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Syzygy Adjudication Option

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2018, 13:12
by Brian Richardson
What do you think about adding tablebase adjudication?
6 piece syzygy TBs are in commonplace use these days.

Re: Syzygy Adjudication Option

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2018, 11:02
by H.G.Muller
I have always considered EGT-based adjudication an evil thing, distorting test results of engines by awarding them points that they could not grab on their own steam. It also seems a bit pointless; if engines that do use EGTs play against each other they can move instantly, so there is no time gained by adjudicating.

There already is an option for forcing engines that have swindle modes to move fast in drawn positions; it uses bitbases to probe the result. This seems good enough.