velocidrom wrote:... and that the scores are NOT sorted by score with best on top which seems to be what you said.
Indeed, and this is a bit puzzling. Which version of XBoard exactly were you using here? Normally an engine would not search the same move a second time at the same depth, unless the previous search was somehow wrong (fail low or fail high). So if the same PV with a different score is printed by the engine, it should be assumed to overrule all previous scores for that move at the same depth, and be sorted on top. I already made a patch to make that exception to sorting by score some time ago, but I don't know if that already is in the version you are using here. But with that patch, the +0.64 line should not have been left below the +0.72 line, as it came later. Without the patch, however, the +0.56 line should not have been able to get above the +0.64 line, however. So something seem to be not working as intended.
The existing patch is not satisfactory anyway; even if it would work as intended, it would have sorted the 18-ply lines {+0.56 (top), +0.64, +0.72}, i.e. most recent on top, as they all start with the same move. But then if later in the same (18-ply) iteration a different move would be discovered with score +0.60, it would deserve to be sorted above all of them. And the current patch would not allow it to rise above the +0.72 line for Bd2, despite the fact that this has already been corrected to +0.56. So in comparing the scores I really should correct the scores of 'overruled' lines to their most recent (presumably correct) value (internally; not in the display, of course).
One difficulty is that WinBoard cannot always see if the engine is in multi-PV mode; multi-PV is an engine-defined option. So the same system must work both in multi-PV and single-PV mode.