GLC and others when using wb2uci

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GLC and others when using wb2uci

Postby Odd Gunnar Malin » 03 Aug 2004, 08:15

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 03 August 2004 09:15:56:

I have been a bit busy the last month so I have not paid attention to issues regarding wb2uci in this forum. Well I'm still busy for at least a month, probably a little longer too since the light days on the year are used to regular tournaments (otb) and with making small utilities to get these to run smoothly.
Of the few bug report I have got in e-mail it seems to be Crafty and Glc that give most problem.
I will check these two engines plus the new engine from Ed Schrõder and release a new version of wb2uci later this week.
For glc I think it is enough to use a wb2uci.eng file like the following to get it to run well:
; Green Light Chess 3.00
Name=Green Light Chess 3.00
Author=Tim Foden, UK
InitString=setresign 0
HashCommand=hash %i
Use book=bk|check|true|off|on
; It is possible to make personalities and save it in files.
; and then use a combobox to select which file to use.
;Style=loade %s.eval|combo|default|default|strong|aggressive|solid|patzer|etc...
From the .eng file in the glc package I have removed 'RunIdle=true' because this 'hack' isn't needed anymore. The 'LevelExtend=Strict' is masked out until I get it tested but this shouldn't be used in any case (or for any engine) when you run a comp-comp match. Much better is to stick with the winboard supported time controls like 40/40', or 120/g + 30 etc.
The bugs I have fixed in the 'new' wb2uci version is draw offer in the opening (by shredder classic) and some tablebase issues that was sent in wrong time and could get an engine to initialize it when the clock was running in computer matches.
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar Malin

Re: GLC and others when using wb2uci

Postby Heinz van Kempen » 04 Aug 2004, 03:12

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Heinz van Kempen at 04 August 2004 04:12:02:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: GLC and others when using wb2uci geschrieben von:/posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 03 August 2004 09:15:56:
I have been a bit busy the last month so I have not paid attention to issues regarding wb2uci in this forum. Well I'm still busy for at least a month, probably a little longer too since the light days on the year are used to regular tournaments (otb) and with making small utilities to get these to run smoothly.
Of the few bug report I have got in e-mail it seems to be Crafty and Glc that give most problem.
I will check these two engines plus the new engine from Ed Schrõder and release a new version of wb2uci later this week.
For glc I think it is enough to use a wb2uci.eng file like the following to get it to run well:
; Green Light Chess 3.00
Name=Green Light Chess 3.00
Author=Tim Foden, UK
InitString=setresign 0
HashCommand=hash %i
Use book=bk|check|true|off|on
; It is possible to make personalities and save it in files.
; and then use a combobox to select which file to use.
;Style=loade %s.eval|combo|default|default|strong|aggressive|solid|patzer|etc...
From the .eng file in the glc package I have removed 'RunIdle=true' because this 'hack' isn't needed anymore. The 'LevelExtend=Strict' is masked out until I get it tested but this shouldn't be used in any case (or for any engine) when you run a comp-comp match. Much better is to stick with the winboard supported time controls like 40/40', or 120/g + 30 etc.
The bugs I have fixed in the 'new' wb2uci version is draw offer in the opening (by shredder classic) and some tablebase issues that was sent in wrong time and could get an engine to initialize it when the clock was running in computer matches.
Odd Gunnar
Hi Odd Gunnar,
thanks for all your work. It has encouraged me to change from testing commercial engines to now testing amateur engines. I am looking forward to the new Wb2UCI adapter.
Best Regards
Heinz van Kempen

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