I have written a page of documentation for pulsar's latest version which is http://www.adam16mr.org/pulsarscoop2.html. Many things are more clearly explained including hash usage.
previously there was a pulsar program and a pulsar atomic program. Now its one version. In addition pulsar2007-9a.exe ( released last june ) is the first release to support the following variants:
All are playable in home play with the -variant command.
Pulsar can be handicapped in both time and depth of search.
I was reading some people like a delay instead of instant moves from handicapped bots so i'm going to try to get that into the next release.
I added support for home play in terms of pulsar claiming wins , acknowledging losses , and claiming draws in all variants.
Currently i've finished work mostly on fischer-random and shatranj.
When i'm all done i'm going to release again probably in next month. Still need to do adjourned game support mainly. I have mod code for xboard to make it play shatranj but the release will probably use winboard_f.
One thing about winboard_f and ics play. Since icc sends moves as kqrbnp it requires the q and b be mapped to the shatranj pieces. I'm not sure it will be able to play other variants that use real pieces if winboard_f thinks the q is a shatranj piece.
the winboard f programmer is out on vacation so this will have to wait another 10 days.