Naum 1.3 bug in UCI mode

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Naum 1.3 bug in UCI mode

Postby Martin Baumung » 08 Oct 2004, 09:05

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Martin Baumung at 08 October 2004 10:05:08:

Hi all,
there seems to be a bug in the latest Naum release 1.3. This bug only appears when the engine is run in the UCI mode though.
Whenever Naum's oppenent promotes a pawn, Naum will continue to play with the wrong colour. And doesn't take the oppenent's last move into account either...
Here's an example from a game between Naum 1.3 and SOS4:
Naum 1.3 vs. SOS4
After 100...c1=Q

abcdefgh8877665544332211abcdefgh(4/3) SMIRF FullChess FRC FEN-Editor (© by R. Scharnagl) Ver. 2.1.0

8/6k1/2N5/3K2P1/8/2R5/8/2q1r3 w - - 0 101
SOS4 just promoted the black pawn on c2 to a queen and now Naum's stunning answer is c2c1q too ???
The same happens in the following situation:
abcdefgh8877665544332211abcdefgh(2/2) SMIRF FullChess FRC FEN-Editor (© by R. Scharnagl) Ver. 2.1.0

7k/1P6/8/5n2/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1
After b8=Q Naum will answer with b8=Q too...
Best wishes,
Martin Baumung

Re: Naum 1.3 bug in UCI mode

Postby A. Naumov » 09 Oct 2004, 06:21

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: A. Naumov at 09. October 2004 07:21:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Naum 1.3 bug in UCI mode geschrieben von:/posted by: Martin Baumung at 08 October 2004 10:05:08:

Hi Martin,
Thanks for the bug report.
You can download the fixed version at the Naum's web site
A. Naumov

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