I need to post this to make sure I am handling the 4.3.15 beta source files correctly.
At first the wengineo.c file had me a little confused as to why it was in the source files. Being new to compiling anything, I am in no position to say "yea do this" and "yea do that" and to know with any certainty that my decision was correct.
After opening it with a text editor, I took the wengineo.c file to be a wengineoutput.c file that maybe was in the process of being worked on and the file was just included in the sources. But I think I should have actually been deleting the wengineoutput.c file and renaming the wengineo.c file to wengineoutput.c and compiling with that.
If the information is correct that the wengineo.c file should be renamed wengineoutput.c and used for compiling, the information would be important to anyone that is compiling the beta source files with the cygwin.mak file, as the make file uses the name wengineoutput.c.
I did rename the wengineo.c file to wengineoutput.c, and it compiled without errors or warnings.
wengineo.c file - modified date: December 13, 2008
wegineoutput.c file - modified date: January 28, 2006
I'm posting this really so that if I am wrong in renaming the file, someone can tell me that I am just flat out wrong.