Danns http site is even less reachable as his former ftp site
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Moderator: Andres Valverde
Analysis from E:\cl.epd
8/26/2005 10:35:17 AM Level: 180 Seconds
Analyzing engine: Shredder9UCI
Searching move:
Best move (Shredder9UCI): g7-g6
Not found in: 03:00
2/3 00:01 59 75 -1.54 Kh8g8 Kf2e3
2/3+ 00:01 91 116 -1.28 f6f5
2/3 00:01 93 119 -1.28 f6f5 Kf2e3
3/4 00:01 294 376 -1.33 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8
4/6 00:01 956 1.224 -1.19 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 Ke3d4
5/7 00:01 2.300 2.944 -1.27 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 h2h3 Rd8b8
6/11 00:01 5.333 6.691 -1.11 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 h2h3 Rd8e8 g3g4
6/15+ 00:01 13.034 16.031 -1.10 Nd6c8
6/15 00:01 14.407 17.720 -0.82 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 Ke3xe4 Nb6xd5 Rc7b7
7/11 00:01 18.738 23.047 -0.62 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 d5d6 Nb6d5+ Ke3xe4 Nd5xc7
8/11 00:01 31.628 38.198 -0.62 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 d5d6 Nb6d5+ Ke3xe4 Nd5xc7 d6xc7
9/16 00:01 55.519 64.632 -0.70 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 d5d6 Nb6d5+ Ke3xe4 Nd5xc7 d6xc7 Rd8e8+ Ke4d5
10/20 00:01 145.785 145.785 -0.88 Nd6c8 Be2a6 Nc8b6
11/22 00:01 267.838 231.693 -0.98 Nd6c8 Be2c4 Nc8b6 Bc4b3 g7g6 Rc7c5 Kh8g7 Rc5b5 Nb6d7 Rb5b7 f6f5
12/23 00:01 438.049 314.916 -1.05 Nd6c8 Be2c4 Nc8b6 Bc4b3 g7g5 Rc7c5 g5xf4 g3xf4 f6f5 Kf2e3 h7h5 Rc5b5 Rd8b8
12/24+ 00:01 597.895 371.594 -1.04 h7h6
12/24 00:02 1.015.942 457.837 -0.96 h7h6 Be2h5 Kh8h7
12/26+ 00:02 1.291.113 494.868 -0.95 f6f5
12/26 00:02 1.291.686 495.088 -0.95 f6f5 Kf2e3 h7h6 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 g3g4
13/28 00:03 1.633.382 525.372 -1.09 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 Ke3d4 g7g6 Rc7e7 Nd6c8 Re7b7 Nc8d6 Rb7c7 Rd8e8 h2h3
13/28+ 00:03 1.825.927 541.015 -1.08 Nd6c8
13/28 00:03 2.042.465 556.226 -0.92 Nd6c8 Be2c4 Nc8b6 Bc4a2 g7g5 f4xg5 f6xg5 Rc7c5 Nb6d7
14/27 00:05 3.504.652 614.527 -1.05 Nd6c8 Rc7b7 Nc8d6 Rb7a7 f6f5 Kf2e3 h7h6 g3g4 g7g6 g4xf5 g6xf5 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 Kd4e5 Kg8f8
14/28+ 00:06 3.865.954 621.635 -1.04 h7h6
14/28 00:06 4.246.140 630.552 -0.92 h7h6 Kf2e3 f6f5 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 Kd4e5 g7g6 g3g4 Nd6f7+ Ke5d4 Nf7d6
15/30 00:09 5.729.011 647.785 -0.96 h7h6 Kf2e3 f6f5 Ke3d4 g7g6 Rc7a7 Nd6c8 Ra7a8 Kh8g7 Be2c4
16/30 00:14 9.207.451 647.545 -0.93 h7h6 Kf2e3 g7g6 g3g4 Kh8g8
16/30+ 00:15 9.872.484 652.726 -0.92 f6f5
16/34 00:18 12.299.338 657.051 -0.92 f6f5 Kf2e3
17/35 00:26 17.366.664 666.334 -0.94 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 Rc7e7 h7h6 g3g4 g6g5 Kd4e3 Rd8f8 Re7e6 g5xf4+ Ke3xf4 f5xg4+ Kf4xg4 h6h5+ Kg4h3 Rf8d8 Be2xh5 Nd6c4
18/34 00:40 26.435.356 664.254 -0.92 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Kh8g7 g4xf5 Rd8xd5 f5xg6 h7xg6 Ke3xe4 Rd5a5 h2h4 Ne8f6+ Ke4e3 Nf6d5+ Ke3e4
19/36 00:57 37.538.321 656.585 -0.93 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Rc7e7 Nd6c8 Re7e6
20/43 01:30 59.183.224 652.602 -1.14 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 Ke3d4 h7h6 Kd4e5 Kg8f8 Ke5e6
20/43+ 01:36 63.247.993 654.991 -1.13 h7h6
20/43 01:55 75.018.877 648.638 -0.96 h7h6 Kf2e3 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 Kd4c5 Nd6e8
20/43+ 02:17 88.451.242 643.281 -0.95 g7g6
20/43 02:50 107.998.539 632.843 -0.95 g7g6 Kf2e3
8/26/2005 10:38:20 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 03:00
0 of 1 matching moves
8/26/2005 10:38:21 AM, Total time: 12:03:04 AM
Rated time: 03:00 = 180 Seconds
Analysis from E:\cl.epd
8/26/2005 10:35:17 AM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Fruit_21_db
Searching move:
Best move (Fruit_21_db): Kh8-g8
Not found in: 03:00
2/6 00:00 128 0 -0.72 Rd8a8 Kf2e3 Ra8a3+ Ke3d4
2/6 00:00 215 0 -0.71 Rd8b8 Kf2e3 Rb8b3+ Ke3d4
2/7 00:00 384 0 -0.58 Nd6f5 g3g4 e4e3+ Kf2f3
3/9 00:00 771 0 -0.58 Nd6f5 g3g4 e4e3+ Kf2f3
4/11 00:00 2.307 0 -0.79 Nd6f5 Be2g4 e4e3+ Kf2f3 Nf5d4+ Kf3xe3 Rd8xd5
4/11 00:00 3.829 0 -0.55 Rd8b8 Rc7c6 Nd6f5 d5d6 e4e3+ Kf2f3
5/13 00:00 8.412 0 -0.45 Rd8b8 Rc7c6 Nd6f5 d5d6 Kh8g8
6/14 00:00 19.503 0 -0.62 Rd8b8 g3g4 Rb8b3 Rc7d7 e4e3+ Kf2f3 Nd6b7
6/17 00:00 48.310 0 -0.36 Kh8g8 h2h3 Nd6f5 g3g4 Nf5d4 Be2c4
7/17 00:00 73.753 0 -0.31 Kh8g8 h2h3 Nd6f5 g3g4 Nf5d4 Be2c4 Kg8f8
8/20 00:01 163.299 0 -0.30 Kh8g8 h2h3 Rd8b8 g3g4 Rb8b3 Rc7c6 e4e3+ Kf2f3 Nd6b5 Be2xb5 Rb3xb5 Kf3xe3 Rb5xd5
9/21 00:01 403.370 0 -0.36 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Rd8a8 Rc7c6 Ra8a3+ Ke3d4 Ra3a2 Rc6xd6 Ra2xe2 Rd6d7
10/22 00:01 989.747 0 -0.25 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 Rc7c6 Kf8e7 Be2g4 f6f5 Bg4e2 Ke7d7 Rc6c1
11/29 00:02 2.263.252 1.270.000 -0.18 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Rd8a8 Rc7d7 Ra8a3+ Ke3f2 Nd6f7 d5d6 e4e3+ Kf2f3 Ra3b3
12/29 00:03 3.929.621 1.280.000 -0.21 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 Ke3d4 Rd8b8 Rc7d7 Rb8b6 Kd4c5 Rb6b2 Kc5xd6 Rb2xe2 h2h3
13/30 00:08 10.129.466 1.297.143 -0.21 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 Rc7a7 Rd8b8 Ra7d7 Rb8b3+ Ke3d4 Rb3b6 Kd4c5 Rb6b2 Kc5xd6 Rb2xe2 h2h3
14/30 00:12 14.998.232 1.302.727 -0.33 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Rd8b8 Rc7d7 Rb8b6 Ke3d4 Kf8g8 Kd4c5 Rb6b2 Kc5xd6 Rb2xe2 h2h3
15/33 00:27 35.459.628 1.313.846 -0.37 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7e7 Ne8d6 Re7a7 Rd8b8 Ra7a6 Rb8d8 Ke3d4 Kg8f8 Be2g4 f6f5 Bg4e2 Rd8d7 Ra6a8+ Kf8e7
16/39 00:52 68.908.794 1.324.038 -0.42 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7a7 Ne8d6 g4g5 f6f5 Ke3d4 Rd8b8 Kd4e5 Nd6f7+ Ke5xf5 Rb8b2 Be2h5 g7g6+ Kf5xe4 g6xh5
17/42 01:52 148.156.978 1.325.676 -0.40 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7a7 f6f5 g4xf5 Rd8xd5 Be2c4 Rd5xf5 Bc4e6 Rf5f6 Be6d5 Ne8d6 Bd5xe4 Nd6c4+ Ke3f3
8/26/2005 10:41:29 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 03:00
0 of 1 matching moves
8/26/2005 10:41:30 AM, Total time: 12:06:12 AM
Rated time: 03:00 = 180 Seconds
Analysis from E:\cl.epd
8/26/2005 10:35:17 AM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Glaurung
Searching move:
Best move (Glaurung): f6-f5
Not found in: 03:00
2/3 00:00 71 0 -1.00 f6f5 Kf2e3
2/5 00:00 185 0 -0.84 Nd6f5 Be2c4
3/6 00:00 389 0 -0.65 Nd6f5 Be2c4 Nf5d6
4/9 00:00 882 0 -0.71 Nd6f5 Be2c4 Nf5d6 Bc4e2
5/11 00:00 5.051 0 -0.65 Nd6f5 Be2g4 g7g6 Bg4xf5 g6xf5
5/14 00:00 7.698 481.125 -0.60 f6f5 Kf2e3 Rd8a8 Rc7c3 Ra8a2
6/15 00:00 13.906 869.125 -0.57 f6f5 Rc7e7 Nd6c8 Re7e6 Kh8g8 Be2a6
7/15 00:00 28.271 883.468 -0.45 f6f5 Rc7e7 Nd6c8 Re7e5 Nc8b6 d5d6 Rd8d7 Re5xf5 Rd7xd6
8/16 00:00 60.462 765.341 -0.76 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Ne8f6 d5d6 Nf6d5+ Ke3d4 Nd5b4
8/20 00:00 211.440 794.887 -0.62 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 Ke3xe4 Rd8e8+ Ke4f3 Nb6xd5 Rc7b7 Re8e3+ Kf3f2
9/20 00:00 271.129 753.136 -0.71 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 Rc7c5 Nb6xd5+ Ke3xe4 Nd5e7 Rc5c7 Ne7d5 Rc7c2
9/20 00:00 313.764 770.918 -0.65 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Rd8a8 Rc5c6 Ra8a3+ Ke3d4 Ra3a4+ Kd4e5 Ra4a2
10/20 00:00 508.611 774.141 -0.50 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Rd8a8 Rc5c6 Ne8f6 Ke3d4 Ra8a4+ Kd4e5 Ra4a2
11/21 00:01 877.806 769.330 -0.53 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Be2a6 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Kh8g7 Rc6c8 Rd8xc8 Ba6xc8 Ne8d6
12/23 00:02 1.522.420 766.962 -0.48 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Be2a6 Kh8g8 Ke3d4 Nd6f7 Ba6c4 Kg8g7 Kd4e3 Kg7f6 Rc7b7
13/26 00:04 3.183.205 768.704 -0.40 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Ke3d4 Rd8a8 Rc7c6 Ra8a4+ Kd4e3 Ra4a3+ Ke3f2 Nd6f7 d5d6 Kh8g7 d6d7 Nf7d8 Rc6d6
14/28 00:11 8.431.875 771.937 -0.39 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Ne8f6 d5d6 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g7 Be2c4 Nf6e8 Kd4e5 Rd8d7 Rc6b6
15/30 00:17 13.205.563 769.689 -0.42 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Ne8f6 d5d6 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g7 Be2c4 Nf6g4 h2h3 Ng4f2 Rc6c7+ Kg7h6 Kd4e3 Nf2xh3
16/34 00:29 22.781.241 768.131 -0.42 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Ne8f6 d5d6 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g7 Be2c4 Nf6g4 h2h3 Ng4f2 Kd4e3 Nf2xh3 Rc6c7+ Kg7h6
17/34 00:58 44.591.486 762.417 -0.50 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 h2h3 Nd6e8 Rc7e7 Ne8d6 Re7e6 Kg8f7 Kd4e3 Nd6e8 Be2c4 Rd8d6 g3g4 Rd6xe6 d5xe6+ Kf7e7 g4xf5 g6xf5
18/41 02:29 112.278.125 753.595 -0.57 f6f5 Kf2e3 g7g6 Ke3d4 Kh8g8 h2h3 Nd6e8 Rc7e7 Ne8f6 Be2c4 Kg8f8 Re7b7 h7h5 Bc4b3 Rd8d6 Kd4e5 Rd6d7 Rb7xd7 Nf6xd7+ Ke5d4
8/26/2005 10:44:37 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 03:00
0 of 1 matching moves
8/26/2005 10:44:37 AM, Total time: 12:09:20 AM
Rated time: 03:00 = 180 Seconds
Analysis from E:\cl.epd
8/26/2005 10:35:17 AM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Gandalf60
Searching move:
Best move (Gandalf60): Kh8-g8
Not found in: 03:00
6/17 00:02 16.338 163.380 -0.35 f6f5 Kf2e3 Rd8a8 Ke3d4 Ra8a3 Rc7e7
7/23 00:02 36.290 362.900 -0.41 f6f5 Kf2e3 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Ne8f6 d5d6 Rd8xd6 Rc5xf5
7/23+ 00:02 51.746 517.460 -0.41 Nd6f5 Be2g4
7/23 00:02 76.084 380.420 -0.12 Nd6f5 Be2a6 h7h5 Rc7c8 Rd8xc8 Ba6xc8 Nf5d6 Bc8d7
8/23 00:02 132.435 662.175 -0.32 Nd6f5 g3g4 Nf5d4 d5d6 Nd4e6 Rc7e7 Ne6xf4 d6d7 Nf4xe2 Kf2xe2
9/23 00:02 246.081 615.202 -0.60 Nd6f5 g3g4 Nf5d4 Be2a6 h7h5 Kf2e3 Rd8xd5 Ke3xe4 Rd5a5 Ke4xd4 Ra5xa6 g4xh5
9/23+ 00:02 252.945 632.362 -0.60 Nd6e8 Rc7c5
9/24 00:02 317.656 635.312 -0.57 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 f6f5 Kf2e3 Ne8f6 Be2c4 h7h6 d5d6 Nf6g4+ Ke3d4 Ng4xh2
9/24+ 00:02 350.793 701.586 -0.57 Kh8g8 Kf2e3
9/24 00:02 382.179 636.965 -0.44 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 f6f5 Ke3d4 h7h6 Rc7e7 Rd8a8 Kd4e5 Ra8d8
9/25+ 00:02 492.902 704.145 -0.44 Nd6c8 Kf2e3
9/25 00:02 530.202 757.431 -0.38 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 Ke3xe4 Nb6xd5 Rc7c5 Nd5b6 Be2d3 Kh8g8
10/25 00:02 614.220 767.775 -0.41 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 Ke3xe4 Nb6xd5 Rc7c5 Nd5b6 Be2d3 Kh8g8 Bd3b5
11/26- 00:03 995.303 765.610 -0.73 Nd6c8 Kf2e3 Nc8b6 Ke3xe4 Nb6xd5 Rc7c5 Nd5b6 Be2d3 Kh8g8 Bd3b5
11/26 00:03 1.039.619 742.585 -0.70 Nd6c8 Be2g4 Nc8b6 Bg4e6 g7g6 Rc7c5 f6f5 Kf2e3 Kh8g7 Rc5c7+ Kg7h6 Ke3d4
11/30+ 00:03 1.417.809 787.671 -0.70 g7g6 Kf2e3
11/30 00:04 1.747.095 759.606 -0.48 g7g6 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 g3g4 f6f5 h2h4 Rd8a8 Rc7d7 Ra8a3+ Ke3d4 Ra3a4+ Kd4c5 Nd6f7
11/30+ 00:04 1.801.480 750.616 -0.47 Kh8g8 Kf2e3
11/30 00:04 1.912.282 764.912 -0.48 g7g6 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 g3g4 f6f5 h2h4 Rd8a8 Rc7d7 Ra8a3+ Ke3d4 Ra3a4+ Kd4c5 Nd6f7
12/30 00:05 2.602.640 765.482 -0.48 g7g6 Kf2e3 f6f5 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7c6 Kh8g7 g4xf5 g6xf5 Ke3d4 Ne8f6 d5d6 Kg7f7 Be2c4+ Kf7e8
13/35 00:07 4.178.442 773.785 -0.57 g7g6 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 g3g4
13/35+ 00:08 5.007.132 782.364 -0.57 h7h6 Kf2e3
13/35 00:08 5.215.265 778.397 -0.57 g7g6 Kf2e3 Kh8g8 g3g4
13/35+ 00:08 5.421.597 785.738 -0.57 Kh8g8 Kf2e3
13/35 00:10 7.000.743 786.600 -0.48 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Ne8d6 Rc5c6 Kf8e7 h2h4 f6f5 Rc6c7+ Rd8d7 Rc7xd7+ Ke7xd7 g4xf5
14/35 00:14 9.785.665 789.166 -0.54 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Ne8d6 h2h4 f6f5 g4xf5 Rd8b8 Ke3d4 Rb8b3 Be2c4
15/43 00:25 18.638.888 789.783 -0.48 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Ne8d6 h2h4 f6f5 g4xf5 Rd8b8 Rc5c3 Rb8b4 Be2g4 Rb4b2
16/43 00:46 35.420.822 792.412 -0.41 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 g3g4 Nd6e8 Rc7c5 Ne8d6 h2h4 f6f5 g4xf5 Rd8e8 Be2g4 Re8a8 Rc5c6 Ra8a3+ Ke3d4 Ra3d3+ Kd4e5
17/51 01:35 73.308.529 786.572 -0.51 Kh8g8 Kf2e3 Kg8f8 Rc7a7 Nd6c8 Ra7a8 Kf8e7 Be2g4 Nc8d6 Ra8a7+ Ke7f8 Bg4e6 f6f5 g3g4 f5xg4 Be6xg4 Nd6b5 Ra7d7 Rd8xd7 Bg4xd7 Nb5d6
8/26/2005 10:47:45 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 03:00
0 of 1 matching moves
8/26/2005 10:47:45 AM, Total time: 12:12:28 AM
Rated time: 03:00 = 180 Seconds
Jim Castile wrote:hi I downloaded from the first link thank you. I'm new to this crafty thing and was wondering... I see further down the posts that there is an 'intel' flag on the end of one of the files linked. Is there a compiling process which optimizes for different processors?
I'm running an AMD AthlonXP 3000+
Also, I know absolutlely nothing about compiling C++ so I was hoping to be directed to a suitable dl mirror for a compiled version.
I'm not so sure I really care about which version. I would just like to play a good strong game of chess on my computer ( read: get a good thrashing) every once in a while or look for a hint when problem solving.
Work on openings etc...
Also I like to learn things which are completely useless to me such as, why the speed of compiling makes a difference in the end product. I would have guessed that the code compiles one way and that's what you get but you seem to be talking about different compiling processes being better than others.
And since I"m new to the board I'll give the obligatory, "Thanks in advance" statement.
Jim Castile
Jim Castile wrote:hi I downloaded from the first link thank you. I'm new to this crafty thing and was wondering... I see further down the posts that there is an 'intel' flag on the end of one of the files linked. Is there a compiling process which optimizes for different processors?
I'm running an AMD AthlonXP 3000+
Also, I know absolutlely nothing about compiling C++ so I was hoping to be directed to a suitable dl mirror for a compiled version.
I'm not so sure I really care about which version. I would just like to play a good strong game of chess on my computer ( read: get a good thrashing) every once in a while or look for a hint when problem solving.
Work on openings etc...
Also I like to learn things which are completely useless to me such as, why the speed of compiling makes a difference in the end product. I would have guessed that the code compiles one way and that's what you get but you seem to be talking about different compiling processes being better than others.
And since I"m new to the board I'll give the obligatory, "Thanks in advance" statement.
Jim Castile
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