2004.04.16"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Hagrid 0.7.56"]
[Black "Terra 3.2"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A89"]
[PlyCount "31"]
[EventDate "2004.??.??"]
[TimeControl "300"]
{C:\xxx\CB output\a81.pgn 1/1 (Timman, Jan H-Nikolic, Predrag, Rotterdam, 1997.
??, *)} 1. Nf3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. c3 Bg7 5. Qb3 e6 6. Bg2 O-O 7. O-O Nc6
8. Bg5 h6 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. Nbd2 d6 11. e4 f4 12. Rae1 Qf7 13. e5 d5 14. Qc2 {
-0.48/10 19} b6 {0.09/8 6} 15. Nh4 {-0.35/8 5} Bd7 {0.06/8 6} 16. Nxg6 {
2.98/10 7 1-0 Adjuger par Arena. Coup illégal!} 1-0

Peter Fendrich

Re: Terra problems

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 16 Apr 2004, 14:32

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Fabien Letouzey at 16 April 2004 15:32:35:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: Terra problems geschrieben von:/posted by: Peter Fendrich at 16 April 2004 15:24:45:

Thank you Patrick and Tord for pointing this out!
It is the new "ucinewgame" command, introduced by Arena 1.08, that confuses Terra 3.2 to repeat the "uci" command once again and then be completely out of sync. This new uci spec wasn't invented at that time!
The later versions of 3.3 doesn't work in the same way and isn't affected but that's by pure coincidence.
I don't think it's a good idea to use 1.08 with the new protocol for engines that are not written and tested for that protocol. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more engines with similar problems.
I don't know the exact rules for your tournament but you could use later versions of Terra (then tell me) or Arean 1.07.
You could also use the WB protocol in Arena 1.08 (it's an UCI contest, I know)!
Not to mention engines that won't be updated. UCI+ should be an option in Arena! Beeing the default is logical but there should be a way to deactivate it, like forcing WinBoard into "protover 1".
IMO the engines are doing nothing wrong as long as they work with plain UCI.
Fabien Letouzey


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