OK, sorry I misunderstood. I had to look it up in the installer script, as Windows f course also does not show it to me when I peek inside the shortcut. The line is:
$INSTDIR\WinBoard\winboard.exe @xq -cp -fcp "UCCI2WB QH\eleeye.ini" -firstLogo ..\EleEye\logo.bmp -scp "UCCI2WB QH\eleeye.ini" -secondLogo ..\EleEye\logo.bmp
(Well, this is what it should be. It seems that the way it is actually distributed there has a quote in the wrong place, making the -secondLogo ineffective.
So it uses indirection to the xq.ini to set all parameters to the defaults for XQ, and then continues to specify WB should be run in chess-program mode (-cp), and specifies Elephant Eye both as first and as second engine. The logo options could again be left out. They are needed here for people that want to see logos because
/autoLogo=true does not work when WinBoard is not aware of the engine folder. (Only UCCI2WB is, as it is specified in the eleeye.ini file.) And this is where it would look for a logo file (logo.bmp) for the engine.