Naum 1.6 beta

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Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Naum » 13 Jan 2005, 02:43


I am in the process of testing the Naum 1.6
Most of the stuff I wanted to put in it is done.
Since I don't like the way Naum 1.5 is playing, I would like to invite anyone who plans to start a new tournament or allows updates for the current tournamens, to email me if he wants a new Naum 1.6 beta. I will release full 1.6 in a 2-3 weeks.
Early results are promissing, but the main thing I want to achieve is to make Naum play more consistently. It is losing to the weaker engines too often for my taste.
This is most likely caused by too many experimental algorithms I have in it right now. I removed some of them and streamlined the code.
New version is better in tactics, so it should blunder less.

You can send me an email to '', but please do it only if you can't wait 2-3 weeks (for current or starting soon tournaments).

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Re: Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Olivier Deville » 13 Jan 2005, 06:32

Hi Alex

I just tried to send you an email, but it bounced back.

I allow updates in my tourney, so feel free to send me the beta version of Naum if you wish :) -

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Re: Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Naum » 13 Jan 2005, 16:10

Great. I will send you beta tonight.
Email address is correct. I don't know why it bounced.

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Re: Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Heinz van Kempen » 13 Jan 2005, 16:32

Hi Alex :) ,

besides AEGT 3 tournaments we are also engaged in test tournaments with longer time control for AEGT 4 already. So if you want more games please send the beta to or just allow Olivier to send it to me.

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Heinz van Kempen
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Re: Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Norm Pollock » 14 Jan 2005, 00:05

What about Naum's time management in fischer incremental time? It (v1.5) seems to drag its feet when time is running out. I had one game that was a sure draw but Naum lost on time. It doesn't go into fast mode.
Norm Pollock
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Re: Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Naum » 14 Jan 2005, 03:44


I sent the beta to everyone interested. Thanks for your emails.

I am not aware of the bad fischer clock time management, but it's possible since I never test with fischer time controls.
It would help if you have the pgn (the one with eval and think time). I will try to run some games when I get more free time, but for now, I am going to visualy inspect the code just to see if something obvious can cause that problem.

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Naum 1.6 beta

Postby Normand » 14 Jan 2005, 14:55

Hello ,
update are possible during my own tournaments ( Scc ed5 and Olympiades 2004).
If you want you can send your new version to me , for one tournament or for all , as you want !
my mail is :


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