Dear all,
I'm pleased to announce some minor improvements in my current project: Frank Walter.
It's still amongst the weaker engines, but Frank-Walter is getting better, even beating his precursor JanWillem from time to time (only tested in lightning conditions though ^^).
Improvements against the previously announced version 1.0 are
- Some primitive moveordering (currently the only use for it's small transposition table, I'm trying to use the TT for cutoffs, but there seem to be some bugs in that)
- better QSearch
- slightly better eval - lots of work to do here
- introduced: null-moves, PVS, repetition detection and I documented my code, wow I'm proud of that!
You can find the new version on I would be honoured if tournament directors would use this version in upcomming tournaments, I just hope such tournaments have divisions low enough for Frank-Walter.
Planned for the future:
- remove bugs from TT, allowing this to be used for more than just move-ordering.
- an initialization file for setting specific TT sizes.
- not just detecting 3fold reps, but also claiming draws;-)
- a small openingbook. (I guess this should be a priority)
Kind Regards, Laurens Winkelhagen