Interesting FENs from ClassA,generated by a new tool(LONG!)

Excerpt from a report generated by a new tool from
Thomas McBurney (not released yet)
A little explanation how to read the report:
White moved Kb1 with s[img]core 0.13 depth 10 and lost -2.94 of his score
in the next 3 moves made by him.
The corresponding FEN gives the position before 31.Kb1 was made.
[diag]3rk3/4n1p1/p2p1qP1/1p2p3/4Bp2/2PQ1Pb1/PPK3R1/3R2Br w[/diag]
You can see in the header the settings for the report:
'move range 3' = compare score to score in 3 moves(for each side)
(BTW 'cross comparing' is also possible to find positions when both
opponents disagree a lot e.g. Moreover it will contain a wonderful
graph function to show the course of the game at one glance!)
'score >= 200' = give only results(FENs) when the difference is >=2.00

Thomas McBurney (not released yet)
A little explanation how to read the report:
- Code: Select all
31. Kb1 10 0,13 -2,94
White moved Kb1 with s[img]core 0.13 depth 10 and lost -2.94 of his score
in the next 3 moves made by him.
The corresponding FEN gives the position before 31.Kb1 was made.
[diag]3rk3/4n1p1/p2p1qP1/1p2p3/4Bp2/2PQ1Pb1/PPK3R1/3R2Br w[/diag]
You can see in the header the settings for the report:
'move range 3' = compare score to score in 3 moves(for each side)
(BTW 'cross comparing' is also possible to find positions when both
opponents disagree a lot e.g. Moreover it will contain a wonderful
graph function to show the course of the game at one glance!)
'score >= 200' = give only results(FENs) when the difference is >=2.00

- Code: Select all
Date: 10-10-2004 Move range: 3 Score >= 200
Move Depth Score Variation FEN
[Game "1"]
[White "WILDCAT 4"]
[Black "PRODEO_10 W7 "]
[Result "0-1"]
31. Kb1 10 0,13 -2,94 3rk3/4n1p1/p2p1qP1/1p2p3/4Bp2/2PQ1Pb1/PPK3R1/3R2Br w
50. ... Ne5 12 3,35 -2,37 8/6p1/6nk/8/1P2pp2/K1P2p2/5Q2/7r b
56. ... Kg5 12 0,42 2,27 8/7Q/6p1/7k/KP2pp2/2Pn1p2/8/1r6 b
[Game "4"]
[White "DELFI 4.5"]
[Black "TERRA 3.3B11"]
[Result "1-0"]
47. ... Kf8 14 -0,47 -2,65 7r/1br2pk1/1pp1pN1b/1q1nP3/p2P2Q1/P4N2/BP2R1P1/4R1K1 b
[Game "8"]
[White "GROMIT_382 GROMIT.CUI "]
[Black "AMYAN 1.594"]
[Result "1-0"]
25. dxc5 10 -0,04 2,32 r6k/1bq2pp1/p2b3p/2p5/3P4/P2B1N2/4QPPP/4R1K1 w
[Game "9"]
[White "LEILA_053H"]
[Black "ABROK 5.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
59. ... a4 10 1,32 2,58 5r1k/q5p1/4R2p/pK1Q3P/2P5/8/6P1/8 b
60. c5 11 -0,20 -2,11 5r1k/q5p1/4R2p/1K1Q3P/p1P5/8/6P1/8 w
[Game "15"]
[White "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Result "0-1"]
34. ... Kxb6 10 0,27 4,63 2r1r3/1k3Rp1/1Ppq2p1/p2n4/1pBPp1PP/PP4P1/3Q4/2K1R3 b
35. axb4 11 0,76 -6,87 2r1r3/5Rp1/1kpq2p1/p2n4/1pBPp1PP/PP4P1/3Q4/2K1R3 w
[Game "16"]
[White "PATRIOT 1.3.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
25. ... Rg6 13 1,18 6,60 5rk1/2pn2pp/1p2pr2/pP2p2q/2P5/P2P1PBP/3QP1K1/3R2R1 b
26. Kh2 12 -0,38 -6,67 5rk1/2pn2pp/1p2p1r1/pP2p2q/2P5/P2P1PBP/3QP1K1/3R2R1 w
[Game "20"]
[White "FRANCESCAMAD_009"]
[Black "KTULU_51"]
[Result "0-1"]
29. g3 11 -0,46 -2,57 8/5p1k/1R4pp/2n5/2P1r3/2b2N1P/r4PP1/3B1K1R w
29. ... Ba5 17 1,06 4,08 8/5p1k/1R4pp/2n5/2P1r3/2b2NPP/r4P2/3B1K1R b
[Game "24"]
[White "WILDCAT 4"]
[Black "YACE 0.99.87"]
[Result "1-0"]
22. ... Qxd4 11 -0,02 -6,80 6k1/p4ppp/1p2p3/2q5/2PR4/1P4P1/P1Q2P1P/6K1 b
[Game "25"]
[White "TAO_56"]
[Black "PHARAON 3.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
37. ... Red8 11 2,01 3,58 4r3/3r1pk1/Pp5p/1Pp3p1/6P1/8/Q5KP/8 b
38. Kf3 10 -0,73 -4,90 3r4/3r1pk1/Pp5p/1Pp3p1/6P1/8/Q5KP/8 w
[Game "38"]
[White "MOVEI_008251S XBOARD "]
[Result "0-1"]
50. ... e4 11 1,16 2,18 8/p1r1q1k1/3p1p2/3Ppp2/RPr2P1P/6P1/2n2QB1/1R5K b
51. Bf1 10 -0,83 -2,82 8/p1r1q1k1/3p1p2/3P1p2/RPr1pP1P/6P1/2n2QB1/1R5K w
[Game "40"]
[White "LEILA_053H"]
[Black "KING OF KINGS 2.56"]
[Result "1-0"]
73. ... Bc1 17 -0,59 -2,51 8/8/2k5/4p1p1/1BP1P2p/1K2b2P/6P1/8 b
[Game "46"]
[White "SLOWCHESS 2.94"]
[Black "COMET B.68"]
[Result "1-0"]
75. Kb6 15 1,91 2,53 r7/P3r3/R1K2p1k/5Pp1/7p/R6P/8/8 w
75. ... Kh5 11 -0,78 -2,83 r7/P3r3/RK3p1k/5Pp1/7p/R6P/8/8 b
78. ... Rg8 12 -3,61 -2,09 r4r2/PK6/5p2/5Ppk/2R4p/R6P/8/8 b
[Game "51"]
[White "AMY 0.8.7"]
[Black "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Result "0-1"]
42. Ne5 14 -0,62 -2,13 8/8/pb6/7p/PP3pkP/2B2N2/4K1b1/8 w
[Game "52"]
[White "PHARAON 3.00"]
[Black "RUFFIAN 2.1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
61. ... g4 13 1,04 4,00 5k2/4r3/pp1p4/3Pq1pp/1QP1P3/4Rp1P/P4P2/7K b
62. Re1 11 -0,22 -3,15 5k2/4r3/pp1p4/3Pq2p/1QP1P1p1/4Rp1P/P4P2/7K w
[Game "61"]
[White "NEJMET_3.07"]
[Black "GOTHMOG 1.0 BETA 10"]
[Result "0-1"]
15. ... c5 13 0,31 2,25 r2q1rk1/1b1n2pp/p1pbp3/5p2/Pp1P4/3BPN2/1PQB1PPP/R4RK1 b
16. Qb3 10 -0,04 -2,23 r2q1rk1/1b1n2pp/p2bp3/2p2p2/Pp1P4/3BPN2/1PQB1PPP/R4RK1 w
[Game "62"]
[White "COMET B.68"]
[Black "LEILA_053H"]
[Result "1-0"]
46. ... Rf8 12 -1,07 -7,00 3r2k1/6p1/2p1P1Rp/2N2PbP/2P5/3p4/P7/3K4 b
47. Ne4 12 2,36 5,66 5rk1/6p1/2p1P1Rp/2N2PbP/2P5/3p4/P7/3K4 w
[Game "68"]
[White "FRANCESCAMAD_009"]
[Black "CRAFTY-19.17"]
[Result "0-1"]
60. ... Kb5 12 -0,95 -2,85 2r5/8/1k2R3/7p/2pR4/6PP/7r/4K3 b
[Game "69"]
[White "GANDALF_432H XBOARD "]
[Black "WILDCAT 4"]
[Result "0-1"]
36. ... g6 15 -0,14 2,41 8/p4ppp/4k3/3pP3/1p1K1PP1/1P6/P6P/8 b
39. ... gxf5 19 2,27 2,88 8/p4p2/4k1p1/3pPP1p/1p1K2PP/1P6/P7/8 b
41. exf6 14 -0,80 -9,34 8/p7/4kp2/3pPp1P/1p1K3P/1P6/P7/8 w
[Game "71"]
[White "THEKING_323SKR BOOK "]
[Black "WBNIMZO2000B"]
[Result "1-0"]
21. ... b6 11 0,44 -2,98 r1q2k1r/1p2b1pp/2P2p2/pB2pb2/1P1p4/P4QB1/5PPP/2R2RK1 b
22. c7 10 0,54 2,41 r1q2k1r/4b1pp/1pP2p2/pB2pb2/1P1p4/P4QB1/5PPP/2R2RK1 w
[Game "72"]
[White "LIST_512 BOOK "]
[Black "RUFFIAN 2.1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
62. ... Bf4 11 0,11 4,27 1r2q3/QPr3pk/3p1p2/3Pb3/3pP1Pp/7P/1R6/1R2B1K1 b
63. Bxh4 12 0,15 -4,25 1r2q3/QPr3pk/3p1p2/3P4/3pPbPp/7P/1R6/1R2B1K1 w
[Game "79"]
[White "TERRA 3.3B11"]
[Black "YACE 0.99.87"]
[Result "0-1"]
19. ... cxd4 10 0,16 2,66 2kr1b2/ppq3p1/b3pn1r/2ppN1Q1/2PB1P2/1P4Pp/P2P3P/RN1BR1K1 b
[Game "80"]
[Result "1-0"]
24. Rh3 11 1,00 2,35 2rr1nk1/pp3ppp/1q1Bp3/3bP3/6Q1/P2BR3/1PP3PP/2KR4 w
[Game "81"]
[White "KING OF KINGS 2.56"]
[Black "GROMIT_382 GROMIT.CUI "]
[Result "1-0"]
38. ... Bc8 13 -0,70 -2,41 8/1b4R1/7p/p2pBp1k/2pP4/2P2P2/1rP3PK/8 b
39. Rc7 12 0,93 3,43 2b5/6R1/7p/p2pBp1k/2pP4/2P2P2/1rP3PK/8 w
[Game "82"]
[Black "ZAPPA"]
[Result "0-1"]
44. Kf3 16 -0,26 -2,03 8/1p6/3p2k1/p2P4/PrP5/1P1n2P1/3Nn1KP/1R6 w
[Game "99"]
[White "WILDCAT 4"]
[Black "SLOWCHESS 2.94"]
[Result "1-0"]
22. ... Qf7 12 -1,00 -2,36 r1bk4/pp2p1rp/1np2q1B/3p1P1Q/3N4/2P4P/PP4P1/2K2RR1 b
[Game "106"]
[White "SOS_4"]
[Black "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Result "1-0"]
57. Kc3 15 1,27 2,08 8/1Q2P3/4q1pk/P4b1p/5p2/1P6/2KN1P2/8 w
57. ... Qe2 11 -0,31 -2,53 8/1Q2P3/4q1pk/P4b1p/5p2/1PK5/3N1P2/8 b
[Game "107"]
[White "LAMBCHOP_1099 -HASH 128 "]
[Result "0-1"]
64. ... Qd5 12 -0,08 4,35 8/1q2r1kp/3b2p1/7P/Q2Pp3/2R3P1/2B1P1K1/8 b
66. Qa6 11 0,35 -7,96 8/4r1kp/3b2p1/7q/Q2Pp3/1BR3P1/4P1K1/8 w
[Game "108"]
[White "GOTHMOG 1.0 BETA 10"]
[Black "PATRIOT 1.3.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
53. ... Nxg2 14 2,55 2,28 8/8/4p3/8/p1k4K/P1r1nN2/R5P1/8 b
57. Kh5 14 -0,79 -8,68 8/8/4p3/8/p3R2K/k4r2/8/8 w
[Game "110"]
[White "TAO_56"]
[Black "TERRA 3.3B11"]
[Result "0-1"]
30. ... Nb6 12 2,12 2,91 6k1/p2n1p2/3P1n1p/2pP4/2B2Pp1/P5P1/1Q1B2KP/r2r4 b
32. d7 11 0,24 -2,94 6k1/p4p2/1n1P1n1p/3P4/2p2Pp1/P2B2P1/1Q1B2KP/r2r4 w
[Game "114"]
[White "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Black "THEKING_323SKR BOOK "]
[Result "0-1"]
18. ... Bb7 10 0,80 2,00 r4rk1/5pbp/bq1p1p2/4p3/4P3/N7/PP1Q1PPP/2RK1B1R b
20. Bd3 11 0,38 -2,97 r4rk1/qb3pbp/3p1p2/4p3/2N1P3/8/PP1Q1PPP/2RK1B1R w
[Game "115"]
[White "SMARTHINK_017A"]
[Black "DEEP SJENG 1.6"]
[Result "0-1"]
14. ... Nb8 11 -0,33 2,16 r3r1k1/pp3pbp/nq3np1/2pPBb2/2Q5/1PN2N2/P3BPPP/R4RK1 b
[Game "119"]
[White "REBEL_1201B9 W7 BETA9.ENG "]
[Result "1-0"]
26. ... Bf8 14 0,27 -2,43 r6k/3b1r1p/p1p1p2Q/2b1p2B/4p2P/6R1/6PK/8 b
27. Qg5 16 0,59 2,10 r4b1k/3b1r1p/p1p1p2Q/4p2B/4p2P/6R1/6PK/8 w
[Game "120"]
[White "SLOWCHESS 2.94"]
[Black "DELFI 4.5"]
[Result "0-1"]
37. ... Rxe1 12 0,00 2,03 4r1k1/2b2ppp/8/p4q1P/3B2n1/PPNR2PQ/5PK1/4R3 b
39. Rd3 9 -0,20 -5,04 6k1/2b2ppp/4q3/p6P/3B2n1/PPN3PQ/3R1PK1/4r3 w
[Game "123"]
[Black "PHARAON 3.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
45. ... Rbf8 11 0,39 2,13 1r5k/pq6/5r1p/4ppn1/N6Q/2P3P1/PPR4P/5RK1 b
46. Rcf2 12 -0,22 -3,38 5r1k/pq6/5r1p/4ppn1/N6Q/2P3P1/PPR4P/5RK1 w
[Game "126"]
[White "GANDALF_432H XBOARD "]
[Black "KING OF KINGS 2.56"]
[Result "1-0"]
39. ... Ke7 16 -0,80 -10,39 5k2/5p1p/6p1/8/2P5/6P1/5P1P/5K2 b
[Game "129"]
[Black "ABROK 5.0"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
68. ... g3 11 1,12 3,24 8/r7/3r1b2/p1Rp4/R2Pk1p1/4N3/5PK1/8 b
[Game "137"]
[White "KTULU_51"]
[Black "LAMBCHOP_1099 -HASH 128 "]
[Result "1-0"]
49. ... Re1 11 -0,45 -3,29 6k1/5rp1/Rbq1p2p/4Bp1P/2B1n3/1P3Q2/2R2PPK/5r2 b
[Game "142"]
[White "CRAFTY-19.17"]
[Black "REBEL_1201B9 W7 BETA9.ENG "]
[Result "0-1"]
18. ... Qc7 11 0,68 2,82 rq4k1/1b4pp/p2bpr2/4n3/NppNP3/8/PPB1QPPP/R2R2K1 b
19. Qh5 10 -0,86 -2,19 r5k1/1bq3pp/p2bpr2/4n3/NppNP3/8/PPB1QPPP/R2R2K1 w
[Game "146"]
[White "TAO_56"]
[Result "1-0"]
27. Bc2 10 0,42 2,44 r1q1rnk1/1b3p1p/3P1B2/p5P1/Ppp2K2/1B3P2/1P6/R2Q3R w
27. ... Ng6 10 -0,06 -2,82 r1q1rnk1/1b3p1p/3P1B2/p5P1/Ppp2K2/5P2/1PB5/R2Q3R b
[Game "148"]
[White "GROMIT_382 GROMIT.CUI "]
[Black "GANDALF_432H XBOARD "]
[Result "1-0"]
36. ... Qd7 9 -0,80 -3,56 2rq2k1/2N2p1p/1Q4p1/3p4/1P2n3/P3P3/2R2PP1/6K1 b
[Game "149"]
[Black "SLOWCHESS 2.94"]
[Result "1-0"]
37. ... Bxf4 11 -0,96 -2,20 r3n1k1/7p/2bb2pB/q2p4/p1p2NP1/P1P2P2/1PBQ4/2K4R b
38. Qxf4 13 1,31 2,45 r3n1k1/7p/2b3pB/q2p4/p1p2bP1/P1P2P2/1PBQ4/2K4R w
[Game "154"]
[White "AMYAN 1.594"]
[Black "ZAPPA"]
[Result "0-1"]
22. ... Bg7 10 -0,73 2,01 3rrbk1/5p1p/pq4p1/1p2P3/2p1RB1Q/2P5/PP3PPP/5RK1 b
[Game "156"]
[White "LEILA_053H"]
[Black "TERRA 3.3B11"]
[Result "1-0"]
181. Qd5 15 0,59 2,11 8/1q6/7k/7p/3QKPpP/6P1/8/8 w
[Game "157"]
[White "THEKING_323SKR BOOK "]
[Black "LIST_512 BOOK "]
[Result "1-0"]
39. ... Rf7 12 -1,07 -2,36 2n4k/p1p1r3/1rBb2p1/RP2p3/4NpPq/2PP3p/1BP1QP1P/5K2 b
[Game "160"]
[Black "LAMBCHOP_1099 -HASH 128 "]
[Result "1-0"]
40. ... Rb2 11 -0,81 -2,60 4R3/p4pk1/1p1P3p/6n1/6P1/1P6/5K1P/1r3N2 b
[Game "176"]
[White "KING OF KINGS 2.56"]
[Black "AMYAN 1.594"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
126. ... Kd4 11 2,06 -2,06 8/8/6p1/8/4q1p1/4k3/8/2Q3K1 b
[Game "177"]
[White "MOVEI_008251S XBOARD "]
[Black "ABROK 5.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
15. ... Bxd4 11 0,12 -2,08 rn3rk1/pp3pb1/2pqp3/5pB1/2BP1n2/2N5/PP3PPP/2RQR1K1 b
[Game "179"]
[White "THEKING_323SKR BOOK "]
[Black "TAO_56"]
[Result "0-1"]
37. Rxh7 9 -0,92 -4,30 5rk1/R1R4p/3p1q2/2nP1p2/r7/1pp1NN1P/1n2QPP1/5K2 w
[Game "182"]
[White "REBEL_1201B9 W7 BETA9.ENG "]
[Black "KTULU_51"]
[Result "1-0"]
75. ... Re1 20 -1,09 -6,01 8/8/4rk2/K7/1PN4P/1P6/8/8 b
[Game "184"]
[White "DEEP SJENG 1.6"]
[Black "PHARAON 2.62"]
[Result "0-1"]
43. ... Bf4 11 0,72 2,06 2r2r2/7k/p4ppb/1pnqp2p/7Q/2P2N1P/PP2RPP1/R4N1K b
44. Ng3 11 -0,65 -3,06 2r2r2/7k/p4pp1/1pnqp2p/5b1Q/2P2N1P/PP2RPP1/R4N1K w
[Game "185"]
[White "SMARTHINK_017A"]
[Black "WBNIMZO2000B"]
[Result "0-1"]
32. ... Kc8 10 -0,18 3,78 8/p1kb1p2/8/3PP3/1P6/p3N1rr/P2KR2p/7R b
33. b5 12 0,00 -5,42 2k5/p2b1p2/8/3PP3/1P6/p3N1rr/P2KR2p/7R w
[Game "188"]
[White "LIST_512 BOOK "]
[Black "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Result "1-0"]
35. ... Re7 13 0,57 -2,82 8/2q2r1k/R2pP1p1/2p4p/1pNp3P/3P4/2P1QPb1/6K1 b
36. Rxd6 14 0,82 2,54 8/2q1r2k/R2pP1p1/2p4p/1pNp3P/3P4/2P1QPb1/6K1 w
[Game "192"]
[White "GROMIT_382 GROMIT.CUI "]
[Black "FRANCESCAMAD_009"]
[Result "1-0"]
51. f4 11 0,38 2,84 8/7k/R4Kp1/P1b5/6P1/5P2/8/7r w
51. ... Rg1 13 1,58 -3,17 8/7k/R4Kp1/P1b5/5PP1/8/8/7r b
[Game "196"]
[White "THE BARON 1.4.1 BETA 1"]
[Result "0-1"]
34. Bb2 11 0,54 -3,36 r5k1/3q1ppp/3b4/2pPn3/4P3/B5QP/3N2N1/1B5K w
[Game "201"]
[White "ZAPPA"]
[Black "KING OF KINGS 2.56"]
[Result "0-1"]
54. ... Nc4 16 0,83 2,09 8/8/6p1/1k2n2p/p6P/2K1B3/6P1/8 b
[Game "206"]
[White "TERRA 3.3B11"]
[Black "GANDALF_432H XBOARD "]
[Result "0-1"]
13. ... Nxe4 10 0,20 2,69 3q1rk1/Np1bbppp/3ppn2/n7/4P3/1BP1B3/P1P1QPPP/2KR3R b
15. f3 12 -0,15 -2,67 3q1rk1/Np1bbppp/4p3/n2p4/4n3/1BP1B3/PKP1QPPP/3R3R w
[Game "208"]
[White "SOS_4"]
[Black "DEEP SJENG 1.6"]
[Result "1-0"]
27. ... h5 11 -0,83 -3,69 2r1q2k/bpp4n/p6p/4P3/3P2QN/7P/PP3PP1/2R3K1 b
[Game "209"]
[White "RUFFIAN 2.1.0"]
[Black "REBEL_1201B9 W7 BETA9.ENG "]
[Result "1-0"]
54. ... Kf4 12 0,05 -2,24 8/8/P7/2N1Rpp1/2K1p1k1/8/r7/8 b
[Game "226"]
[White "NEJMET_3.07"]
[Black "GANDALF_432H XBOARD "]
[Result "0-1"]
41. Nc3 12 0,62 -2,02 5r2/5k2/2PP3p/p3p3/p2bN3/P4pPb/1P3P1P/4R1K1 w
[Game "228"]
[White "KTULU 5.1"]
[Black "WBNIMZO2000B"]
[Result "1-0"]
55. Qg8 14 0,28 2,02 5k2/8/7p/1p1B1p1P/3n1P1K/r3r2P/4P3/6Q1 w
55. ... Ke7 5 1,19 -3,13 5kQ1/8/7p/1p1B1p1P/3n1P1K/r3r2P/4P3/8 b
[Game "234"]
[White "DEEP SJENG 1.6"]
[Black "RUFFIAN 2.1.0"]
[Result "0-1"]
120. ... d5 19 0,63 2,40 8/2K1k3/3p4/4p1p1/4P1B1/b7/8/8 b
122. Kc6 20 -0,92 -2,60 8/2K1k3/8/3P2p1/4p1B1/b7/8/8 w
[Game "235"]
[White "AMY 0.8.7"]
[Black "SMARTHINK_017A"]
[Result "0-1"]
16. ... Re6 11 0,16 3,32 r1b1r1k1/pp3npp/1bpp4/5p2/2P4q/1PN1P3/PB1QBPPP/3R1RK1 b
19. Qc3 10 -0,19 -3,12 r1b3k1/pp4pp/1bpp3r/5pn1/N1P4q/1P2P2P/PB1QBPP1/3R1RK1 w
[Game "243"]
[White "GANDALF_432H XBOARD "]
[Black "LEILA_053H"]
[Result "1-0"]
29. ... a5 12 0,47 -2,45 1rb1kb1Q/5q2/p3pBp1/3pP3/3N4/1P6/5P1P/1K4R1 b
[Game "250"]
[White "COMET B.68"]
[Black "SOS_4"]
[Result "0-1"]
38. Kh3 9 -0,97 -2,49 2q2rk1/5r1p/1pBp4/pP1Pp1b1/P1N3P1/5nP1/4Q1K1/R4R2 w
38. ... Nd4 14 2,10 2,22 2q2rk1/5r1p/1pBp4/pP1Pp1b1/P1N3P1/5nPK/4Q3/R4R2 b
[Game "255"]
[White "ANMON 5.40"]
[Black "SOS_4"]
[Result "0-1"]
72. ... Rxh5 18 0,95 2,14 5b2/5k2/5P1p/2pK3P/2P1N3/7r/1R6/8 b
73. Kc6 12 0,00 -2,76 5b2/5k2/5P1p/2pK3r/2P1N3/8/1R6/8 w
[Game "257"]
[White "DEEP SJENG 1.6"]
[Black "PATRIOT 1.3.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
52. Kf4 13 0,81 9,84 4rk2/1p6/p7/5PP1/2n1N2P/bP4K1/8/3R4 w
[Game "259"]
[White "PHARAON 3.00"]
[Result "0-1"]
19. ... Bb6 10 0,69 2,03 1rqbr1k1/5ppp/p2p1n2/1P1Pn3/3QpB2/1N6/1PPRBPPP/4R1K1 b
20. Qa4 11 -0,26 -327,32 1rq1r1k1/5ppp/pb1p1n2/1P1Pn3/3QpB2/1N6/1PPRBPPP/4R1K1 w
[Game "264"]
[White "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Result "1-0"]
53. ... Re8 13 0,51 -3,52 1r1r2k1/2R5/4p1q1/p2p3n/3B1P2/PP3Qp1/2R5/2K5 b
[Game "266"]
[White "COMET B.68"]
[Black "AMYAN 1.594"]
[Result "0-1"]
28. h3 9 -0,22 -2,41 2rr3k/pp3pp1/4b2p/b3P3/q7/3B2B1/P3QPPP/1R1R2K1 w
[Game "286"]
[Black "WBNIMZO2000B"]
[Result "1-0"]
35. ... Kh8 12 0,73 -2,51 4rb2/1b4kp/1p1rBpp1/pP1p1P2/P1pP1P1N/1nN1P3/6RP/3R2K1 b
36. Kf2 13 0,38 2,28 4rb1k/1b5p/1p1rBpp1/pP1p1P2/P1pP1P1N/1nN1P3/6RP/3R2K1 w
[Game "293"]
[White "LEILA_053H"]
[Result "0-1"]
20. dxe6 11 0,32 -2,04 2kr1b2/pp1r1ppQ/1np1p2p/3P4/q1P3nP/P4NN1/1PRB1PP1/2K1R3 w
[Game "294"]
[White "LAMBCHOP_1099 -HASH 128 "]
[Black "TERRA 3.3B11"]
[Result "1-0"]
21. ... Qd8 12 -0,92 -2,04 2b2rk1/5p1p/n4q2/1QpB1p2/8/5N2/1PP2PPP/2K1R3 b
[Game "299"]
[White "MOVEI_008251S XBOARD "]
[Black "COMET B.68"]
[Result "0-1"]
21. Rxe8 10 0,60 -2,70 2q1r1k1/p4ppp/bp6/3P4/1bP2Pn1/1P4P1/P1QN3P/R3R1K1 w
22. ... Bc8 10 0,85 2,39 4q1k1/p4ppp/bp6/3P4/1bP2Pn1/1P3NP1/P1Q4P/R5K1 b
[Game "306"]
[White "PRODEO_10 W7 REBEL.ENG"]
[Black "REBEL_1201B9 W7 BETA9.ENG "]
[Result "0-1"]
70. Ke1 14 -0,37 -5,19 8/8/8/3N4/8/5k1P/7r/5K2 w
70. ... Ke4 13 0,44 5,49 8/8/8/3N4/8/5k1P/7r/4K3 b
[Game "308"]
[White "PHARAON 3.00"]
[Black "SOS_4"]
[Result "0-1"]
61. b6 20 -0,21 -2,52 8/8/8/1P4k1/K4p1p/5P1P/6P1/5b2 w
61. ... Ba6 23 1,50 3,86 8/8/1P6/6k1/K4p1p/5P1P/6P1/5b2 b
[Game "311"]
[White "LIST_512 BOOK "]
[Black "DEEP SJENG 1.6"]
[Result "1-0"]
67. ... Kh8 12 -0,96 -2,39 1q4k1/2r2pb1/2B4p/P3p3/1p2Q3/1P4P1/3R2KP/8 b
[Game "314"]
[White "PATRIOT 1.3.0"]
[Black "KTULU_51"]
[Result "*"]
71. Kc3 15 0,20 2,37 8/r7/PR6/5p1p/4k2P/8/1K6/8 w
[Game "321"]
[White "KING OF KINGS 2.56"]
[Black "YACE 0.99.87"]
[Result "0-1"]
38. ... d3 13 1,05 2,12 3r3k/6b1/7p/1pN5/1Pnp1B2/5P1P/6P1/3N2K1 b
39. Kf2 11 -0,64 -2,96 3r3k/6b1/7p/1pN5/1Pn2B2/3p1P1P/6P1/3N2K1 w
[Game "329"]
[White "ABROK 5.0"]
[Result "1-0"]
21. ... Bh4 14 0,56 2,81 3rr1k1/Q2nbppp/1p6/7b/3P1Pq1/2N1P3/PP4B1/R1B2RK1 b
22. Qa4 12 0,58 -2,14 3rr1k1/Q2n1ppp/1p6/7b/3P1Pqb/2N1P3/PP4B1/R1B2RK1 w
47. ... Ra1 13 0,85 -4,68 1r4k1/3q1p2/3P2p1/4B1Rp/rP3P2/4P3/1P1R2BK/8 b
48. Bc3 11 -0,26 2,00 1r4k1/3q1p2/3P2p1/4B1Rp/1P3P2/4P3/1P1R2BK/r7 w
60. ... Qg3 13 -2,44 2,44 3r4/1P1P2k1/2BR1p2/4q3/7p/2PRPK2/8/8 b
64. ... Qh3 15 0,00 -2,38 3r4/1P1P2k1/2BR1p2/8/7p/2PRP1q1/8/5K2 b
[Game "330"]
[White "REBEL_1201B9 W7 BETA9.ENG "]
[Black "SMARTHINK_017A"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Game "331"]
[White "GROMIT_382 GROMIT.CUI "]
[Result "0-1"]
36. ... Ra7 11 0,59 2,76 5bk1/1r3p2/2R3pp/1p1p4/p1nP2N1/3NP3/1P3PPP/6K1 b
38. Nxd5 10 -1,13 -5,13 5b2/r4pk1/2R2Npp/1p1p4/p1nP4/3NP3/1P3PPP/6K1 w
[Game "340"]
[White "RUFFIAN 2.1.0"]
[Black "WBNIMZO2000B"]
[Result "1-0"]
38. ... fxg2 9 0,71 -2,22 r3k1r1/q3b2p/p3N1p1/P1Pb4/2n1pBB1/5p2/6PP/[/img]1RQ2R1K b