I just released an update to the 40H package of pgn utility tools.
The update is 40H (2006.11.28).
There are now 15 programs in the package.
Each program creates its own output file and does not change the original
pgn input file. The programs run in a Dos command window and are
easy to use.
There is just one download file that includes the 15 programs, a readme and a summary
spreadsheet. The files extract into one folder.
40H-20061128.rar can be downloaded from Jim Ablett's Winboard Chess Projects site:
Here is an overview of each of the 15 pgn tools:
1. "cleanElo" removes all elo tags. This is often desireable to do
if the pgn file is going to get new elo tags.
2 "cleanUp" removes games without results "*", games with "FEN", and
removes "unnecessary" tags. Check the listing of tags to be removed to
be sure you want them ALL removed. Often used with "trim", which removes
comments, nags and variations.
3. "eloDist" retrieves games in which the elo distance (absolute value of
the elo difference) between the two players is within a user-specified
4. "eloPgn" produces elo related stats involving results, white/black
and elo values. Output is sent to the screen.
5. "embed" inserts new elo tags into a pgn file based upon elo values
computed by "Elostat 1.3". Previous elo tags are replaced if a
replacement is available, otherwise they are left. Sometimes "cleanElo"
is used prior to using "embed".
6. "minDate" retrieves games that occurred within a user-specified
time span.
7. "minElo" retrieves games in which both players have an elo rating
within a user specified elo span.
8. "minOccur" retrieves games in which both players meet or exceed
the user-specified minimum number of occurrences (games played).
However, after running "minOccur", some players might then have less
than the minimum number of occurrences. Listings of player names and
occurrences, before and after, are produced.
9. "minPly" retrieves games in which the plycount (number of half-moves)
is within a user specified ply range. "minPly" removes comments, nags
and variations.
10. "nameChange" performs user-specified player name changes.
"nameChange" is often used in conjunction with "nameList".
11. "nameExtract" retrieves games of player(s) whose name matches a
user-specified input string. A listing of names is also produced.
12. "nameList" produces a text file that lists each player's name and
the number of games played (occurrences).
13. "split" produces four output files. Each output file is for one of
the four possible outcomes: White win, Black Win, Draw, and No Result.
14. "trim" produces an output file which does not have "wrap-around
moves". Each line of "trim's" output file only has "full moves". "trim"
also allows the user to optionally set the output width. "trim" removes
comments, nags and variations. Often used in conjunction with "cleanUp".
15. "truncate" produces an output pgn file in which all plies (half-moves)
beyond a user-specified number of plies are deleted. Results are still
outputted. "truncate" removes comments, nags and variations.