I noticed that the option -border is in the xboard .ini file but it doesn't seem to be active to anything. Were you at one point going to implement the border option in xboard too or was it not possible? Personally I'd like to to see the winboard board themes dialog implemented in xboard. It would be nice to put that stuff in the xboard.app. It'd make configuring with different sets more easier especially with the Oriental Chess with optional oriental pieces.
As a general question, are we still moving toward phasing out winboard altogether and replacing it with xboard gtk? If so a list of all the things that winboard still has that xboard does not (or at least a replacement of; i.e.who needs messy fonts when you have .png/.svg images?) might be a good idea. Off hand on the surface, not too much save that and a dedicated ICS interaction window which you said could be done in GTK.