New PolyGlot X

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New PolyGlot X

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 28 Dec 2004, 10:03

Hi all,

I have just sent Dann an updated version of PolyGlot X.

The only change is that PolyGlot waits for the engine to quit before doing so itself. This should help in some cases (e.g. engines that update learning files only after the game).

The only "drawback" should be that if the engine hangs, so will PolyGlot. However if the engine is then killed, PolyGlot should leave by itself.

Let me know if this version fixes some known problems.


PS: It is not yet available, you have to wait for Dann to make an annoucement ...
Fabien Letouzey
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Location: France

Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 08 Jan 2005, 10:10

Hi again,

Dann has only made this version available a few days ago. He can post here exactly where he's put it.

Leo has reported a good first impression and it seems that (at least some) hanging problems are now solved!

If that is confirmed and no new problem is discovered (all the UCI parsing has been re-written so this is possible), I would like to press on for a public update. Small problems could be solved later.

Fabien Letouzey
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Location: France

Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 10 Jan 2005, 10:25

Hi all,

Leo, can you post here a link to the latest version? I have to admit I forgot to update the version number after the change so distinguishing versions can be tricky.

Also for Leo, how are the tests going regarding hanging problems?

The reason I would like this to be discussed here instead of by email is to allow a quicker public update if other users test it with their own settings ...


Fabien Letouzey
Posts: 110
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Location: France

Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Roger Brown » 10 Jan 2005, 17:17

Fabien Letouzey wrote:Hi all,

Leo, can you post here a link to the latest version? I have to admit I forgot to update the version number after the change so distinguishing versions can be tricky.

Also for Leo, how are the tests going regarding hanging problems?

The reason I would like this to be discussed here instead of by email is to allow a quicker public update if other users test it with their own settings ...



Hello Fabien,

I conducted a little test with some UCI engines that have been known to hang including Shredder (versions 6,7,8 and Classic). The problems seem to have been much diminished but they remain.

These were games at 15 seconds and 1 second increment incidentally.

Windows XP, Winboard gui, 800 mhz and 500 mb of ram. Hardly a monster but it is fully paid for.


Roger Brown
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Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 11 Jan 2005, 09:47

Hi Roger and others,

Leo has reported the same, fewer problems. My only concern for now is to make sure there is some progress, and update the public version.

Trying to fix all problems in one go is not possible because I don't have Windows and can't find out by myself exactly what is wrong. My hypothesis has always been that a WBTM (don't remember which one, the one Leo uses I guess) was doing something nasty; so far I have NEVER been reported a problem with WinBoard alone (still waiting). One can launch direct matches with the /mg option (multi-game).

Also make sure that the version you used was really the latest. Since I forgot to update the version number, only Leo or Dann can confirm which is which.

So far no new problem has been reported with the new-UCI-code version. I am going to prepare a public release for next week. Other WinBoard TDs (Gunther?) are welcomed to launch their own tests say next week-end, especially with engines that had problems before but work fine in UCI GUIs.


Fabien Letouzey
Posts: 110
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Location: France

Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Will Singleton » 12 Jan 2005, 00:10

Could you let us know where at Dann's site we can find it? I've had a timeout trying to quit LGR, so I need it to continue my rook class.

Will Singleton
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Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Jim Ablett » 12 Jan 2005, 08:22

Hello Will,

I've uploaded it on my temporarily.
You can download it here > ...

you need the latest cygwin.dll with this - v. 1005.12.0.0

Jim Ablett
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Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Jim Ablett » 12 Jan 2005, 11:12

You can get the correct cygwin1.dll from the 'User Files' download section of a popular free chess gui used by gladiators which I'm not going to mention or link to , ahem.

Jim Ablett
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Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Fabien Letouzey » 13 Jan 2005, 09:37

Hi Jim,

The version you mention does not seem to be the PolyGlot X I talked about. Launch PolyGlot in a console to see the version number. The PolyGlot X I am talking in this thread is "PolyGlot X 12/XX".

Only Leo and Dann seem to know which is which, you can ask Leo on the WBEC forum.

There is yet another version in preparation. I hope that Dann is going to post the URL when it is ready.


Fabien Letouzey
Posts: 110
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Location: France

Re: New PolyGlot X

Postby Jim Ablett » 13 Jan 2005, 11:26

Hello Fabien,

Thanks for that. I just checked on the datestamp and it said the file was created on the 10th Jan 05, so I assumed it was the latest.

I had another search through Dann's FTP found it this time.

Here it is (version 12.11)
packaged up with the cygwin1.dll for anybody having
trouble locating it . ...

Jim Ablett
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