There are many engines that have problems playing with black, do not start the game, for example Eveann, Clarabit, chessKISS. These engines have no problem playing with earlier versions (winboard_x).
Here is a debug file not starting the game for Averno.
One problem seems to be that Winboard engine sends a move without waiting for the engine has sent the command "feature", then the engine may not recognize commands such as move or white or black command.
- Code: Select all
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
WinBoard 4.6.2 + tnwb
Reset(1, 0) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
shuffleOpenings = 0
StartChildProcess (dir=".\engines\toledo") "./tnwb.exe"
nice engine proc to 10
656 >first : xboard
protover 2
656 <first : feature myname="Toledo Nanochess Jan/11/2010" done=1
656 >first : accepted myname
656 >first : accepted done
672 >first : new
672 >first : level 0 3 2
672 >first : post
672 >first : hard
672 >first : easy
Impossible move , type = 0
Reset(0, 1) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
672 >first : quit
shuffleOpenings = 0
StartChildProcess (dir=".\engines\toledo") "./tnwb.exe"
nice engine proc to 10
1203 >first : xboard
protover 2
1203 >first : new
1203 >first : level 0 3 2
1203 >first : post
1203 >first : hard
1203 >first : easy
Impossible move , type = 0
1203 >first : force
StartChildProcess (dir=".\engines\averno081") "./Averno081.exe" 081
nice engine proc to 10
1766 >second: xboard
protover 2
1766 <second: feature done=0
1766 >second: accepted done
1766 <first : feature myname="Toledo Nanochess Jan/11/2010" done=1
1766 >first : accepted myname
1766 >first : accepted done
1781 >second: new
1781 >second: level 0 3 2
1781 >second: post
1781 >second: hard
1781 >second: easy
Impossible move , type = 0
1781 >second: force
New game (1): Toledo Nanochess Jan/11/2010-Averno081 (w)
1797 >first : computer
1797 >second: computer
1797 >first : black
1797 >first : time 18000
1797 >first : otim 18000
1797 >first : white
book key = 463b96181691fc9c
book move field = 731
book hit = d2d4
1797 >first : force
1797 >first : d2d4
nps: w=-1, b=-1
1813 >second: time 18000
1813 >second: otim 18198
book hit = (NULL)
1813 >second: d2d4
1813 >second: black
1813 >second: go
2047 <second: feature ping=1 setboard=1 playother=1 san=0 usermove=1 time=1 draw=0 sigint=0 sigterm=0 reuse=1 analyze=1 myname="Averno v0.81ai (081)" variants="normal" colors=0 ics=1 name=1 pause=0 done=1
Interrupting second
2047 >second: accepted ping
2047 >second: accepted setboard
2047 >second: accepted playother
2047 >second: accepted san
2047 >second: accepted usermove
2047 >second: accepted time
2047 >second: accepted draw
2047 >second: accepted sigint
2047 >second: accepted sigterm
2047 >second: accepted reuse
2047 >second: accepted analyze
2047 >second: accepted myname
2047 >second: accepted variants
2047 >second: accepted colors
2047 >second: accepted ics
2047 >second: accepted name
2047 >second: accepted pause
2047 >second: accepted done
2094 <second: Error (unknow command): d2d4
2094 <second: Error (unknow command): black
2094 <second: 0 0 0 0 <L> e2e4(978) <L> d2d4(958)
2094 <second: move e2e4
GameEnds(25, Xboard: Forfeit due to invalid move: e2e4 (e2e4) res=23, 4)
GE(25, Xboard: Forfeit due to invalid move: e2e4 (e2e4) res=23, 4) bare king k=16 color=0
Interrupting first
2110 >first : result 1-0 {Xboard: Forfeit due to invalid move: e2e4 (e2e4) res=23}
2110 >second: result 1-0 {Xboard: Forfeit due to invalid move: e2e4 (e2e4) res=23}
2110 >first : quit
2110 >second: quit
Saliendo: Partida Toledo Nanochess Jan/11/2010 vs. Averno v0.81ai (081): puntuación final 1-0-0
GameEnds(25, Xboard: Forfeit due to invalid move: e2e4 (e2e4) res=23, 2)