by H.G.Muller » 22 Jan 2010, 11:49
I never tried running remote engines, but I think WinBoard hast the option /firstHost and /secondHost to specify remote machines on whch the first and second engine then would run. You would have to look in the help file to see how exactly to use it. This would lead to a different chain than the one you propose, as in that case Polyglot would have to run on the remote machine.
I think the download post on this forum also offers a (zipped) bare winboard.exe. You would not have the help file(s) then, though. I would recommend using the Gold Pack, select the minimal install, and install it in some temporary folder like C:/WinBoard. Then you just get a few tiny files (such s Fairy-Max and Polyglot) next to the winoard.exe and help files, and you could always delete those if they annoy you. But it seems that the way you want to do it would actually require you to have Polyglot on the local machine, so the Gold Pack minimal install would be ideal. You could just type
in the startup dialog for first engine, and it should run. (To use your own book, make sure to select it in the Options -> Global Settings dialog in stead of the default book.)