Back from the underworld...
Posted: 10 Feb 2005, 14:06
Hi all,
RWBC is updated again after an unvoluntarily break, in which
I had some fights against a very nasty and still unknown worm/trojan.
After I had tried really everything possible to get ridd off it, I finally
had to completely reinstall everything on my internet machine.
This trojan/worm created sometimes files in my winnt/system32
folder and tried to start/unzip them via the task scheduler, but my
firewall always informed me about this and I prohibited it.
Yet I could not find the trojan/worm infection itself, as none of all
programs I used for scanning(also in secure mode of course) could
find any infection nor a malicious entry in my registry.
BTW I have also no idea how it came that I got that infection,
despite firewall and anti virus progs...
Well, all is fine again now and after 2 days of installations and tunings
my machine looks as before, or even better
May be I broadcast again tonight from round 6 Class C running...
RWBC is updated again after an unvoluntarily break, in which
I had some fights against a very nasty and still unknown worm/trojan.
After I had tried really everything possible to get ridd off it, I finally
had to completely reinstall everything on my internet machine.
This trojan/worm created sometimes files in my winnt/system32
folder and tried to start/unzip them via the task scheduler, but my
firewall always informed me about this and I prohibited it.
Yet I could not find the trojan/worm infection itself, as none of all
programs I used for scanning(also in secure mode of course) could
find any infection nor a malicious entry in my registry.
BTW I have also no idea how it came that I got that infection,
despite firewall and anti virus progs...
Well, all is fine again now and after 2 days of installations and tunings
my machine looks as before, or even better
May be I broadcast again tonight from round 6 Class C running...