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Winboard and Leela0

PostPosted: 20 Feb 2019, 07:53
by billzuercher
I am using Winboard-AA and I cannot get Leela0 (lc0.exe) to start. Can anyone explain how to use Leela0 with Winboard?

Re: Winboard and Leela0

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2019, 11:31
by Brian Richardson
First thing to try, if you have not already, is to run lc0.exe from a cmd prompt and type go to see if it is installed properly.

If that works, then run Winboard with the -debug option to get log information.

Leela also has a -l <file> option to create a log.

Re: Winboard and Leela0

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2019, 02:11
by billzuercher
Richard; Thanks for the response.
lc0.exe is installed. I can run it using Arena, but I prefer Winboard. When I ran in debug mode I found that lc0.exe was not recognizing the Winboard commands. Specifically xboard, protover 2, random, level, post, hard, easy, time, otime, and d2d4. I understood that the UCI2WB module was in Winboard-AA, but I must be wrong.

Re: Winboard and Leela0

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2019, 13:18
by Brian Richardson
I had trouble with the -AA version, although for some tricky pondering time control issues, not for basic use.
HGM was looking into the timing issues.

In the mean time, the older Winboard versions with Polyglot work pretty well.

You can also start Polyglot and lc0 with logging to see exactly which commands get sent and responded to each step of the way.

Leela works pretty well for me with Winboard (and Xboard).
Note that the Leela log is cumulative and can get somewhat large.

Re: Winboard and Leela0

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2019, 09:00
by H.G.Muller
Leela is not a WB engine, is it? That explains why it does not react to WB commands. It should react to 'uci'. To try whether it worrks with adapter you should type the command line

UCI2WB debug lc0.exe

(If lc0.exe is in the same folder as UCI2WB; otherwise you would have to specify the folder as 4th argument.)

Are you sure that you ticke UCI when installing it in WinBoard?

Re: Winboard and Leela0

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2020, 20:32
by Blackdemon
hi, I am using leela (lc0) with winboard 4.8.0 running on FICS and it works pretty well. :D