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Request for a stricter thinking output

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2009, 23:21
by qeed
Hello, I would like to request a protocol with a mode where it outputs ALL the thinking output after into "Show Engine Output", instead of, as stated in the chess communication protocol.
"The engine can send as many or few of these lines as it wants to, whenever it wants to."
I think this is helpful in debugging move generations and searches at low a depth, dumping it to a text file isn't as readable in my opinion as a xboard window output.

Re: Request for a stricter thinking output

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2009, 11:21
by H.G.Muller
I am not sure I understand what you want. The current specs for thinking output are as liberal as possible; anything that is recognized as thinking output is printed in the engine-output window (i.e. no lines are rejected based on something like "I have already seen this depth"), and the engine can print whatever info it wants in the PV field (which is free format).

XBoard has no way to force engines to print something; the engine author decides what to print. And usually debugging is done by the author, so he can simply print whatever he thinks needs printing. I don't see how we could improve on that.

Re: Request for a stricter thinking output

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2009, 16:24
by qeed
Sorry about that, it was my program that was not sending the correct commands to xboard causing a truncation of the moves output. It is fixed now, sorry for my error.