PS I tried the Edit Engine List option but it throws the changes away. Edit is never highlighted and not clear what Save and OK should do. I am reluctant to edit the wb_engines.dat file
- Code: Select all
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
shuffleOpenings = 0
Version: WinBoard 4.9.182601 + Stockfish
Reset(1, 0) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
shuffleOpenings = 0
StartChildProcess (dir=".") UCI2WB debug "Stockfish.exe" "..\Stockfish"
nice engine proc to 10
608 >first : xboard
protover 2
608 <first : # engine said: Stockfish 301216 by T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott
608 <first : # 'xboard' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'protover' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : feature setboard=1 usermove=1 debug=1 ping=1 name=1 reuse=0 exclude=1 pause=1 sigint=0 sigterm=0 done=0
608 >first : accepted setboard
608 >first : accepted usermove
608 >first : accepted debug
608 >first : accepted ping
608 >first : accepted name
608 >first : accepted reuse
608 >first : accepted exclude
608 >first : accepted pause
608 >first : accepted sigint
608 >first : accepted sigterm
608 >first : accepted done
608 <first : feature option="UCI2WB debug output -check 1"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : uci
608 <first : # engine said: id name Stockfish 301216
608 <first : feature myname="Stockfish 301216 (UCI2WB)"
608 >first : accepted myname
608 <first : # engine said: id author T. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski, G. Linscott
608 <first : # engine said:
608 <first : # engine said: option name Debug Log File type string default
608 <first : feature option="Debug Log File -string "
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Contempt type spin default 0 min -100 max 100
608 <first : feature option="Contempt -spin 0 -100 100"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Threads type spin default 1 min 1 max 128
608 <first : # engine said: option name Hash type spin default 16 min 1 max 2048
608 <first : # engine said: option name Clear Hash type button
608 <first : feature option="Clear Hash -button"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Ponder type check default false
608 <first : # engine said: option name MultiPV type spin default 1 min 1 max 500
608 <first : feature option="MultiPV -spin 1 1 500"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Skill Level type spin default 20 min 0 max 20
608 <first : feature option="Skill Level -spin 20 0 20"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Move Overhead type spin default 30 min 0 max 5000
608 <first : feature option="Move Overhead -spin 30 0 5000"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Minimum Thinking Time type spin default 20 min 0 max 5000
608 <first : feature option="Minimum Thinking Time -spin 20 0 5000"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Slow Mover type spin default 89 min 10 max 1000
608 <first : feature option="Slow Mover -spin 89 10 1000"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name nodestime type spin default 0 min 0 max 10000
608 <first : feature option="nodestime -spin 0 0 10000"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name UCI_Chess960 type check default false
608 <first : # engine said: option name UCI_Variant type combo default chess var chess var giveaway var atomic var crazyhouse var horde var kingofthehill var losers var racingkings var threecheck var suicide var loop
608 <first : # engine said: option name SyzygyPath type string default <empty>
608 <first : # engine said: option name SyzygyProbeDepth type spin default 1 min 1 max 100
608 <first : feature option="SyzygyProbeDepth -spin 1 1 100"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name Syzygy50MoveRule type check default true
608 <first : feature option="Syzygy50MoveRule -check 1"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: option name SyzygyProbeLimit type spin default 6 min 0 max 6
608 <first : feature option="SyzygyProbeLimit -spin 6 0 6"
608 >first : accepted option
608 <first : # engine said: uciok
608 <first : feature oocastle=0
608 >first : accepted oocastle
608 <first : feature variants="normal,giveaway,atomic,crazyhouse,horde,kingofthehill,losers,racingkings,3check,suicide,loop,normal,fischerandom"
608 >first : accepted variants
608 <first : feature egt="syzygy"
608 >first : accepted egt
608 <first : feature smp=1 memory=1 done=1
608 >first : accepted smp
608 >first : accepted memory
608 >first : accepted done
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
608 <first : # 'accepted' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
624 >first : memory 68
624 >first : egtpath syzygy H:\syzygy
624 >first : cores 1
624 >first : new
624 >first : level 0 0:05 2
624 >first : post
624 >first : hard
624 >first : easy
624 >first : ping 1
Impossible move , type = 0
624 <first : # 'memory' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
624 <first : # 'egtpath' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
624 <first : # setoption name syzygyPath value H:\syzygy
624 <first : # 'cores' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
624 <first : # setoption name Threads value 1
640 <first : # 'new' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
640 <first : # setoption name Hash value 68
640 <first : # setoption name UCI_Variant value chess
640 <first : # isready
640 <first : # engine said: info string Found 510 tablebases
640 <first : # engine said: info string variant chess startpos rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
671 <first : # engine said: info string Found 510 tablebases
671 <first : # engine said: readyok
671 <first : # ucinewgame
671 <first : # 'random' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
671 <first : # 'level' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
671 <first : # 'post' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
671 <first : # 'hard' think=0 pause=0 log=0 sent=0
671 <first : # backlog: setoption name Ponder value true
671 <first : # release 33
671 <first : # 'easy' think=0 pause=0 log=33 sent=33
671 <first : # backlog: setoption name Ponder value false
671 <first : # release 34
671 <first : # 'ping' think=0 pause=0 log=34 sent=34
671 <first : pong 1
702 <first : # engine said: info string Found 510 tablebases
702 <first : 0 0 0 0 Found 510 tablebases
or specify one below:
Engine (.exe or .jar [______________________________________]
Engine protocol [ COMBO ]
Nickname (optional): [______________________________________]
[x] Use nickname in PGN tag [x] Add this engine to the li
[x] Force current variant wit [x] Must not use GUI book
command-line paramet [______________________________________]
Special WinBoard opt [______________________________________]
directory: [______________________________________]
(Directory will be derived from engine pa