Man vs Machine
Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 21:44
In the documentary Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine Kasparov was accusing the IBM Deep Blue team of cheating. He was especially suspicious about game 2 and, as I understand, the move 37. Be4. I thought that you might be interested to know that in the following position of the second game of 1997 match Kasparov vs Deep Blue
r1r1q1k1/6p1/3b1p1p/1p1PpP2/1Pp5/2P4P/R1B2QP1/R5K1 w - - 0 1
after a day of thinking Crafty 18.13.rj16 (a modified Crafty chess engine, my current Crafty version is 20.1.rj2) running on 1 CPU 2.6 GHz Windows XP machine has played 37. Be4, the same move Deep Blue played.
I guess that Deep Blue could have come to the depth of 24 plies much faster than Crafty running on the mentioned hardware (possibly within a time limit of one move in tournament time controls) and it looks after all that computers can play this kind of move.
I would be interested to know what would other chess engines do in this position. If you intend to run the test and post back the results could you please specify: chess engine, machine speed and OS, time of thinking, ply reached and move made. Thanks.
r1r1q1k1/6p1/3b1p1p/1p1PpP2/1Pp5/2P4P/R1B2QP1/R5K1 w - - 0 1
after a day of thinking Crafty 18.13.rj16 (a modified Crafty chess engine, my current Crafty version is 20.1.rj2) running on 1 CPU 2.6 GHz Windows XP machine has played 37. Be4, the same move Deep Blue played.
- Code: Select all
depth=24 1/37 +0.37 37. Be4 Rcb8 38. Kh2 Rxa2 39. Qxa2 Qd8 40. Qa6 Kh7 41. g3 Rb6 42. Qa7 Kg8 43. Qa8 Qxa8 44. Rxa8+ Kf7 45. Ra7+ Kf8 46. Kg1 Bb8 47. Rd7 Bd6 48. Kf2 Ra6 49. Ke3 h5; Time: 24:17:06.52
I guess that Deep Blue could have come to the depth of 24 plies much faster than Crafty running on the mentioned hardware (possibly within a time limit of one move in tournament time controls) and it looks after all that computers can play this kind of move.
I would be interested to know what would other chess engines do in this position. If you intend to run the test and post back the results could you please specify: chess engine, machine speed and OS, time of thinking, ply reached and move made. Thanks.