pug wrote:Hi Franz:
Sorry but I am a little "naird". When you say "Start GambitFruit"I suppose you are saying to start GambitFruit at Arena, but I am not sure in which option menu I must set the book name. There is a "Command line option" at Arena engine details. There is an Option tab where is imposible to write anything, and "Option"at the toolbar but I do not find here any alternative to set the book name.
Please your help
Hello Pablo,
ok, let?s begin:
Of course I meant starting it under Arena, because you wrote, that you have troubles with GambitFruit under Arena!
And with ?Options? I meant the UCI-options of the engine (i.e. of GambitFruit), which can be set in the engine?s configuration menu/window!
(Ok, ?Options? might be not the correct name under Arena, but I usually don?t run Arena in English ...)
So you?ll get this configuration window (or my ?options menu?

) either with <Ctrl-1>, or with right-clicking into the analysis window and selecting the first menu entry (?Configure ...?). Now you get a quite large number of UCI options, where you?ll see ?BookFile? at the 6th place - here you can enter the wanted filename of the book.