minimal incongruous variations
Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 15:39
or consequent changes?
9250 <second: feature myname="Aristarch 4.50 (c) 2004 Stefan Zipproth"
9250 >second: accepted myname
9250 <second: feature variants="nocastle"
9250 >second: accepted variants
As the second engine Aristarch will never play normal chess as a winboard engine in two machine mode in wb 4.6.2. Winboard says: second engine does not play this. If Aristarch is the first engine, it works fine.
A non coventional move input from a machine or you type in a move like f2f1Q, then winboard parse it as a correct move and send it to the (other) machine. But many engines, or some engines, I don't know, get tears in the eyes and explain such moves as illegal. The old winboard, I tested it with version 4.2.7, change such moves to f2f1q or n and so on and for all the universe is all right.
9250 <second: feature myname="Aristarch 4.50 (c) 2004 Stefan Zipproth"
9250 >second: accepted myname
9250 <second: feature variants="nocastle"
9250 >second: accepted variants
As the second engine Aristarch will never play normal chess as a winboard engine in two machine mode in wb 4.6.2. Winboard says: second engine does not play this. If Aristarch is the first engine, it works fine.
A non coventional move input from a machine or you type in a move like f2f1Q, then winboard parse it as a correct move and send it to the (other) machine. But many engines, or some engines, I don't know, get tears in the eyes and explain such moves as illegal. The old winboard, I tested it with version 4.2.7, change such moves to f2f1q or n and so on and for all the universe is all right.