Skaki bugfix/update
Posted: 01 Apr 2005, 18:36
Engine : Skaki 1.20
Authors: G.Lazarou / C.Phillippou
1. Fixed old "39th move timeout" bug from v1.19c (hopefully!).
(Thanks to Claude Dubois for help with info/testing/debug.)
2. Re-activated some eval functions in source code
and made some other modifications.
3. Disabled built-in random feature of eval which caused
Skaki to make some poor choices of move.
4. Increased hashtable size from 2mb to 16mb.
5. Resign function added.
(Four times below threshold (-16000) will cause Skaki to resign)
6. Pondering turned off by default.
7. Removed pop-up messages annoyance.
8. New bigger, better opening book.
9. Now using Winboard version 2 protocol.
10. Compiled fast Intel "all Cpu" and "SSE Cpu" versions.
11. New logo.
Available from my homepage.