It's a tool that computes and scans Pgn files.
It can extract some funny Epd.
See help command.
More informations :
When you run pgnscanner, you mainly have to load any Pgn-file with :
load file.pgn
Afterwards you can launch de scanning command with :
scan (or "scan -log" to put in log.txt what you get on screen. You should use this option)
Then, the scan command will apply all parameters that are activated in the pgnscanner.ini file, for example :
ValDrop = 1,epd => means that ValDrop parameter is activated and that all matching positions will be stored in epdfound.epd
ValDrop = 1 => same but without storing positions
ValDrop = 0 => desactivated parameter, matching positions are ignored
Most of them have a limited occurence per game (generally 2)
Here are the details of the parameters :
ValDrop = 1,epd => position with a value between [-20, 150] which falls at least 300 after the next move. Moves evaluation must be valid and time must be > 0. The opponent's evaluation must be corroborating . There are also others requirements...
ValJump = 1,epd => very bad position (<= -300) which suddenly jump beyond 0 ("return from evil" in log.txt). There are also others requirements...
Diamond = 1,epd => pawn's pattern as for example b2-a3-c3-b4. Quite rare.
Pawn1x3 = 1,epd => pawn's pattern as for example b2-b3-b4.
Pawn1x4 = 1,epd => pawn's pattern as for example b2-b3-b4-b5. never found...
Pawn2x2 = 1,epd => pawn's pattern as for example b2-c2-b3-c3.
PawnStorm = 1,epd => at least 3 passed pawn storming beyond the half of board.
CrazyKing = 1,epd => king treading on dangerous ground
Unop = 1,epd => Unusual number of pieces, for example : 3 queens, 3 bishops...
DepthDrop = 1,epd => Sudden drop (>= 4 plies) of search depth according to an engine. There are also others requirements...
LowDepth = 1,epd => very low depth (<= 5 plies) reached by an engine. Time must be > 0. There are also others requirements...
Confusion = 1,epd => interesting positions where pieces are everywhere on board with a high degree of confusion
MatEvalBug = 1,epd => Bad mat sign as for example : 55.Ng3 {+M3} Ke8 {+M3}, and bad mat depth as for example : 55.Bg2 {+M4} Nh4 {-M3} 56.Ra8 {+M9}
Sacrifice = 0 //NOT YET IMPLEMENTED => detection of sacrifice
WinAfterDraw = 0 //NOT YET IMPLEMENTED => detection of a win after a long drawish position
SpecialEndGame = 0 //NOT YET IMPLEMENTED => EndGame like BBK/K, NB/K ...
verbose => show board and other boring messages.
Bye )