Problems with Swiss Tourney Mgr Winboard GUI

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Problems with Swiss Tourney Mgr Winboard GUI

Postby supersharp77 » 19 Feb 2021, 22:29

Been playing around with Winboard 4.8.1 and Winboard 4.9.1 for about a month or so.....GUI is interesting but I am experiencing major problems with the so called "Swiss Manager" (size around 9.8 k) this Swiss manager crashes quite a lot and GUI has a strange habit of playing a certain number of games and then just stopping in the middle of a round or sometimes a game or two before the 2nd round pairings are due to start.....GUI usually says "Waiting for Chess engines" now when you set up either Swiss or RR tounreys you don't even get a list of the upcoming games or a tournament ongoing crosstable so it is impossible to follow what is going on (or make any corrections) the tourney file .trn is just a collection of plus and minus signs
so you can't make any correction there. Perhaps there is a way to get the debug file to see if some engines did not run or exited prematurely causing the Swiss mgr to fail. The RR tourney mgr also does not work 100% of the time either...GUI looks to need some new updates....Thx AR :) :wink:
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