'mime-types' seems to be a uiversal (platform idependent) classification of files. E.g. undistiguished text files have mime-type text/plain, HTML has text/html, and PGN files application/x-chess-pgn. In Windows the mime-type ispurely determined from the filename extension, but the type can also be defined as beig recognized from the file content. E.g. in Linux a file without extension would still be recognized as PGN when its contents starts with [Event: " .
An unrelated question:
I have put up a tutorial for how to use the Variant-ICS (
http://hgm.nubati.net/VICS ), but currently it is only addresses Windows users. I should still add notes for Linux users on how to install XBoard and connect with it (which is easy), as well as for Mac users (for which I have no idea how it is done).
How does one connect to the Variant-ICS once XBoard is istalled on a Mac? Simply by starting terminal window and typing "xboard -ics -icshost -icshelper timeseal", as in Linux? Or does your install contain a menu item or shortcut for that?
This reminds me of a complaint by Mac user on TalkChess just before the holidays, that he could not get XBoard to install from your package. And a reply from anotherMac user that this is because one first needs to alter the write permission on some critical directories (
http://www.talkchess.com/forum/viewtopi ... =&start=15 ). Are they doing something wrong?