Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

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Moderator: Andres Valverde

Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

Postby Gábor Szots » 07 Mar 2009, 17:10

As can be seen, Matacz even predicted the mating move...

[Event "CCRL blitz"]
[Site "ChessGUI"]
[Date "2009.03.07"]
[Time "12:30:59"]
[Round "16"]
[White "Cheese 1.3"]
[Black "Matacz 1.4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "40/155:40/155:40/155"]
[PlyCount "239"]
[Number "31"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
[Variant "normal"]

{ Unknown Hardware }
1.c4 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} e5 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} 2.Nc3 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} Bb4 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]}
3.Nd5 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} a5 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} 4.a3 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} Bc5 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]}
5.e3 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} Ne7 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} 6.Nc3 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} c6 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]}
7.Nf3 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} d6 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} 8.d4 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} exd4 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]}
9.exd4 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} Bb6 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]}
10.h3 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} d5 {[%eval 0,1] [%emt 00:00:00]} 11.Bd3 {(dxc4) [%eval 58,10] [%emt 00:00:05]} dxc4 {(Bxc4) [%eval -57,11] [%emt 00:00:04]}
12.Bxc4 {(O-O) [%eval 85,11] [%emt 00:00:05]} O-O {(O-O) [%eval -69,11] [%emt 00:00:04]}
13.O-O {(h6) [%eval 79,11] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bc7 {(Re1) [%eval -54,11] [%emt 00:00:04]}
14.Re1 {(b5) [%eval 98,10] [%emt 00:00:05]} h6 {(Bb3) [%eval -43,11] [%emt 00:00:04]}
15.Ne5 {(Bxe5) [%eval 79,10] [%emt 00:00:04]} b5 {(Bd3) [%eval -43,11] [%emt 00:00:04]}
16.Nxf7 {(Rxf7) [%eval 161,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Rxf7 {(Bxf7) [%eval 30,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
17.Bxf7 {(Kxf7) [%eval 147,11] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kxf7 {(Qf3) [%eval 29,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
18.Nxb5 {(cxb5) [%eval 147,10] [%emt 00:00:05]} cxb5 {(Qf3) [%eval 18,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
19.Qf3 {(Kg8) [%eval 152,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bf5 {(Qxa8) [%eval -2,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
20.Qxa8 {(Qd6) [%eval 134,10] [%emt 00:00:03]} Qd6 {(g3) [%eval -2,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
21.g3 {(Qc6) [%eval 159,11] [%emt 00:00:03]} Qxd4 {(Qf3) [%eval -6,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
22.Qf3 {(Nbc6) [%eval 150,9] [%emt 00:00:05]} Qf6 {(Bd2) [%eval -21,12] [%emt 00:00:04]}
23.Qe2 {(Kf8) [%eval 195,9] [%emt 00:00:05]} Kf8 {(b4) [%eval 0,11] [%emt 00:00:04]}
24.Qxb5 {(Bxh3) [%eval 121,10] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bxh3 {(Qh5) [%eval 30,12] [%emt 00:00:04]}
25.Qh5 {(Qf5) [%eval 108,11] [%emt 00:00:05]} Qf5 {(Qxf5) [%eval 17,12] [%emt 00:00:04]}
26.Qxf5 {(Nxf5) [%eval 105,12] [%emt 00:00:05]} Nxf5 {(Be3) [%eval 0,14] [%emt 00:00:04]}
27.Re4 {(Nc6) [%eval 103,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Nd6 {(Rh4) [%eval -20,14] [%emt 00:00:04]}
28.Rh4 {(Bd7) [%eval 187,13] [%emt 00:00:05]} Bd7 {(Bf4) [%eval -52,14] [%emt 00:00:05]}
29.Bf4 {(Nc6) [%eval 188,13] [%emt 00:00:05]} Nc6 {(Rh5) [%eval -63,14] [%emt 00:00:05]}
30.Rd1 {(Ke7) [%eval 192,13] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ke7 {(Bxd6) [%eval -29,15] [%emt 00:00:05]}
31.Rd3 {(Be6) [%eval 187,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bf5 {(Rd5) [%eval 5,14] [%emt 00:00:05]}
32.Rf3 {(Ke6) [%eval 122,12] [%emt 00:00:05]} Be6 {(Rd3) [%eval 9,14] [%emt 00:00:05]}
33.Rc3 {(Kd7) [%eval 137,11] [%emt 00:00:06]} Kd7 {(b4) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:05]}
34.b4 {(axb4) [%eval 117,12] [%emt 00:00:06]} axb4 {(axb4) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:05]}
35.axb4 {(g5) [%eval 129,13] [%emt 00:00:04]} g5 {(Bxd6) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:05]}
36.Bxd6 {(Bxd6) [%eval 121,15] [%emt 00:00:05]} Bxd6 {(Rxh6) [%eval -9,16] [%emt 00:00:06]}
37.Rxh6 {(Nxb4) [%eval 129,14] [%emt 00:00:06]} Nxb4 {(Rh7) [%eval 0,16] [%emt 00:00:06]}
38.Rh7 {(Be7) [%eval 131,14] [%emt 00:00:06]} Be7 {(Ra3) [%eval 0,17] [%emt 00:00:06]}
39.Ra3 {(Nd5) [%eval 127,14] [%emt 00:00:06]} Nc6 {(Rd3) [%eval 0,16] [%emt 00:00:07]}
40.Rd3 {(Ke8) [%eval 130,13] [%emt 00:00:03]} Ke8 {(Rh6) [%eval -6,17] [%emt 00:00:07]}
41.Re3 {(Bd5) [%eval 140,13] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bd7 {(Rh6) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:03]}
42.Rh8 {(Kf7) [%eval 136,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kf7 {(Rh7) [%eval 0,17] [%emt 00:00:03]}
43.Rh6 {(g4) [%eval 137,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bf8 {(Rh7) [%eval 0,16] [%emt 00:00:03]}
44.Rf3 {(Kg7) [%eval 65,13] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kg7 {(Rh5) [%eval 28,16] [%emt 00:00:03]}
45.Rh5 {(Be7) [%eval 49,14] [%emt 00:00:03]} Be7 {(Rc3) [%eval 28,15] [%emt 00:00:03]}
46.Rb3 {(Ne5) [%eval 43,13] [%emt 00:00:02]} Nd8 {(f4) [%eval 32,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
47.f4 {(Kg6) [%eval 85,11] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kg6 {(Rh8) [%eval 32,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
48.Rh2 {(Ne6) [%eval 79,12] [%emt 00:00:02]} Bc5 {(Kf1) [%eval 40,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
49.Kf1 {(gxf4) [%eval 0,13] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ne6 {(fxg5) [%eval 41,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
50.fxg5 {(Nxg5) [%eval 71,13] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kxg5 {(Ra2) [%eval 30,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
51.Rh4 {(Bc6) [%eval 80,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bc6 {(Rc3) [%eval 38,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
52.Rc3 {(Bb5) [%eval 88,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kg6 {(Ke1) [%eval 29,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
53.Ke1 {(Bg2) [%eval 83,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd5 {(Ra4) [%eval 23,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
54.Rd3 {(Bc6) [%eval 80,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bb7 {(Rc4) [%eval 23,15] [%emt 00:00:03]}
55.Kd1 {(Kf5) [%eval 76,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bc6 {(Ke1) [%eval 24,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
56.Kc1 {(Be7) [%eval 79,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Be7 {(Rc3) [%eval 42,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
57.Rg4 {(Kf5) [%eval 67,12] [%emt 00:00:02]} Kf7 {(Kc2) [%eval 34,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
58.Rc3 {(Bd5) [%eval 75,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bg2 {(Ra4) [%eval 29,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
59.Rc2 {(Bf3) [%eval 84,12] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd5 {(Rf2) [%eval 8,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
60.Rd2 {(Bf3) [%eval 82,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bc6 {(Rf2) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:03]}
61.Rh2 {(Bc5) [%eval 78,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bg5 {(Kc2) [%eval 34,13] [%emt 00:00:03]}
62.Kc2 {(Be3) [%eval 70,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Be3 {(Rh5) [%eval 17,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
63.Kd3 {(Bf3) [%eval 75,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bc5 {(Rh7) [%eval 11,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
64.Rh5 {(Kf6) [%eval 79,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd6 {(Rc4) [%eval 1,14] [%emt 00:00:03]}
65.Rf5 {(Ke7) [%eval 83,10] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ke8 {(Rg6) [%eval 0,16] [%emt 00:00:03]}
66.Rg8 {(Kd7) [%eval 96,10] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kd7 {(g4) [%eval 0,16] [%emt 00:00:03]}
67.g4 {(Nf4) [%eval 114,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Nf4 {(Kd4) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:03]}
68.Kd4 {(Ne6) [%eval 108,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ne2 {(Ke3) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:04]}
69.Ke3 {(Nc3) [%eval 153,12] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ng3 {(Rg7) [%eval 0,16] [%emt 00:00:04]}
70.Rg7 {(Kd8) [%eval 158,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ke8 {(Rg8) [%eval 0,15] [%emt 00:00:04]}
71.Rf6 {(Bc5) [%eval 167,12] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bc5 {(Kd3) [%eval -7,14] [%emt 00:00:04]}
72.Kd3 {(Bb5) [%eval 156,13] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bb5 {(Kc2) [%eval -14,14] [%emt 00:00:04]}
73.Kc2 {(Ba4) [%eval 172,12] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ba4 {(Kc1) [%eval -23,14] [%emt 00:00:04]}
74.Kc1 {(Ne4) [%eval 164,12] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bb5 {(g5) [%eval -22,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
75.g5 {(Ne4) [%eval 201,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ba3 {(Kc2) [%eval -22,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
76.Kc2 {(Be7) [%eval 237,12] [%emt 00:00:03]} Be7 {(Rb6) [%eval -62,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
77.Rf3 {(Ne2) [%eval 214,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ne2 {(Kb2) [%eval -27,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
78.Rf2 {(Nd4) [%eval 221,11] [%emt 00:00:04]} Nd4 {(Kc3) [%eval -36,14] [%emt 00:00:04]}
79.Kd1 {(Ba4) [%eval 204,11] [%emt 00:00:03]} Be2 {(Kc1) [%eval -9,13] [%emt 00:00:04]}
80.Rxe2 {(Nxe2) [%eval 255,10] [%emt 00:00:01]} Nxe2 {(g6) [%eval 0,19] [%emt 00:00:05]}
81.Kxe2 {(Kf8) [%eval 259,18] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kf8 {(Rh7) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
82.Rh7 {(Bxg5) [%eval 215,20] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bxg5 {(Rh8) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
83.Kd3 {(Bf6) [%eval 219,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bf4 {(Rh8) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
84.Ke4 {(Bc1) [%eval 226,18] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd6 {(Rh4) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
85.Rb7 {(Ke8) [%eval 225,20] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bg3 {(Kd5) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
86.Kf5 {(Bf2) [%eval 225,19] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kg8 {(Ke4) [%eval 0,28] [%emt 00:00:03]}
87.Ra7 {(Bf2) [%eval 225,19] [%emt 00:00:02]} Bf2 {(Ra4) [%eval 0,28] [%emt 00:00:03]}
88.Rc7 {(Kf8) [%eval 226,21] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bd4 {(Kf4) [%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:03]}
89.Rc2 {(Kg7) [%eval 219,18] [%emt 00:00:03]} Be3 {(Rc4) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
90.Rc3 {(Bd4) [%eval 219,18] [%emt 00:00:02]} Bd4 {(Kf4) [%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:03]}
91.Rd3 {(Bb2) [%eval 217,20] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bc5 {(Kf4) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
92.Rd5 {(Be7) [%eval 226,17] [%emt 00:00:02]} Bb4 {(Kf4) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
93.Rd7 {(Bc3) [%eval 226,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ba3 {(Rf7) [%eval 0,31] [%emt 00:00:03]}
94.Kg6 {(Kf8) [%eval 233,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kf8 {(Kf5) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
95.Rf7 {(Ke8) [%eval 225,20] [%emt 00:00:02]} Ke8 {(Kf6) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
96.Kf6 {(Kd8) [%eval 228,22] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bb4 {(Kg6) [%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:03]}
97.Ke6 {(Kd8) [%eval 234,20] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kd8 {(Kf6) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
98.Rb7 {(Ba3) [%eval 233,21] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bc3 {(Kd6) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
99.Rd7 {(Kc8) [%eval 248,20] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kc8 {(Kd6) [%eval 0,25] [%emt 00:00:03]}
100.Kd6 {(Ba5) [%eval 245,21] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bf6 {(Rc7) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
101.Rf7 {(Bh4) [%eval 243,20] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bb2 {(Ke6) [%eval 0,28] [%emt 00:00:03]}
102.Ra7 {(Kb8) [%eval 243,19] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd4 {(Rc7) [%eval 0,31] [%emt 00:00:03]}
103.Rc7 {(Kd8) [%eval 234,20] [%emt 00:00:03]} Kb8 {(Kc6) [%eval 0,32] [%emt 00:00:03]}
104.Kc6 {(Bc3) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bc5 {(Rb7) [%eval 0,30] [%emt 00:00:03]}
105.Rb7 {(Ka8) [%eval 243,20] [%emt 00:00:02]} Ka8 {(Kc7) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:03]}
106.Rb5 {(Bd4) [%eval 236,20] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd4 {(Kd6) [%eval 0,27] [%emt 00:00:03]}
107.Ra5 {(Kb8) [%eval 241,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kb8 {(Kd6) [%eval 0,26] [%emt 00:00:03]}
108.Rd5 {(Bc3) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bc3 {(Rb5) [%eval 0,31] [%emt 00:00:03]}
109.Rd7 {(Ka8) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bf6 {(Rd6) [%eval 0,32] [%emt 00:00:04]}
110.Rf7 {(Be5) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:03]} Bd4 {(Rf5) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:04]}
111.Rf4 {(Be5) [%eval 242,21] [%emt 00:00:03]} Be3 {(Rb4) [%eval 0,31] [%emt 00:00:04]}
112.Rf8 {(Ka7) [%eval 239,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ka7 {(Kd6) [%eval 0,28] [%emt 00:00:04]}
113.Rf7 {(Kb8) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kb8 {(Rg7) [%eval 0,31] [%emt 00:00:04]}
114.Rb7 {(Ka8) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Ka8 {(Rb4) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:04]}
115.Rd7 {(Kb8) [%eval 243,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kb8 {(Rb7) [%eval 0,29] [%emt 00:00:04]}
116.Re7 {(Bd4) [%eval 236,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd2 {(Re8) [%eval 0,28] [%emt 00:00:04]}
117.Re2 {(Bf4) [%eval 236,18] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bf4 {(Rb2) [%eval 0,25] [%emt 00:00:04]}
118.Re1 {(Bd2) [%eval 231,20] [%emt 00:00:04]} Bd2 {(Kc5) [%eval 0,24] [%emt 00:00:04]}
119.Re7 {(Bc3) [%eval 233,21] [%emt 00:00:04]} Kc8 {(Re8) [%eval 0,21] [%emt 00:00:04]}
120.Re8 {[%eval 9999,6] [%emt 00:00:00]}
{ Game Nr. 31 : Cheese 1.3 wins against Matacz 1.4 by checkmate
GameDuration = 00:15:45, Finalposition 2k1R3/8/2K5/8/8/8/3b4/8 b - - }
Gábor Szőts

CCRL testing group
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Re: Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

Postby H.G.Muller » 07 Mar 2009, 18:52

Gábor Szots wrote:As can be seen, Matacz even predicted the mating move...

Where do you see that? I only see 0 scores from Matacz.
t seems some bug in the EGTB / bitbase / recognizer code (whatever it is using here).
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Re: Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

Postby Matthias Gemuh » 07 Mar 2009, 20:34

H.G.Muller wrote:
Gábor Szots wrote:As can be seen, Matacz even predicted the mating move...

Where do you see that? I only see 0 scores from Matacz.
t seems some bug in the EGTB / bitbase / recognizer code (whatever it is using here).

The whole game is weird :evil:
Just compare the scores of Matacz at moves 70 and 71 !

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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

Postby Gábor Szots » 07 Mar 2009, 21:06

H.G.Muller wrote:
Gábor Szots wrote:As can be seen, Matacz even predicted the mating move...

Where do you see that? I only see 0 scores from Matacz.
t seems some bug in the EGTB / bitbase / recognizer code (whatever it is using here).

There is Re8 in brackets after Kc8, that is the predicted move I guess.
Gábor Szőts

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Gábor Szots
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Re: Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

Postby Matthias Gemuh » 07 Mar 2009, 21:58

Gábor Szots wrote:
H.G.Muller wrote:
Gábor Szots wrote:As can be seen, Matacz even predicted the mating move...

Where do you see that? I only see 0 scores from Matacz.
t seems some bug in the EGTB / bitbase / recognizer code (whatever it is using here).

There is Re8 in brackets after Kc8, that is the predicted move I guess.

He means you cannot talk of predicted selfmate because Matacz is not seeing any mate.
BigLion, Taktix, ArcBishop, FindDraw, ChessGUI
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Matthias Gemuh
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Re: Strange self-mate by Matacz 1.4

Postby H.G.Muller » 07 Mar 2009, 23:39

Matthias Gemuh wrote:He means you cannot talk of predicted selfmate because Matacz is not seeing any mate.

OK, I see.

Well, obviously the position is erroneously listed as a draw in whatever EGT Matacz is using. (Or it is erroneously retrieved as such by the probing code.) It is not a 50-move problem, the last capture was on move 82.
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