I'm a blind programmer, somewhat interested in chess playing, so thanks to all contributors for accessible winboard...
I'd like to upgrade old 4.5.2 accessible version, to current 4.8.0...
I downloaded WB source tree from Savannah, upgraded the jaws.c module and makefile in master including there updates from v4.5.x branch (NVDA support).
I updated PieceToName and PieceTypeName arrays, so they reflect the ChessSquare from common.h.
Is correct upgrading call to GenLegal by setting fifth parameter to EmptySquare?
Also I'm not sure about setting 6th parameter of HasPromotionChoice to appData.sweepSelect...
After this modifications, everything compiles nice (under MSVC), and seems to work correctly.
My question, should something more be done about this upgrade?
If not, would it be possible to incorporate the modifications into the official git repo, and generate official WB 4.8.0 accessible variant?
By the way, I'd like to discuss some minor improvements with other users of talking version, and possibly incorporate it too...
One more thing - Polish language: I'm a bit confused, because of the po folder (and pl.po, nearly complete), and independently the .lng files (without polish), and script converting lng2po.sh, which suggests that .po is a new "standard", and .lng is older one... But even winboard4.8 uses lng files, so my question, what should I do to provide full Polish language into winboard, also in accessible variant (so including translations of "jaws.c" messages)?