RWBC says goodbye to the old forum...

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RWBC says goodbye to the old forum...

Postby Günther Simon » 09 Oct 2004, 10:09

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Günther Simon at 09 October 2004 11:09:54:

This will be my last post in my old beloved Winboard Forum,
I got used to it, as to my favourite weekend newspaper.
I will really miss it, sigh...
Thanks again Volker for having run such a nice place over
a couple of years!
RWBC Class A 4th
Edition - Round 15
309.Ktulu_51 - WBNimzo2000b [ 87] 1-0 E15 (q:)
310.Tao_56 - AnMon_540 [ 64] =-= B97 (rb:r1)
311.TheKing_323SKR - Rebel_1201B9 [ 96] 1-0 B26 (qb:)
312.Aristarch_450 - List_512 [ 43] 1-0 C95 (qbn4:qbn3)
313.Pharaon_300b - Shredder_6Paderborn [ 51] 1-0 A40 (rn4:Rb1)
314.Patriot_130 - SOS_4 [103] =-= D55 (:)
315.DeepSjeng_16 - Ruffian_210 [142] 0-1 E97 (:qb)
316.Amy_087NetDC - SmarThink_017a [ 37] 0-1 A52 (n3:qrb5)
317.WildCat_40 - Gromit_382 [ 47] 1-0 B89 (5:4)
318.LambChop_1099 - Delfi_45 [ 75] 0-1 C71 (r2:B4)
319.SlowChess_294 - Thinker_46c [ 49] =-= D02 (q3:R2)
320.Pepito_159IP(Conservador) - Comet_B68 [ 51] 1-0 C58 (qn4:qn3)
321.ProDeo_10 - ZChess_222 [108] 1-0 B87 (b2:b)
322.Gothmog_10b10 - KingOfKings_256 [ 97] =-= C19 (qn:qr)
323.Gandalf_432h - Leila_053h [ 68] 1-0 C04 (Q:b1)
324.LittleGoliathRevival_311r14 - Quark_235Paderborn [ 96] 1-0 B54 (qr:)
325.Crafty_1917PS - Abrok_50 [ 37] 1-0 D18 (rb5:b4)
326.Amyan_1594 - FrancescaMAD_009 [136] =-= E54 (r:rn)
327.GreenLightChess_3034 - Baron_141b1 [ 49] 1-0 C60 (Qb3:qr2)
328.Bringer_19 - Yace_09987 [ 63] 1-0 D18 (q2:r2)
329.Movei_008251s - Nejmet_307 [ 82] 0-1 D27 (:q1)
330.Zappa_070b - Terra_33b11 [100] 0-1 A71 (qr:qn4)
RWBC Class A 4th
Edition - Round 16
1 SmarThink_017a, RU [8.5] : Shredder_6Paderborn, DE [11.5]
2 Pharaon_300b, FR [9.5] : Aristarch_450, DE [10.5]
3 Ruffian_210, SE [10.5] : TheKing_323SKR, NL [9]
4 AnMon_540, FR [8.5] : SOS_4, DE [10]
5 DeepSjeng_16, BE [9] : Patriot_130, RU [9.5]
6 List_512, DE [8.5] : Ktulu_51, IR [9]
7 Rebel_1201B9, NL [8.5] : Wildcat_40, BL [8.5]
8 Tao_56, NL [8.5] : Pepito_159IP(Conservador), ES [8]
9 Delfi_45, IT [8] : WBNimzo2000b, AT [8]
10 Lambchop_1099, NZ [7.5] : Amy_087NetDC, DE [7.5]
11 SlowChess_294, US [7.5] : Gromit_382, DE [7.5]
12 ProDeo_10, NL [7.5] : LittleGoliathRevival_311r, DE [6.5]
13 Quark_235Paderborn, DE [6] : Thinker_46c, CA [7.5]
14 KingOfKings_256, CA [7] : Bringer_19, DE [6.5]
15 Comet_B68, DE [7] : Amyan_1594, CL [6]
16 Leila_053h, IT [6] : GreenLightChess_3034, UK [7]
17 Yace_9987, DE [5.5] : Gandalf_432h, DK [7]
18 Nejmet_307, FR [5.5] : Crafty_1917PS, US [7]
19 Zappa_070b, US [5] : Gothmog_10b10, NO [7]
20 FrancescaMad_009, UK [6.5] : Movei_008251s, IS [5]
21 Terra_33b11, SE [4.5] : ZChess_222, FR [6.5]
22 Abrok_50, DE [4.5] : Baron_141b1, NL [5.5]
Place Name Feder Author Score M-Buch. Buch.
1 Shredder_6Paderborn, DE Stefan Meyer-Kahlen 11.5 121.5 138.5
2 Ruffian_210, SE Per-Ola Valfridsson 10.5 123.5 141.5
3 Aristarch_450, DE Stefan Zipproth 10.5 118.0 134.5
4 SOS_4, DE Rudolf Huber 10.0 119.0 136.5
5 Pharaon_300b, FR Franck Zibi 9.5 122.5 141.0
6 Patriot_130, RU Vladimir Yelin 9.5 122.5 139.0
7 DeepSjeng_16, BE Gian-Carlo Pascutto 9.0 119.5 135.5
8 Ktulu_51, IR Rahman Paidar 9.0 117.5 134.5
9 TheKing_323SKR, NL Johan de Koning 9.0 114.0 131.5
10 Rebel_1201B9, NL Ed Schroeder 8.5 121.5 139.5
11 SmarThink_017a, RU Sergei Markov 8.5 119.0 137.0
12 List_512, DE Fritz Reul 8.5 119.0 136.0
13 Wildcat_40, BL Igor Korshunov 8.5 108.5 124.5
14 AnMon_540, FR Christian Barreteau 8.5 106.5 122.5
15 Tao_56, NL Bas Hamstra 8.5 99.5 114.5
16 WBNimzo2000b, AT Christian Donninger 8.0 114.5 130.5
17 Pepito_159IP(Conservador), ES Carlos del Cacho 8.0 107.5 122.0
18 Delfi_45, IT Fabio Cavicchio 8.0 105.5 119.5
19 Lambchop_1099, NZ Peter McKenzie 7.5 116.0 132.0
20 SlowChess_294, US Jonathan Kreuzer 7.5 115.0 132.5
21 ProDeo_10, NL Ed Schroeder 7.5 115.0 132.0
22 Thinker_46c, CA Lance Perkins 7.5 111.0 126.0
23 Amy_087NetDC, DE Thorsten Greiner 7.5 109.5 125.0
24 Gromit_382, DE Frank Schneider+Kai Skibbe 7.5 97.5 112.0
25 Gothmog_10b10, NO Tord Romstad 7.0 103.0 117.5
26 Gandalf_432h, DK Steen Surballe 7.0 99.5 115.5
27 Comet_B68, DE Uli Tuerke 7.0 98.5 113.5
28 Crafty_1917PS, US Robert Hyatt 7.0 95.0 109.0
29 KingOfKings_256, CA Veluri Kundinya 7.0 93.0 109.0
30 GreenLightChess_3034, UK Tim Foden 7.0 92.0 105.0
31 FrancescaMad_009, UK Tom King 6.5 104.5 121.0
32 ZChess_222, FR Franck Zibi 6.5 91.0 104.0
33 LittleGoliathRevival_311r, DE Michael Borgstaedt 6.5 84.0 99.0
34 Bringer_19, DE Gerrit Reubold 6.5 84.0 97.5
35 Quark_235Paderborn, DE Thomas Mayer 6.0 96.5 111.5
36 Leila_053h, IT Carmelo Calzerano 6.0 90.0 102.5
37 Amyan_1594, CL Antonio Dieguez 6.0 88.0 101.5
38 Baron_141b1, NL Richard Pijl 5.5 98.0 113.0
39 Nejmet_307, FR Jean-Christophe Gabillard 5.5 94.5 108.0
40 Yace_9987, DE Dieter Buerssner 5.5 89.5 102.5
41 Zappa_070b, US Anthony Cozzie 5.0 92.0 107.0
42 Movei_008251s, IS Uri Blass 5.0 85.5 98.0
43 Terra_33b11, SE Peter Fendrich 4.5 91.5 104.5
44 Abrok_50, DE Roman Korba 4.5 89.0 102.5
Günther Simon

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