Winboard features

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Winboard features

Postby keyol » 05 Sep 2013, 17:55

Winboard is my go to GUI for most of my chess needs. There are two great features I would love to see implemented in Winboard, one is to be able to have engine analysis inserted into a game like Fritz GUI does and the other is for Winboard to be able to use ctg opening books as these books are so common and updated more frequently than bin books are. I hope to see those features sometime in the near future.
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Re: Winboard features

Postby H.G.Muller » 05 Sep 2013, 20:59

As for the first feature, how is this different from WinBoard's Analyze Game function?

As to ctg books: as far as I understand the probing algorithm for ctg books is a ChessBase company secret. It is true the format of the book has been decoded, but it does not contain anything but raw WDL statistics. It is not known what ChessBase software does with that statistics to decide on what move to play. Without that info any attempt to support ctg books would just be a mockery.

Or has the probing algorithm been reverse-engineered now?

If it is, it would be best to simply have a ctg-to-Polyglot book converter, so that the converted ctg books can be used by WinBoard without any need to modify the latter.
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Re: Winboard features

Postby keyol » 06 Sep 2013, 19:06

To answer your question being able to insert analysis in a game, in pgn format, gives you the possibility of going over the game at leisure without having to sit there to view the analysis as it is happening. As for the second feature, I've since found a way to have winboard read ctg books by searching on the web.
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Re: Winboard features

Postby H.G.Muller » 06 Sep 2013, 19:24

Well, that doesn't really answer my question at all. Because I asked how that was different from WinBoard's Analyze Game (which does include score/depth in the PGN as comments and the PV as a recursive varation), and not why you wanted it.

As for the ctg books, I am curious how you solved that. Did you find a ctg-to-Polyglt converter on the web?
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Re: Winboard features

Postby keyol » 06 Sep 2013, 23:53

The difference between analyzing with Fritz GUI and windboard is that with Fritz you have the option of saving the analysis in the pgn file being viewed which allows you to view the game later with the analysis included in it and winboard does not offer that functionality. At least not that I know of and if it does I don't know how to do it. And to have winboard be able to use ctg books, if you are interested go to the following link to download the instructions. ... 3540,d.dmg.

The instructions in the DOC are pretty clear, I was able to do it in a few minutes. Hope I answered all your questions. Cheers!! :D
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Re: Winboard features

Postby H.G.Muller » 07 Sep 2013, 06:47

Well, as I said, Analyze Game will write scores and PVs into the PGN (from the position where you started it to the end or the position where you stopped it with the pause button), and if you save the game after that. The auto-stepping delay (which can be set in the Load Options dialog) controls how many seconds per move is used for the analysis.

Code: Select all
[Event "6th UEC Cup"]
[Site "Tokyo"]
[Date "2012.11.24"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Shokidoki"]
[Black "Clair 1/128"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Variant "shogi"]
[FEN "rbsgk/4p/5/P4/KGSBR[-] w 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]

r b s g k
. . . . p
. . . . .
P . . . .
white to play
1. Sb2 Sd4 {+0.12/11}
(Bd3 2. Bc2 Bxc2 3. Gxc2 Sd4 4. Rd1 )
2. Sb3 {-0.32/11}
(2. Bb3 Bc4 3. Bxc4= Gxc4 4. Rc1 Gd3 5. B@b4 Rb5 6. Sb3 B@e3 7. Rc4= )
2... Bd3 {+0.60/10}
(Bc4 3. Bc2 Sd3 4. Sxc4= Sxc4 )
3. Bc2 {-0.68/11}
(3. Bc2 Rb5 4. Rc1 Be2 5. Gb2 Rc5 6. Re1 e3 7. Rb1 Sd3 8. Rc1 Sxc2 9. Sxc2 )
3... Rb5 {+0.08/11}
(Bxc2 4. Sxc2 B@c3 5. Sxc3 Sxc3 6. B@b2 Sxb2 )
4. Rc1 {-0.20/10}
(4. Rc1 Be2 5. Gb2 Rc5 )
4... Sc3 {+0.24/11}
(Be2 5. Gb2 Rc5 6. Re1 Bd3 7. Bxd3 Sxd3 8. Sb4= B@d4 9. Sa3= Sc2 )
5. Bxd3 {+1.60/12}
(5. Bxd3 Rxb3 6. Rxc3 Rxc3 7. B@b2 S@d4 8. Bxc3 Sxc3 9. S@c4 Gxc4 10. Bxc4= Sd4 11. Bb5+ )
5... Rxb3 {-0.72/12}
(Rxb3 6. Rxc3 Rxc3 7. B@b2 S@d4 8. Bxc3 Sxc3 9. R@b5 )
6. Rxc3 {+0.68/11}
(6. Rxc3 Rxc3 7. B@b2 )
6... Rxc3 {-0.68/11}
(Rxc3 7. B@b2 S@d4 8. Bxc3 Sxc3 9. R@b5 )
7. B@b2 {+0.40/11}
(7. B@b2 S@d4 8. Bxc3 Sxc3 9. R@b5 R@c5 10. Rb3+ )
7... R@b3 {-0.92/10}
(S@d4 8. Bxc3 Sxc3 9. R@b5 R@c5 10. Rxc5+ )
8. Gc2 {+0.04/9}
(8. S@c2 Rxb2 9. Gxb2 Rc5 10. Sc3 B@c1 11. R@b3 S@a4 12. Rb4= Be3+ )
8... S@d4 {+0.60/9}
(Rxb2 9. Gxc3 S@b3 10. R@a5 B@c5 11. S@b4 Be3 12. Ra3+ Rxa2 13. +Rxa2 Sxa2 14. Kxa2 Bc1+ 15. Bb5+ )
9. Gxb3 {+0.40/10}
(9. Bxc3 Rxc3 10. Gxc3 Sxc3 11. R@b5 G@d4 12. S@e2 B@c1 13. Rb3+ G5c4 )
9... Rxd3 {-0.32/9}
(Rxd3 10. S@c2 Rxb3 11. Sxb3 B@e1 12. R@d1 G@c3 13. Rxe1 Gxb3 )
10. S@c2 {-0.28/10}
(10. S@c2 Rxb3 11. Sxb3 B@e1 12. Bxd4= Gxd4 13. S@b2 G@d5 14. Sc2 Bb4+ 15. Sb1 )
10... Rxb3 {-0.36/10}
(Rxb3 11. Sxb3 B@d1 12. R@d3 Bxb3+ 13. Rxb3 S@c4 14. Ra3 G@b3 15. Bxd4= Gxd4 16. Ra5+ Gd5 )
11. Sxb3 {-0.64/10}
(11. Sxb3 B@e1 12. R@b5 G@c5 13. Rxc5+ )
11... B@c3 {+0.76/9}
(B@e1 12. Bxd4= Gxd4 13. R@b5 )
12. Sc2 {-2.68/9}
(12. Sc2 Bxb2 13. Kxb2 G@d2 14. Sb3 B@d1 15. R@b5 Bxb3+ 16. Rxb3+ S@c4 17. +Rb4 )
12... Bxb2 {+2.16/10}
(Bxb2 13. Kxb2 G@d2 14. Sb3 Gd3 15. R@c1 Gc5 16. Ka1 B@c3 17. Rxc3 Gxc3 18. Sa4= )
13. Kxb2 {-1.84/11}
(13. Kxb2 G@d2 14. Sb3 Gd3 15. R@c1 Gc5 )
13... B@e1 {+1.80/10}
(G@d2 14. Sb3 Gd3 )
14. Ka1 {-1.80/9}
(14. Ka1 G@c1 15. R@e2 Bb4+ 16. B@b2 )
14... G@c1 {+1.92/11}
(G@c1 15. R@e2 Bb4+ 16. B@a3 Gxc2 17. Rxc2 S@c3 )
15. R@e2 {-1.88/10}
(15. R@b2 Ba5+ 16. R@a3 Gxc2 17. Rxc2 S@a4 18. B@b3 Sxb3 19. Rxb3 +Ba4 )
15... Gxc2 {+2.04/10}
(Bb4+ 16. B@a3 Gxc2 17. Rxc2 S@c3 )
16. Rxc2 {-2.68/10}
(16. Rxc2 S@b3 17. G@b2 Sxc2 18. Gxc2 R@d1 19. S@b1 Sc3 20. R@c1 Sxc2 21. Rxc2 Bb4+ )
16... Bc3+ {+2.84/11}
(S@b3 17. R@d1 Sxc2 18. Rxe1 Sc3 19. B@a5 R@b1 20. Rxb1 Sxb1+ 21. Kxb1 R@b5 22. B@b4 Sxb4 23. Bxb4+ Rxb4 24. Ka1 )
17. G@b2 {-0.24/10}
(17. G@b2 +Bxc2 18. Gxc2 S@c3 19. Gc1 R@e1 20. B@a3 Re2+ 21. B@b5 +Re3 22. Ba4+ )
17... +Bxc2 {+1.52/11}
(+Bxc2 18. Gxc2 S@c3 19. Gc1 R@e1 20. R@d1 Re2+ 21. B@b3 Gc5 22. Gb1 +Re3 )
18. Gxc2 {-1.76/11}
(18. Gxc2 S@c3 19. Gc1 R@e1 20. R@d1 Re2+ )
18... R@d1 {+1.88/10}
(S@c3 19. Gc1 R@e1 )
19. R@c1 {-1.88/11}
(19. R@c1 Rxc1+ 20. Gxc1 R@e1 21. R@d1 Re2+ 22. B@c2 S@d3 23. Rxd3 Sxd3 24. B@b2 R@d4 25. Bxd4= Gxd4 )
19... S@b3 {+1.60/11}
(Rxc1+ 20. Gxc1 R@e1 21. R@d1 Re2+ 22. B@c2 S@d3 )
20. Rxd1 {-1.36/10}
(20. Rxd1 Sxc2 21. Re1 G@d2 22. B@a4 Sc1+ 23. R@b1 +Sxb1 24. Rxb1 Gd3 25. Bb5+ )
20... Sxc2 {+2.12/11}
(Sxc2 21. Re1 G@d2 22. B@a4 Gxe1 23. Bxc2= R@c1 24. Bb1 Rc5+ 25. S@d2 Ge2 26. Sd3 Sxd3 27. Bxd3 )
21. Re1 {-2.04/11}
(21. Re1 G@d2 22. B@a4 Gxe1 23. Bxc2= R@c1 )
21... Sc3 {+2.04/9}
(G@d2 22. B@a4 )
22. R@b5 {+0.20/8}
(22. R@b5 G@b3 23. B@a3 Gxa3 24. axa3 B@c4 25. B@a5 Sd4 26. Bd2+ Bxb5 27. +Bxc2 )
22... G@b3 {-0.20/8}
(G@b3 23. B@a3 Gxa3 24. axa3 B@c4 )
23. B@a3 {+0.88/9}
(23. B@a3 Gxa3 24. axa3 B@c4 25. Ra5+ Sb3 26. G@b1 Bd3 27. +Rxd5 Kxd5 )
23... Gxa3 {+0.40/9}
(Gxa3 24. axa3 B@c4 25. B@a5 Sd4 26. Rb2+ Sb3 27. +Rb1 Sa2 28. +Rxa2 Bxa2 29. Kxa2 )
24. axa3 {+0.52/10}
(24. axa3 B@c4 25. B@a5 Sd4 26. Rxd5+ )
24... B@c4 {-1.72/9}
(B@c4 25. B@a5 )
25. B@a5 {+3.16/11}
(25. B@a5 Sd4 26. Rb2+ Sb3 27. +Rb1 Gc5 28. Bd2+ Sa2 29. +Rxa2 Bxa2 30. Kxa2 Gc4 )
25... Sd4 {-3.96/11}
(Sd4 26. Rb2+ Sb3 27. +Rb1 Gc5 28. Bd2+ )
26. Rb2+ {+4.04/12}
(26. Rb2+ Sb3 27. +Rb1 Gc5 28. Bd2+ Kd5 29. Rc1 e3 30. G@c2 Sxc2 31. +Rxc2 G@a2 32. +Rxa2 Bxa2 33. Kxa2 )
26... Scd3 {-4.32/12}
(Sb3 27. +Rb1 Gc5 28. Bd2+ Kd5 29. Rc1 e3 )
27. Rc1 {+5.40/11}
(27. Rc1 Gc5 28. Be1+ e3 29. G@b1 Se2 )
27... e3 {-6.16/11}
(e3 28. a4= Gc5 29. Be1+ e2 30. +Bd1 )
28. G@b1 {+6.08/11}
(28. G@b1 Gc5 29. Bb4+ Kd5 30. +Bxc5 Sxc5 31. G@c3 B@e5 32. Rd1 Sd4 33. Gxc4 Sxc4 34. +Rb4 )
28... Gc5 {-6.00/11}
(e2 29. Bb4+ Sc5 30. +Bc3 Gd4 31. +Bxd3 Gxd3 32. S@b5 B@d5 33. a4= Bxb5 34. +Rxb5 )
29. Be1+ {+7.04/12}
(29. Be1+ Kd5 30. a4= Se2 31. +Bxe2 Bxe2 32. a5+ Bd3 33. S@c2 Bc4 34. Sc3 Sxc3 35. +Rxc3 )
29... Se2 {-7.16/11}
(Se4 30. a4= Bd3 31. a5+ Bxb1+ 32. +Rxb1 Sed3 )
30. +Bb4 {+8.04/11}
(30. +Bb4 Sed3 31. a4= Gxb4 32. +Rxb4 Kd5 33. G@d2 )
30... Sed3 {-7.20/12}
(Sed3 31. a4= Gxb4 32. +Rxb4 Kd5 33. +Rb2 Ke5 34. G@b4 Bd5 35. a5+ B@d2 36. Rd1 )
31. a4 {+7.60/12}
(31. a4= Gxb4 32. +Rxb4 Kd5 33. +Rb2 e2 34. a5+ )
31... Gxb4 {-8.04/12}
(Gxb4 32. +Rxb4 Kd5 33. +Rb2 e2 34. a5+ B@e3 )
32. +Rxb4 {+7.88/11}
(32. +Rxb4 Kd5 33. +Rb2 )
32... Kd5 {-8.92/10}
(Kd5 33. a5+ e2 34. +Pb5 B@e3 35. Rxc4= Sxc4 36. B@a2 Ke5 37. Bxc4= e1+ )
33. a5+ {+8.92/10}
(33. a5+ e2 34. +Pb5 B@e3 35. Rxc4= Sxc4 )
33... B@e2 {-11.84/9}
(B@e5 34. Rxc4= Sxc4 35. +Rxc4 Kxc4 36. B@b5 Kd5 37. G@c4 Ke4 38. S@d5 Kd3 39. Gxd4 Kd2 40. Gxe5 )
34. +Pb5 {+15.16/10}
(34. +Pb5 Ke5 35. +Pc5 Ke4 36. +Pxc4 Sxc4 37. Rxc4= Bxc4 38. +Rxc4 Ke5 )
34... Ke5 {-16.44/11}
(Ke4 35. +Pc5 Ke5 36. +Pxc4 Sxc4 37. Rxc4= Bxc4 38. +Rxc4 R@a5 39. G@a2 P@a3 40. Gab2 )
35. +Pc5 {+38.32/10}
(35. +Pc5 Se4 36. Rxc4= Bxc4 37. +Pxc4 R@a3 38. +Rxa3 Sd5 39. +Ra5 Sc5 40. B@c3 Ke4 41. +Rxc5 )
35... Ba2 {-399.72/12}
(Ke4 36. +Pxc4 Sxc4 37. B@c2 Bd3 38. Bxd3 Sdxd3 39. Rxc4= Sxc4 40. S@d3 )
36. +Pd5 {+399.84/7}
(36. +Pd5 Kxd5 37. +Rxd4 Kxd4 38. S@c5 )
36... Bxd5 {-399.88/6}
(Kxd5 )
37. +Rxd4 {+399.88/5}
(37. +Rxd4 Kxd4 )
37... Kxd4 {-399.92/4}
(Kxd4 )
38. S@c3 {+399.92/3}
(38. S@c3 )
38... Kc5 {-399.96/2}
(Kc5 )
39. G@b4# {+399.96/1}
(39. G@b4 )


You can do batch analysis of mulltiple games in the same file by switching Analyze Mode on before you load a game. (But auto-Save will have to be on for the results to be saved.)

If that is different from what Fritz does, or from what you need, please explain in more detail what you would want it to do. I do not have Fritz, and have no idea how it works.
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Re: Winboard features

Postby keyol » 07 Sep 2013, 20:32

Thank you for the insight, as I had mentioned before I did not know I could do that with winboard. Since you had first mentioned that I've already tried it and saw that it can be done. Thank you once again!!
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Re: Winboard features

Postby matematiko » 09 Sep 2013, 03:10

keyol wrote:The difference between analyzing with Fritz GUI and windboard is that with Fritz you have the option of saving the analysis in the pgn file being viewed which allows you to view the game later with the analysis included in it and winboard does not offer that functionality. At least not that I know of and if it does I don't know how to do it. And to have winboard be able to use ctg books, if you are interested go to the following link to download the instructions. ... 3540,d.dmg.

The instructions in the DOC are pretty clear, I was able to do it in a few minutes. Hope I answered all your questions. Cheers!! :D

WoW....... that tutorial still around. Good to know. Good day.
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Re: Winboard features

Postby H.G.Muller » 09 Sep 2013, 07:40

Is the Aquarium book adapter free software, or is it only available for people that have bought Aquarium? I think ChessBase was involved in the creation of this book adapter, so that it can use the original probing algorithm. That means it offers true support for ctg books.

It still would be neat if someone would make a ctg2bin converter, though.
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Re: Winboard features

Postby matematiko » 09 Sep 2013, 23:28

The Aquarium book adapter and Aquarium demo are free of charge.

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