we discussed adding a Blitz rating list to CEGT but could not really come to an agreement.
Considering that we have a lot of engines in that are supporting only Winboard time controls I proposed something like 40/4 repeated, but other testers would prefer 5+0 or even 6+4 or more, what in my opinion then would not be comparable to our usual time scheme (40/40 adapted).
So my question to authors and other testers would be:
1. Should we add such a rating list in the future or is Uri the only one interested in this? Of course such Blitz games would be run on only two or three computers in order of not reducing the amount of games with our usual time control 40/40 repeated too much.
2. Are there any new/additional testers willing to help us with a bigger Blitz rating list here?
3. Are there engines in the CEGT list not supporting increment?
4. What other advantages/disadvantages do you see for time controls x in y repeated, x+y and x+0?
5. What really is considered a Blitz game when we adapt to 2 Ghz? Is for example 40/8 repeated still Blitz or rapid (active) chess?
6. Would it be preferable to have games for many engines with faster Blitz 40/4 or to test only 20 or 30 engines with longer Blitz time control?
Advice as always is welcome and maybe would help us to come to an agreement.
Best Regards