Winboard 4.4.1 : a bug in NPS mode ?
Posted: 26 Jan 2010, 17:02
I am trying to play games in NPS mode (using -firstNPS and -secondNPS).
Most of the time it works OK, but for a given starting position and set of opponents, winboard (?) seems to go nuts.
The game is between my engine (BugChess2 1.6.4) and the last Twisted Logic version. I am using the custom Polyglot version HGM built for me for Twisted, and winboard 4.4.1. Both engines play at 40/10sec with NPS=900000 from a certain starting pos. After the first move we can see in the winboard debug file that the sent time and otim comand drop from 1000 to 1 centisec, and it seems the reason why twisted gets stuck at the end (with only 1 centisec left to think) - and then back from 1 to 1000 whereas it should decrease regularly.
Any idea of what could go wrong ?
Thanks !
my winboard debug file :
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
WinBoard 4.4.1 + BugChess2_V1_6_4.exe
Reset(1, 0) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
shuffleOpenings = 0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\TempFK\DistributedFPKWBTM\BugChess2_V1_6_4") BugChess2_V1_6_4.exe -winboard
516 >first : xboard
protover 2
516 <first : feature done=0
516 >first : accepted done
781 <first : feature ping=1 setboard=1 playother=1 san=1 time=1 draw=0 sigint=0 sigterm=0 analyze=1 myname="BugChess2 V1.6.4" variants="normal" colors=0 name=1 nps=1 done=1
781 >first : accepted ping
781 >first : accepted setboard
781 >first : accepted playother
781 >first : accepted san
781 >first : accepted time
781 >first : accepted draw
781 >first : accepted sigint
781 >first : accepted sigterm
781 >first : accepted analyze
781 >first : accepted myname
781 >first : accepted variants
781 >first : accepted colors
781 >first : accepted name
781 >first : accepted nps
781 >first : accepted done
797 >first : new
797 >first : level 40 0:10 0
797 >first : nps 900000
797 >first : post
797 >first : hard
797 >first : easy
797 >first : ping 1
FEN castling rights: -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
797 >first : force
write FEN 50-move: 0 0 0
e0. p=-4
797 >first : setboard rq2kb1r/1b1n1ppp/pp2pn2/2p5/3P4/2NBPN2/PP2QPPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - 0 1
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
7 0 4 7 0 4
Load Position
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\TempFK\DistributedFPKWBTM\Polyglot") polyglot.exe TwistedLogic_20090922.ini
1297 >second: xboard
protover 2
1297 <second: PolyGlot 1.4.38x by Fabien Letouzey.
1297 <first : pong 1
1297 <second: feature done=0
1297 >second: accepted done
1297 <second: feature analyze=1
1297 >second: accepted analyze
1297 <second: feature colors=0
1297 >second: accepted colors
1297 <second: feature draw=1
1297 >second: accepted draw
1297 <second: feature ics=1
1297 >second: accepted ics
1297 <second: feature myname="Twisted Logic 20090922"
1297 >second: accepted myname
1297 <second: feature name=1
1297 >second: accepted name
1297 <second: feature pause=0
1297 >second: accepted pause
1297 <second: feature ping=1
1297 >second: accepted ping
1297 <second: feature playother=1
1297 >second: accepted playother
1297 <second: feature reuse=1
1297 >second: accepted reuse
1297 <second: feature san=0
1297 >second: accepted san
1297 <second: feature setboard=1
1297 >second: accepted setboard
1297 <second: feature sigint=0
1297 >second: accepted sigint
1297 <second: feature sigterm=0
1297 >second: accepted sigterm
1297 <second: feature time=1
1297 >second: accepted time
1297 <second: feature usermove=1
1297 >second: accepted usermove
1297 <second: feature nps=1
1297 >second: accepted nps
1297 <second: feature memory=1
1297 >second: accepted memory
1297 <second: feature smp=0
1297 >second: accepted smp
1297 <second: feature egt=""
1297 >second: accepted egt
1297 <second: feature variants="normal"
1297 >second: accepted variants
1297 <second: feature option="Pawn Hash -spin 16 1 32"
1297 >second: accepted option
1297 <second: feature option="OwnBook -check 1"
1297 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Book File -file twistedbook.bin"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Book Move Limit -spin 128 1 256"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Display Book Moves -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Time Buffer -spin 1000 0 10000"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Transposition Table -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Move Pruning -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Move Verification -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Move Fail High -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Threat -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Recapture Extension -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Internal Iterative Deepening -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Internal Iterative Deepening Solid -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Internal Iterative Deepening Depth -spin 5 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Delta Pruning -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Delta Pruning Solid -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Delta Pruning Threshold -spin 50 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Quiescence Check Depth -spin 5 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity Base -spin 3 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity Threshold -spin 125 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity Cutoff -spin 125 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning Base -spin 9 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning Threshold -spin 100 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning Multiplier -spin 50 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation Aggressive -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation PV -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation PV Level -spin 12 0 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation PV -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation PV Level -spin 12 0 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation Base -spin 3 2 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation Level -spin 4 2 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation Base -spin 4 3 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation Level -spin 4 2 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Eval Grain Size -spin 0 0 4"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Fill Hash With PV -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="King Attacks Aggression Level -spin 4 0 20"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="UCI_ShowCurrLine -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="UCI_EngineAbout -file Twisted Logic by Edsel Apostol"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Polyglot Version -combo 1.4.38x"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Log -check 1"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot LogFile -file TwistedLogic_20090922.log"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot OptionFile -file TwistedLogic_20090922.ini"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Book -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookFile -file book.bin"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookRandom -check 1"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookDepth -spin 256 0 256"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookLearn -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookTreshold -spin 5 0 1000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Resign -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot ResignMoves -spin 3 0 10000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot ResignScore -spin 800 0 10000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot MateScore -spin 10000 0 100000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot ShowPonder -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot UCIVersion -spin 2 1 2"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot RepeatPV -check 1"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot SyncStop -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot CanPonder -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot PromoteWorkAround -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Save polyglot.ini -save"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature done=1
1328 >second: accepted done
1344 >second: memory 68
1344 >second: new
1344 >second: ics -
1344 >second: level 40 0:10 0
1344 >second: nps 900000
1344 >second: post
1344 >second: hard
1344 >second: easy
1344 >second: ping 1
1344 >second: force
write FEN 50-move: 0 0 0
e0. p=-4
1344 >second: setboard rq2kb1r/1b1n1ppp/pp2pn2/2p5/3P4/2NBPN2/PP2QPPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - 0 1
Two Machines
1344 >first : computer
1344 >first : name Twisted Logic 20090922
1344 >second: computer
1344 >second: name BugChess2 V1.6.4
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
time odds: 1 1
1344 >first : time 1000
1344 >first : otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
1344 >first : go
nps: w=900000, b=900000
1344 <second: pong 1
1703 <first : 8 -19 34 155802 d4xc5 d7xc5 d3-c2 f8-d6 e3-e4 e8-g8 c1-g5 f8-d8
1703 <first : move dxc5
machine move 0, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: dxc5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? d4c5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? d4c5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=0 (3,3)-(2,4) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? d4c5
movetype=33, promochar=0=-
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=15
move: d4c5
, parse: dxc5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=15
repeat test fmm=1 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
1719 >second: time 1000
1719 >second: otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
1719 >second: usermove 1719 >second: d4c5
1719 >second: go
1844 <second: 8 -42 12 87477 Bxc5 Na4 O-O e4 Bd6 Bg5 h6 Bd2 Rc8
2031 <second: 8 -42 31 225000 Bxc5 Na4 O-O e4 Bd6 Bg5 h6 Bd2 Rc8
2031 <second: move f8c5
machine move 1, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: f8c5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? f8c5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? f8c5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=24 (5,7)-(2,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: f8c5
, parse: Bxc5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=2 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2031 >first : time 1
2031 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2031 >first : Bxc5
2047 <first : 3 -13 0 2934 d3-c2 e8-g8 a2-a4
2047 <first : move Bc2
machine move 2, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: Bc2
Parser Qa1: yyleng=3, 2(-1,-1)-(2,1) = 0 ( )
Disambiguate in: 2(-1,-1)-(2,1) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 2(3,2)-(2,1) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? d3c2
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=2 (3,2)-(2,1) -
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: d3c2
, parse: Bc2 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=3 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2047 >second: time 1
2047 >second: otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
2047 >second: usermove 2047 >second: d3c2
2047 <second: move e8g8
machine move 3, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: e8g8
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? e8g8
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? e8g8
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=43 (4,7)-(6,7) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? e8g8
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: e8g8
, parse: O-O (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=4 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2047 >first : time 1000
2047 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2047 >first : O-O
2313 <first : 8 -26 25 161309 e3-e4 f8-d8 c1-g5 h7-h6 g5-h4 c5-d6 a1-c1 d8-c8
2313 <first : move e4
machine move 4, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: e4
Disambiguate in: 0(4,-1)-(4,3) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 0(4,2)-(4,3) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? e3e4
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=0 (4,2)-(4,3) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? e3e4
movetype=33, promochar=0=-
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: e3e4
, parse: e4 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=5 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2313 >second: time 1
2313 >second: otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2313 >second: usermove 2313 >second: e3e4
2313 <second: move d7e5
machine move 5, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: d7e5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? d7e5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? d7e5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=23 (3,6)-(4,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: d7e5
, parse: Ne5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=6 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2313 >first : time 1
2313 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2313 >first : Ne5
2328 <first : 3 4 0 10191 f3xe5 b8xe5 c1-e3
2328 <first : move Nxe5
machine move 6, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: Nxe5
Parser Qa1: yyleng=4, 1(-1,-1)-(4,4) = 0 ( )
Disambiguate in: 1(-1,-1)-(4,4) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 1(5,2)-(4,4) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? f3e5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=1 (5,2)-(4,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=14
move: f3e5
, parse: Nxe5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=14
repeat test fmm=7 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2344 >second: time 1
2344 >second: otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
2344 >second: usermove 2344 >second: f3e5
2344 <second: move b8e5
machine move 7, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: b8e5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? b8e5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? b8e5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=26 (1,7)-(4,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: b8e5
, parse: Qxe5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=8 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2344 >first : time 1000
2344 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2344 >first : Qxe5
2953 <first : 9 -8 60 330996 g2-g3 e5-c7 c1-f4 e6-e5 f4-g5 f8-d8 g5xf6 g7xf6 c3-d5
2953 <first : move g3
machine move 8, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: g3
Disambiguate in: 0(6,-1)-(6,2) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 0(6,1)-(6,2) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? g2g3
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=0 (6,1)-(6,2) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? g2g3
movetype=33, promochar=0=-
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: g2g3
, parse: g3 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=9 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
9 ep=-3
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2969 >second: time 1
2969 >second: otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2969 >second: usermove 2969 >second: g2g3
2969 <second: move a8d8
machine move 9, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: a8d8
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? a8d8
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? a8d8
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=25 (0,7)-(3,7) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: a8d8
, parse: Rad8 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=10 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
10 ep=-4
9 ep=-3
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2969 >first : time 1
2969 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2969 >first : Rad8
2984 <first : 3 -7 1 16001 c1-f4 e5-h5 e2xh5
2984 <first : move Bf4
machine move 10, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 -1 -1
move to parse: Bf4
Parser Qa1: yyleng=3, 2(-1,-1)-(5,3) = 0 ( )
Disambiguate in: 2(-1,-1)-(5,3) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 2(2,0)-(5,3) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 -1 -1 Legality test? c1f4
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (-1,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=2 (2,0)-(5,3) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: c1f4
, parse: Bf4 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=11 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
11 ep=-4
10 ep=-4
9 ep=-3
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
3000 >second: time 1
3000 >second: otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
3000 >second: usermove 3000 >second: c1f4
3000 <second: 1 +0 0 0 No legal move found. Start a new game.
I am trying to play games in NPS mode (using -firstNPS and -secondNPS).
Most of the time it works OK, but for a given starting position and set of opponents, winboard (?) seems to go nuts.
The game is between my engine (BugChess2 1.6.4) and the last Twisted Logic version. I am using the custom Polyglot version HGM built for me for Twisted, and winboard 4.4.1. Both engines play at 40/10sec with NPS=900000 from a certain starting pos. After the first move we can see in the winboard debug file that the sent time and otim comand drop from 1000 to 1 centisec, and it seems the reason why twisted gets stuck at the end (with only 1 centisec left to think) - and then back from 1 to 1000 whereas it should decrease regularly.
Any idea of what could go wrong ?
Thanks !
my winboard debug file :
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
WinBoard 4.4.1 + BugChess2_V1_6_4.exe
Reset(1, 0) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
shuffleOpenings = 0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\TempFK\DistributedFPKWBTM\BugChess2_V1_6_4") BugChess2_V1_6_4.exe -winboard
516 >first : xboard
protover 2
516 <first : feature done=0
516 >first : accepted done
781 <first : feature ping=1 setboard=1 playother=1 san=1 time=1 draw=0 sigint=0 sigterm=0 analyze=1 myname="BugChess2 V1.6.4" variants="normal" colors=0 name=1 nps=1 done=1
781 >first : accepted ping
781 >first : accepted setboard
781 >first : accepted playother
781 >first : accepted san
781 >first : accepted time
781 >first : accepted draw
781 >first : accepted sigint
781 >first : accepted sigterm
781 >first : accepted analyze
781 >first : accepted myname
781 >first : accepted variants
781 >first : accepted colors
781 >first : accepted name
781 >first : accepted nps
781 >first : accepted done
797 >first : new
797 >first : level 40 0:10 0
797 >first : nps 900000
797 >first : post
797 >first : hard
797 >first : easy
797 >first : ping 1
FEN castling rights: -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
797 >first : force
write FEN 50-move: 0 0 0
e0. p=-4
797 >first : setboard rq2kb1r/1b1n1ppp/pp2pn2/2p5/3P4/2NBPN2/PP2QPPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - 0 1
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
7 0 4 7 0 4
Load Position
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\TempFK\DistributedFPKWBTM\Polyglot") polyglot.exe TwistedLogic_20090922.ini
1297 >second: xboard
protover 2
1297 <second: PolyGlot 1.4.38x by Fabien Letouzey.
1297 <first : pong 1
1297 <second: feature done=0
1297 >second: accepted done
1297 <second: feature analyze=1
1297 >second: accepted analyze
1297 <second: feature colors=0
1297 >second: accepted colors
1297 <second: feature draw=1
1297 >second: accepted draw
1297 <second: feature ics=1
1297 >second: accepted ics
1297 <second: feature myname="Twisted Logic 20090922"
1297 >second: accepted myname
1297 <second: feature name=1
1297 >second: accepted name
1297 <second: feature pause=0
1297 >second: accepted pause
1297 <second: feature ping=1
1297 >second: accepted ping
1297 <second: feature playother=1
1297 >second: accepted playother
1297 <second: feature reuse=1
1297 >second: accepted reuse
1297 <second: feature san=0
1297 >second: accepted san
1297 <second: feature setboard=1
1297 >second: accepted setboard
1297 <second: feature sigint=0
1297 >second: accepted sigint
1297 <second: feature sigterm=0
1297 >second: accepted sigterm
1297 <second: feature time=1
1297 >second: accepted time
1297 <second: feature usermove=1
1297 >second: accepted usermove
1297 <second: feature nps=1
1297 >second: accepted nps
1297 <second: feature memory=1
1297 >second: accepted memory
1297 <second: feature smp=0
1297 >second: accepted smp
1297 <second: feature egt=""
1297 >second: accepted egt
1297 <second: feature variants="normal"
1297 >second: accepted variants
1297 <second: feature option="Pawn Hash -spin 16 1 32"
1297 >second: accepted option
1297 <second: feature option="OwnBook -check 1"
1297 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Book File -file twistedbook.bin"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Book Move Limit -spin 128 1 256"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Display Book Moves -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Time Buffer -spin 1000 0 10000"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Transposition Table -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Move Pruning -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Move Verification -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Move Fail High -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Null Threat -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Recapture Extension -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Internal Iterative Deepening -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Internal Iterative Deepening Solid -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Internal Iterative Deepening Depth -spin 5 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Delta Pruning -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Delta Pruning Solid -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Delta Pruning Threshold -spin 50 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Quiescence Check Depth -spin 5 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity Base -spin 3 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity Threshold -spin 125 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Selectivity Cutoff -spin 125 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning Base -spin 9 1 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning Threshold -spin 100 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Zero Pruning Multiplier -spin 50 0 500"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation Aggressive -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation PV -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation PV Level -spin 12 0 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation PV -check 0"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation PV Level -spin 12 0 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation Base -spin 3 2 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Speculation Level -spin 4 2 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation Base -spin 4 3 15"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Extended Speculation Level -spin 4 2 30"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Eval Grain Size -spin 0 0 4"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="Fill Hash With PV -check 1"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="King Attacks Aggression Level -spin 4 0 20"
1313 >second: accepted option
1313 <second: feature option="UCI_ShowCurrLine -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="UCI_EngineAbout -file Twisted Logic by Edsel Apostol"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Polyglot Version -combo 1.4.38x"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Log -check 1"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot LogFile -file TwistedLogic_20090922.log"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot OptionFile -file TwistedLogic_20090922.ini"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Book -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookFile -file book.bin"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookRandom -check 1"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookDepth -spin 256 0 256"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookLearn -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot BookTreshold -spin 5 0 1000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot Resign -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot ResignMoves -spin 3 0 10000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot ResignScore -spin 800 0 10000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot MateScore -spin 10000 0 100000"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot ShowPonder -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot UCIVersion -spin 2 1 2"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot RepeatPV -check 1"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot SyncStop -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot CanPonder -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Polyglot PromoteWorkAround -check 0"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature option="Save polyglot.ini -save"
1328 >second: accepted option
1328 <second: feature done=1
1328 >second: accepted done
1344 >second: memory 68
1344 >second: new
1344 >second: ics -
1344 >second: level 40 0:10 0
1344 >second: nps 900000
1344 >second: post
1344 >second: hard
1344 >second: easy
1344 >second: ping 1
1344 >second: force
write FEN 50-move: 0 0 0
e0. p=-4
1344 >second: setboard rq2kb1r/1b1n1ppp/pp2pn2/2p5/3P4/2NBPN2/PP2QPPP/R1BR2K1 w kq - 0 1
Two Machines
1344 >first : computer
1344 >first : name Twisted Logic 20090922
1344 >second: computer
1344 >second: name BugChess2 V1.6.4
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
time odds: 1 1
1344 >first : time 1000
1344 >first : otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
1344 >first : go
nps: w=900000, b=900000
1344 <second: pong 1
1703 <first : 8 -19 34 155802 d4xc5 d7xc5 d3-c2 f8-d6 e3-e4 e8-g8 c1-g5 f8-d8
1703 <first : move dxc5
machine move 0, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: dxc5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? d4c5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? d4c5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=0 (3,3)-(2,4) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? d4c5
movetype=33, promochar=0=-
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=15
move: d4c5
, parse: dxc5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=15
repeat test fmm=1 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
1719 >second: time 1000
1719 >second: otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
1719 >second: usermove 1719 >second: d4c5
1719 >second: go
1844 <second: 8 -42 12 87477 Bxc5 Na4 O-O e4 Bd6 Bg5 h6 Bd2 Rc8
2031 <second: 8 -42 31 225000 Bxc5 Na4 O-O e4 Bd6 Bg5 h6 Bd2 Rc8
2031 <second: move f8c5
machine move 1, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: f8c5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? f8c5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? f8c5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=24 (5,7)-(2,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: f8c5
, parse: Bxc5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=2 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2031 >first : time 1
2031 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2031 >first : Bxc5
2047 <first : 3 -13 0 2934 d3-c2 e8-g8 a2-a4
2047 <first : move Bc2
machine move 2, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: Bc2
Parser Qa1: yyleng=3, 2(-1,-1)-(2,1) = 0 ( )
Disambiguate in: 2(-1,-1)-(2,1) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 2(3,2)-(2,1) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? d3c2
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=2 (3,2)-(2,1) -
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: d3c2
, parse: Bc2 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=3 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2047 >second: time 1
2047 >second: otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
2047 >second: usermove 2047 >second: d3c2
2047 <second: move e8g8
machine move 3, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 4
move to parse: e8g8
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? e8g8
-1 -1 -1 7 0 4 Legality test? e8g8
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (4,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=43 (4,7)-(6,7) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? e8g8
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: e8g8
, parse: O-O (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=4 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2047 >first : time 1000
2047 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2047 >first : O-O
2313 <first : 8 -26 25 161309 e3-e4 f8-d8 c1-g5 h7-h6 g5-h4 c5-d6 a1-c1 d8-c8
2313 <first : move e4
machine move 4, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: e4
Disambiguate in: 0(4,-1)-(4,3) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 0(4,2)-(4,3) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? e3e4
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=0 (4,2)-(4,3) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? e3e4
movetype=33, promochar=0=-
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: e3e4
, parse: e4 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=5 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2313 >second: time 1
2313 >second: otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2313 >second: usermove 2313 >second: e3e4
2313 <second: move d7e5
machine move 5, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: d7e5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? d7e5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? d7e5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=23 (3,6)-(4,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
move: d7e5
, parse: Ne5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=14, his=14
repeat test fmm=6 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2313 >first : time 1
2313 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2313 >first : Ne5
2328 <first : 3 4 0 10191 f3xe5 b8xe5 c1-e3
2328 <first : move Nxe5
machine move 6, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: Nxe5
Parser Qa1: yyleng=4, 1(-1,-1)-(4,4) = 0 ( )
Disambiguate in: 1(-1,-1)-(4,4) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 1(5,2)-(4,4) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? f3e5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=1 (5,2)-(4,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=14
move: f3e5
, parse: Nxe5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=14
repeat test fmm=7 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2344 >second: time 1
2344 >second: otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
2344 >second: usermove 2344 >second: f3e5
2344 <second: move b8e5
machine move 7, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: b8e5
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? b8e5
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? b8e5
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=26 (1,7)-(4,4) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: b8e5
, parse: Qxe5 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=8 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2344 >first : time 1000
2344 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2344 >first : Qxe5
2953 <first : 9 -8 60 330996 g2-g3 e5-c7 c1-f4 e6-e5 f4-g5 f8-d8 g5xf6 g7xf6 c3-d5
2953 <first : move g3
machine move 8, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: g3
Disambiguate in: 0(6,-1)-(6,2) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 0(6,1)-(6,2) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? g2g3
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=0 (6,1)-(6,2) -
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? g2g3
movetype=33, promochar=0=-
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: g2g3
, parse: g3 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=9 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
9 ep=-3
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2969 >second: time 1
2969 >second: otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2969 >second: usermove 2969 >second: g2g3
2969 <second: move a8d8
machine move 9, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 0 -1
move to parse: a8d8
7 0 4 7 0 4 Legality test? a8d8
-1 -1 -1 7 0 -1 Legality test? a8d8
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (0,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=25 (0,7)-(3,7) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: a8d8
, parse: Rad8 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=10 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
10 ep=-4
9 ep=-3
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
2969 >first : time 1
2969 >first : otim 1
book hit = (NULL)
2969 >first : Rad8
2984 <first : 3 -7 1 16001 c1-f4 e5-h5 e2xh5
2984 <first : move Bf4
machine move 10, castling = -1 -1 -1 7 -1 -1
move to parse: Bf4
Parser Qa1: yyleng=3, 2(-1,-1)-(5,3) = 0 ( )
Disambiguate in: 2(-1,-1)-(5,3) = 0 (-)
Disambiguate out: 2(2,0)-(5,3) = 0 (-)
-1 -1 -1 7 -1 -1 Legality test? c1f4
(-1,0) (-1,0) (-1,0) (7,7) (-1,7) (-1,7) castling rights
TC string = '+40/0:10'
mps=40 tc=10000 inc=0
CoordsToAlgebraic, piece=2 (2,0)-(5,3) -
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
move: c1f4
, parse: Bf4 (
MateTest: K=1, my=13, his=13
repeat test fmm=11 bmm=0 ep=-4, reps=4
11 ep=-4
10 ep=-4
9 ep=-3
8 ep=-2
7 ep=-2
6 ep=-4
5 ep=-3
4 ep=-4
3 ep=-4
2 ep=-2
1 ep=-3
0 ep=-4
time odds: 1 1
3000 >second: time 1
3000 >second: otim 1000
book hit = (NULL)
3000 >second: usermove 3000 >second: c1f4
3000 <second: 1 +0 0 0 No legal move found. Start a new game.