Hi all,
Alessandro Scotti found a small bug in Glaurung 1.0.1: When a search was aborted (happens when the user stops the search, or when the maximum allocated time for a move is consumed), a few incorrect draw scores would be written to the hash table. This probably doesn't hurt the program noticably when playing games, but it is very annoying when running the program in analysis mode (when searches are aborted prematurely every time the user makes a move).
I have now released Glaurung 1.0.2, which fixes this bug. There are no other changes compared to 1.0.1. For those of you who create rating lists: Don't bother to restart your tests, but please use 1.0.2 in future tournaments. Let it keep the rating of 1.0.1.
Thanks to Alessandro for pointing out the bug! Yet another example of the benefits of open source.
Download from my Glaurung and Scatha page.