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Player elo rating feature

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2009, 05:21
by lion

Is it possible to incorporate an elo player evaluation monitor into winboard ?

This would be a really cool feature.


Re: Player elo rating feature

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2009, 09:44
by H.G.Muller
I am not sure what you mean by that. What ectly should this feature do. e.g. when I start up WinBoard for on game of engine A against engine B, and (say) B wins, and WinBoard exits.

Re: Player elo rating feature

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2009, 11:30
by lion
H.G.Muller wrote:I am not sure what you mean by that. What ectly should this feature do. e.g. when I start up WinBoard for on game of engine A against engine B, and (say) B wins, and WinBoard exits.

For example, when you play against an engine, the engine or winboard tells you your current playing strength measured in elo

Re: Player elo rating feature

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2009, 12:01
by H.G.Muller
Just based on the moves you do in that game? Is that even theoretically possible?

Re: Player elo rating feature

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2009, 19:16
by Dann Corbit
H.G.Muller wrote:Just based on the moves you do in that game? Is that even theoretically possible?

I think that for this feature to have any value, you would have to do a database lookup. Even then it is questionable.

For instance the Elo of Fruit in CCRL or CEGT is based on very specific conditions and hardware. Using other hardware or other conditions we do not have an exact Elo figure.

It is possible that with a database of Fritzmarks and a database of Elo figures that a crude extrapolation could be made for chess engines (given that we know the opponent engine, the opponent hardware, and we have figures for both).

For humans, the tough bit is exact name matching because PGN data or knowlege of the opponent's name is often spotty.

Re: Player elo rating feature

PostPosted: 29 Apr 2009, 07:11
by Guenther Simon
lion wrote:
H.G.Muller wrote:I am not sure what you mean by that. What ectly should this feature do. e.g. when I start up WinBoard for on game of engine A against engine B, and (say) B wins, and WinBoard exits.

For example, when you play against an engine, the engine or winboard tells you your current playing strength measured in elo

May I ask, why not simply playing games at FICS via Winboard? There are lots of programs there with a consolidated rating
against Humans. You would still need to scale this rating somehow(which would be very very vaguely) to whatever is your intention.
Your original idea seems quite impossible, because you first have to give a precise rating(what rating?) to all engine entities
you wanna play against...
