Therefore the new Terra 3.3 is in fact beta version 12 patched to 3.3.
That version is from mid of May-04. The latest code I have saved is from the beginning of 2004. In my own personal view the elo jump between these two versions is about 100 points. That's why I don't wnat to get back to that old code. I also have much fresher code without this uci problem but with a lot of changes inserted for self tuning experiments.
Now, finishing the development with a bug like this isn't fun at all

Bug reports keeps coming in and I just can't sit here looking! (It's not a real bug really, the UCI2 protocol wasn't invented back then)
So I started to look through the code doing all the tedious testing/tuning in order to find out what changes was made at that time.
No promises but if I manage to do it, there will another "final" version.
The bad news is that Alaric have to wait.
If someone want's to try out the current Alaric, be my guest but don't expect any strength from it - I'm just interested in bug reports!